Universal JST
universal-jst: Pre-compiled JavaScript Templates (JST) with Node.js
Transform a set of HTML or template files into javascript functions ready to be used.
The following templates work:
- handlebars
- jquery-tmpl
- underscore
- dust
- mustache with hogan
- string ( useful for svg, or for templates to be compiled later on client side )
jst --template handlebars templates/ javascripts/templates.js
Edit your index.html, and add:
<script src="lib/handlebars.runtime-1.0.0.beta.6.js"></script>
<script src="javascripts/templates.js"></script>
In your javascript application, use the compiled templates this way:
var data = { title: "foobar" },
compiled_template = window.JST.sample_template( my_data );
$('body').html( compiled_template );
For more examples, look at the example folder.
npm install -g universal-jst
Or from sources
git clone https://github.com/wookiehangover/universal-jst.git universal-jst
cd universal-jst
npm install -g
CLI usage
universal-jst comes with a command line tool.
$ jst --template [template-engine] [path/to/templates] > [path/to/output]
$ jst --template [template_engine] [path/to/templates] [path/to/output]
Usage :
$ jst [--template format: string|underscore|_|jquery-tmpl|handlebars|hbs|dust|hogan|mustache|mu] [INPUT_DIR] [OUTPUT?]
--template -t format : string|underscore|_|jquery-tmpl|handlebars|hbs|dust|hogan|mustache|mu
--inputdir -i directory containings the templates to compile $PWD
--output -o output where templates will be compiled
--watch -w watch `inputdir` for change false
--namespace -ns object in the browser containing the templates window.JST
--include -I Glob patterns for templates files to include in `inputdir` **/*
--stdout -s Print the result in stdout instead of writing in a file false
--verbose -v Print logs for debug false
Node usage.
Universal-JST export a list of engines.
handlebars: [Function: build],
string: [Function: build],
_: [Function: build],
hbs: [Function: build],
'jquery-tmpl': [Function: build],
underscore: [Function: build],
dust: [Function: build],
mu: [Function: build],
mustache: [Function: build],
hogan: [Function: build]
Just choose your engine and use it:
var engines = require('universal-jst')
engines.hbs('./example/handlebars/templates/', function(err, data){
Be aware that the result data is an array. You can filter this array if
you want or just use the whole result by using data.join('\n')
JST Output
To start using the compiled templates, just include templates.js
. Keep
in mind that these are just your templates, so you'll also need your templates dependencies in there too.
creates a global object called window.JST
object includes a templates
object containing all of your
precompiled templates:
JST = {
The helper methods are meant to make using templates as easy as possible, so they are functions that take JSON data to be templated as the only argument.
The functions themselves look like this:
JST.<file_name> = function( data ){
return $.tmpl( JST.template.<file_name>, data );
And it's final usage would look something like this:
var data = { title: "foobar" },
compiled_template = window.JST.sample_template( my_data );
$('body').html( compiled_template );
Multiple Named Templates from a single file
Add as many sub-templates as you want to a single JST file by writing a c-style comment with the sub-template name.
<hi>Nothing to see here</h1>
/* foo */
<p>Check out this other awesome template<p>
This file will product 2 templates:
JST = {
multiple_templates: function(){ /* */},
multiple_templates_foo: function(){ /* */}
Templates in a subdirectory
If you specify a recursive glob pattern (by default) : **/*
, then
templates in subfolders will be compiled too.
JST = {
"sub/folder/template": function(){ /* */},
"sub/sub/folder/template": function(){ /* */}
The path separator is a /
, so to get the template, use the hook
Template engine options
Each template engine is different, and may be configured via options.
Partials are working. Look at this example helper
Partials are working. Each template is also a partial, i.e. Handlebars.partials == window.JST
--helpers /path/to/a/dir/containing/helpers
look at this example helper, template
, --interpolate
, --escape
are accepted. Those strings will be transformed into a new RegExp
This is a need-based project, so I only wrote it to account for my needs as of right now.
If you've got any suggestestions, opinions, optimizations or fixes, please fork and pull request to contribute.
Everything original is MIT, everything else honors whatever license it was written under.