Provides werful tools to work with prototypes
const Prototype = ; /* ------------ Tools ------------- */ // Executes handler on each obj prototype// Prototype.each( {obj:Object}, {handler:Function} ) // Goes through all object and its prototypes properties and replaces needed descriptors defined by name in propDescriptors// Prototype.setup( {obj:Object}, {defaultDescriptor:Object|undefined}, {propDescriptors:Object} ) => {Object} // Adds all prototypes to object// Prototype.add( {obj:Object}, {prototypes:Object|Array} ) => {Object} // Returns last non null prototype in obj ( using filter if defined )// Prototype.last( {obj:Object}, {filter:Function|undefined} ) => {Object} // Clones obj without prototypes defined in prototypes// Prototype.diff( {obj:Object}, {prototypes:Object|Array}, {setLastToNull:Boolean} ) => {Object|null} // Extends target with all object's properties and prototypes// Prototype.extend( {asProxy:Boolean|undefined}, {target:Object}[, {obj1:Object}, ...] ) => {Object} // Extends target only with object's own properties// Prototype.extendLite( {asProxy:Boolean|undefined}, {target:Object}[, {obj1:Object}, ...] ) => {Object} // Tells if object is prototype of at least one of objects// Prototype.isPrototypeOf( {proto:Object}, {objects:Object|Array} ) => {Boolean}