High performance, micro JSON streaming message broker for v8. ubk use ES8 async/await design (backed on co/eventemitter-co
- Exupery style. (You will not make it any smaller or simplier)
- Broker support application (backend)
- pub/sub pattern
- RCP support (asynchronious procedure calls)
- Reflection API (list connected clients)
- Server implement EventEmitter API.
.register_cmd(ns, command, callback)
subscribe for a specific message in NS, callback is callback(client, query)
.broadcast(ns, cmd, payload)
- send a payload message to all connected clients
- emit local event "ns:cmd"
Broadcast messages are forwarded into the EventEmitter dispatcher
- "base:registered_client"
- "base:unregistered_client"
"base:ping" , send periodicaly to all client to check for a living connection *payload : none "base:registered_client", broadcasted to all client on new client registration *payload : client "base:unregistered_client", broadcasted to all clients on client disconnection *payload : client