
1.0.3 • Public • Published


Node.js command line app for exporting video/playlist data from a YouTube to a JSON/CSV file with extra features.

This app lets you download the metadata of each video (e.g. video title, URL, uploader, and etc.) from a public/unlisted YouTube playlist and saves it to a JSON or CSV file.

Demo of usage


  • Highly customizable
  • Promise based HTTP client using axios
  • Terminal string styling using chalk
  • command-line interfaces & implements a help system using commander
  • Simple config handling using conf
  • JavaScript code linting is done using eslint
  • common interactive command line user interfaces using inquirer
  • validate user input path using is-absolute
  • Converts json into csv using json2csv
  • Elegant terminal spinner using ora
  • Delightful JavaScript Testing using jest
  • create build version using babel
  • Has .editorconfig which helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.

Note This app does not download videos from a YouTube playlist. It only downloads text-based metadata of videos from a playlist.


Before start node.js must pre-install in your machine. to verify installation, use node -v it show something like that v16.15.0 see node.js for more details and how to install.

note for Linux and Mac users need to execute the following command with sudo

  1. Install the app:

    npm install -g tube-info
  2. Run the following command in Terminal to confirm that it's properly installed:

    tube-info --help
  3. Get a YouTube API v3 key for free:

  4. Run the following command and follow the on-screen instructions to register the YouTube API key:

    tube-info key

Usage 🚀

Use the following command to get more info

tube-info --help

This will get the following results:

Usage: tube-info [options] [command]

Exports video/playlist data from YouTube to JSON/CSV file.

  -v, --version                   output the version number
  -h, --help                      display help for command

  key                             Manage your YouTube API key.
  config [options]                Edit configurations of tube-info app.
  playlist [options] <ID Or URL>  Export playlist metadata its id or url.
  video [options] <ID Or URL>     Export video metadata by id or url.
  help [command]                  display help for command

Export video

Export a YouTube video given its video ID, Or using video url.

tube-info video <videoId>

To find the video ID, go to the video homepage and copy the value of the list parameter in the URL[videoId]).

For example, the Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #01 - Introduction And What Is TypeScript video has a video ID of yUndnE-2osg.

Demo of video "id" command


  • -d/--default - Skip all prompt questions and use the default configurations

Exportable Items

Item JSON/CSV Key Name
Channel id channelId
Channel title channelTitle
Comment count commentCount
Description description
Favorite count favoriteCount
Length length
Likes likeCount
Privacy status privacyStatus
Publish date publishDate
Tags tags
Thumbnail thumbnail
Title title
Url url
View count viewCount

Export Playlist

Export a YouTube playlist given its playlist ID, Or using playlist url.

tube-info playlist <playlistId>

To find the playlist ID, go to the playlist homepage and copy the value of the list parameter in the URL[playlistId]).

For example, the Learn Typescript 2022 playlist has a playlist ID of PLDoPjvoNmBAy532K9M_fjiAmrJ0gkCyLJ.

Demo of "id" command


  • -d/--default - Skip all prompt questions and use the default configurations

Exportable Items

Item JSON/CSV Key Name
Position in the playlist position
Title title
Uploader uploader
thumbnail thumbnail
Uploader URL uploaderUrl
Description description
Url url
Video privacy videoPrivacy
Publish time (UTC) publishTime

Note Playlist position starts from 0

Save Location

You can specify the absolute path of a folder where the files will be saved to. The default value is ~/tube-info. Don't worry, the folder will be created if it doesn't exist.

Since it requires an absolute path, here are same examples:

  • ✔️ C:\Users\User\Downloads (Windows)
  • ✔️ /usr/tube-info (Mac/Linux)
  • ../tube-info
  • ./tube-info

Example Output

Playlist Example

The app outputs the following when running tube-info playlist PLDoPjvoNmBAy532K9M_fjiAmrJ0gkCyLJ:

    "position": 0,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #01 - Introduction And What Is TypeScript",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 1,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #02 - Install TypeScript And Transpile Files",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 2,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #03 - Create Configuration And Watch Files",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 3,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #04 - Statically vs Dynamically Typed Languages",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 4,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #05 - Type Annotations And Any Data Type",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 5,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #06 - Type Annotations With Arrays",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 6,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #07 - Type Annotations With Multidimensional Arrays",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 7,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #08 - Type Annotations With Function",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 8,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #09 - Function Optional and Default Parameters",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 9,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #10 - Function Rest Parameter",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 10,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #11 - Type Annotations With Anonymous And Arrow Function",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 11,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #12 - Data Types - Type Alias",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 12,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #13 - Data Types - Type Alias Advanced",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 13,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #14 - Data Types - Literal Types",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 14,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #15 - Data Types - Tuple",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 15,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #16 - Data Types - Void And Never",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 16,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #17 - Data Types - Enums Part 1",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 17,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #18 - Data Types - Enums Part 2",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 18,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #19 - Data Types - Type Assertions",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 19,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #20 - Data Types - Union And Intersection Types",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 20,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #21 - Type Annotations With Object",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 21,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #22 - Interface Declaration",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 22,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #23 - Interface Method And Parameters",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 23,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #24 - Interface Reopen And Use Cases",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 24,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #25 - Interface Extend",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 25,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #26 - Interface Final Discussion",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 26,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #27 - Class Type Annotations",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 27,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #28 - Class Access Modifiers And Parameters Properties",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 28,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #29 - Class Get And Set Accessors",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 29,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #30 - Class Static Members",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 30,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #31 - Class Implements Interface",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 31,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #32 - Abstract Classes And Members",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 32,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #33 - Polymorphism And Method Override",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 33,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #34 - Generics Introduction",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 34,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #35 - Generics Multiple Types",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 35,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #36 - Generics Classes",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 36,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #37 - Generics And Interfaces",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
    "position": 37,
    "thumbnail": "",
    "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #38 - The End And How To Master Typescript",
    "uploader": "Elzero Web School",
    "url": ""
0,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #01 - Introduction And What Is TypeScript","Elzero Web School","",""
1,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #02 - Install TypeScript And Transpile Files","Elzero Web School","",""
2,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #03 - Create Configuration And Watch Files","Elzero Web School","",""
3,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #04 - Statically vs Dynamically Typed Languages","Elzero Web School","",""
4,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #05 - Type Annotations And Any Data Type","Elzero Web School","",""
5,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #06 - Type Annotations With Arrays","Elzero Web School","",""
6,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #07 - Type Annotations With Multidimensional Arrays","Elzero Web School","",""
7,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #08 - Type Annotations With Function","Elzero Web School","",""
8,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #09 - Function Optional and Default Parameters","Elzero Web School","",""
9,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #10 - Function Rest Parameter","Elzero Web School","",""
10,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #11 - Type Annotations With Anonymous And Arrow Function","Elzero Web School","",""
11,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #12 - Data Types - Type Alias","Elzero Web School","",""
12,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #13 - Data Types - Type Alias Advanced","Elzero Web School","",""
13,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #14 - Data Types - Literal Types","Elzero Web School","",""
14,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #15 - Data Types - Tuple","Elzero Web School","",""
15,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #16 - Data Types - Void And Never","Elzero Web School","",""
16,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #17 - Data Types - Enums Part 1","Elzero Web School","",""
17,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #18 - Data Types - Enums Part 2","Elzero Web School","",""
18,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #19 - Data Types - Type Assertions","Elzero Web School","",""
19,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #20 - Data Types - Union And Intersection Types","Elzero Web School","",""
20,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #21 - Type Annotations With Object","Elzero Web School","",""
21,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #22 - Interface Declaration","Elzero Web School","",""
22,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #23 - Interface Method And Parameters","Elzero Web School","",""
23,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #24 - Interface Reopen And Use Cases","Elzero Web School","",""
24,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #25 - Interface Extend","Elzero Web School","",""
25,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #26 - Interface Final Discussion","Elzero Web School","",""
26,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #27 - Class Type Annotations","Elzero Web School","",""
27,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #28 - Class Access Modifiers And Parameters Properties","Elzero Web School","",""
28,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #29 - Class Get And Set Accessors","Elzero Web School","",""
29,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #30 - Class Static Members","Elzero Web School","",""
30,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #31 - Class Implements Interface","Elzero Web School","",""
31,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #32 - Abstract Classes And Members","Elzero Web School","",""
32,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #33 - Polymorphism And Method Override","Elzero Web School","",""
33,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #34 - Generics Introduction","Elzero Web School","",""
34,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #35 - Generics Multiple Types","Elzero Web School","",""
35,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #36 - Generics Classes","Elzero Web School","",""
36,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #37 - Generics And Interfaces","Elzero Web School","",""
37,"Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #38 - The End And How To Master Typescript","Elzero Web School","",""

Video Example

The app outputs the following when running tube-info video yUndnE-2osg:

  "channelTitle": "Elzero Web School",
  "length": "PT4M",
  "likeCount": "1681",
  "publishDate": "2022-07-24T19:38:54Z",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "title": "Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #01 - Introduction And What Is TypeScript",
  "viewCount": "30199"
"Elzero Web School","PT4M","1681","2022-07-24T19:38:54Z","","Learn Typescript In Arabic 2022 - #01 - Introduction And What Is TypeScript","30199"

API Key 🔐

Register, modify, or delete your YouTube API key.

tube-info key

First-time users for registering YouTube API key:

Demo of "key" command for first-time users

After registering the API key:

Demo of "key" command after registered API key

✔️ Your API key will only be stored in your local computer.

Configuration 📫

Configure preferences of this app.

tube-info config

Demo of "config" command

Flags 🚩

  • -p/--path - Show the path of the where the config file is stored
  • -r/--reset - Reset all configurations to default values (see below)

Default Config

  • Items to export in playlist: [Position, Title, Uploader, URL, Thumbnail]
  • Items to export in video: [channelTitle, length, likeCount, publishDate, Title, viewCount, Thumbnail]
  • File extension: JSON
  • Save location: ~/tube-reports
  • For playlist - skip private/deleted videos: True

Development 🚀

Quick Start

  1. Install yarn if you haven't
npm install -g yarn
  1. Install dependencies
  1. Start the development server
yarn start

To run the app, open a new Terminal and run:

node src/index.js

Available scripts

  • start : start the app
  • lint : lint app codebase
  • build : build the app using babel
  • watch : watch the app and build changes using babel
  • clean : remove dist directory
  • test : start testing using jest
  • test:coverage : create coverage report using jest


All tests are written in Jest and they are located in the __tests__ folder. To run all tests:

yarn test
# Alternatively, run this to generate a coverage report
yarn test:coverage

Note that clearMocks is set to true, which Jest will automatically clear mock calls and instances before every test.

Limitations 💢

This app uses YouTube API v3 under the hood. However, due to limitations of the API, it cannot perform the following actions:

  • Export your "Watch Later" playlist
  • Export private playlists
  • Export most metadata of deleted or private videos, such as the original video title and description
  • Download each video, not its metadata, in mp3, mp4, wmv, or other formats

Related Work 🌠

  • tube-cli - A package for downloading youtube videos video & playlists

Contribution 🤝

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature-name
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Some commit message'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature-name
  5. Submit a pull request 😉😉

License 📜

MIT © Mohammed Taysser

Package Sidebar


npm i tube-info

Weekly Downloads






Unpacked Size

422 kB

Total Files


Last publish


  • mohammed-taysser