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XML TypeScript Library

This package provides simple ways to parse any XML-like text.

CodeQL Node.js NPM License

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The XML tree, often also called the DOM (Document Object Model), is the natural representation of XML. The XMLTree class can have multiple root nodes in the XMLTree.roots property.

Usually the last root is the one that contains most data. Or you check each root if it is a tag by using the isXMLTag helper function. Afterwards you can check the XMLTag.innerXML property for child nodes.

You can also use the XMLTag.query function to extract XML nodes with the help of selectors as known from CSS. It depends on the selector and use case whether this is faster than a custom walk through the tree nodes.

The XMLTree uses the XMLScanner, which is available via the XMLTree.scanner property. There you can adjust the XMLScanner.cdataTags property or the XMLScanner.scanSize property for special use cases.

XMLTree Example

const tree = XMLTree.parse(
    '<!DOCTYPE html>' +
    '<html lang="en"><head><title>My Webpage</title></head>' +
    '<body style="background:#9CF"><h1>My Webpage</h1><hr /></body></html>'

console.log( JSON.stringify( tree.query('body h1') );
console.log( JSON.stringify( tree.roots, null, '  ' ) );
  "tag": "h1",
  "innerXML": [
    "My Webpage"
  "tag": "!DOCTYPE",
  "attributes": {
    "html": ""
}, {
  "tag": "html",
  "attributes": {
    "lang": "en"
  "innerXML": [{
    "tag": "head",
    "innerXML": [{
      "tag": "title",
      "innerXML": [
        "My Webpage"
  }, {
    "tag": "body",
    "attributes": {
      "style": "background:#9CF"
    "innerXML": [{
      "tag": "h1",
      "innerXML": [
        "My Webpage"
    }, {
      "tag": "hr",
      "empty": true


If XML should be read exactly like it is written, the XMLScanner is the class to use. It keeps every linebreak and every variant of a closing tag. The only things not preserved by the scanner are the surrounding quote characters for attribute values.

If you expect text between XML tags or an XML tag itself to be larger than 1 MB, then you should increase the value of the XMLScanner.scanSize property accordingly. If you like to save memory during a scan, you can also decrease the scan size.

XMLScanner Example

const scanner = new XMLScanner(
    '<!DOCTYPE html>' +
    '<html lang="en"><head><title>My Webpage</title></head>' +
    '<body style="background:#9CF"><h1>My Webpage</h1><hr /></body></html>'

let node: ( XMLNode | undefined );

while ( node = scanner.scan() ) {
    console.log( node );
{ tag: "!DOCTYPE", attributes: { html: "" } }
{ tag: "html", attributes: { lang: "en" } }
{ tag: "head" }
{ tag: "title" }
"My Webpage"
{ tag: "/title" }
{ tag: "/head" }
{ tag: "body", attributes: { style: "background:#9CF" } }
{ tag: "h1" }
"My Webpage"
{ tag: "/h1" }
{ tag: "hr", empty: true }
{ tag: "/body" }
{ tag: "/html" }

Types of XML Nodes

XML has 7 different types of nodes.

  • string: Text strings are the regular escaped text between tags. Use the isString helper function to test for this node type.

  • XMLCdata: Character data is unescaped text, that contains raw data like JavaScript. Use the isXMLCdata helper function to test for this node type.

  • XMLComment: A comment is a special form of tag, that has not impact on the content of the XML. Use the isXMLComment helper function to test for this node type.

  • XMLTag: Tags are nodes with a name and attributes. Use the isXMLTag helper function to test for this node type. There exists 4 subtypes of tags.

    • Empty Tag: This tag is self-closing and has the XMLTag.empty property set to true. Typical empty tags are img, meta, and path.

    • Regular Tag: This tag often contains child nodes in the XMLTag.innerXML property. Typical regular tags are a, p, and text.

    • Document Type Definition: This tag is similar to a regular tag, but has a name starting with a ! character. A typical definition tag is !DOCTYPE.

    • Processing Instruction: This tag is similar to an empty tag, but has a name starting with a ? character. A typical instruction tag is ?xml.

XMLPrinter Example

const printer = new XMLPrinter( [
    { tag: "!DOCTYPE", attributes: { html: "" } },
    { tag: "html", attributes: { lang: "en" } }

console.log( printer.toString() );
<!DOCTYPE html=""><html></html>



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