TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.2.5 • Public • Published


This lib paginate any data as array of records using id attribute as cursor.

All record must have id attribute or you must provide a custom cursorKey.

Node Install

$ npm install --save ts-paginate

# or

$ yarn add ts-paginate

You also may use on browser from bundle

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ts-paginate@1.2.4/bundle/index.min.js"></script>

Or from skypack

<script type="module">

	import { Pager } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-paginate';


Follow link for browser example: Click Here

Custom Configs

Default configs

{ cursorKey: 'id', pageSize: 25 }
import { Pager } from 'ts-paginate';

// default config
const paginate = new Pager().paginate;

Or using a custom config

import { Pager } from 'ts-paginate';

// custom config
const paginate = new Pager({ cursorKey: '_id', pageSize: 15 }).paginate;

Example Rest

import { Pager } from 'ts-paginate';

// set pager
const paginate = new Pager().paginate;

// using after cursor
const result = paginate({
	data: dbData,
	params: {
		size: 7,
		after: 'cursor_xya'

	hasNextPage: true,
	hasPreviousPage: true,
	totalCount: 40,
	sizePerPage: 7,
	currentItem: 1,
	page: {
		current: 2,
		of: 6
	firstCursor: 'cursor_xyb',
	lastCursor: 'cursor_xyh'

// using before cursor
const result = paginate({
	data: dbData,
	params: {
		size: 7,
		before: 'cursor_xyz'

Data as GQL node

Transform data payload to graphQL node

import { Pager } from 'ts-paginate';

// set pager
const paginate = new Pager().paginate;

const result = paginate({
	data: usersData,
	params: {
		size: 50,
		after: 'cursor_xyz'

	cursor: 'cursor_xyw',
	node: {
		id: 'cursor_xyw',
		name: 'foo',
		email: 'foo@mail.com'

Generic types

Transform data payload to graphQL node

import { Pager } from 'ts-paginate';

interface IUser {
	id: string;
	name: string;
	email: string;

// set pager
const paginate = new Pager().paginate;

const result = paginate<IUser>({ data: usersData }).toRest();

// or 

const result = paginate<IUser>({ data: usersData }).toGql();

Change size on nested pages

If the amount of records to be displayed changes, first request an update of the value, passing only the value and then navigate informing the cursor

import { Pager } from 'ts-paginate';

const { paginate } = new Pager();

// Request first page with 15 items per page.
const page1a = paginate({ data, params:{ size: 15 }});

// Next > Next: I am on page 3
const page3a = paginate({ data, params: { size: 15, after: 'cursor_30' } });

// I want to change size to 5 items per page
const page1b = paginate({ data, params:{ size: 5 }});

// Next > Next: Now you navigate to page 3. Cursor reference is cursor_10
const page3b = paginate({ data, params:{ size: 5, after: 'cursor_10' }});

Package Sidebar


npm i ts-paginate

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  • alessandro-dev