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0.16.3 • Public • Published

TS Browser Helpers

A collection of utility classes, functions and types for javascript/typescript projects, for use in the browser.


npm install ts-browser-helpers


API documentation


Name Description
TYPED_ARRAYS Mapping of typed array constructors by name
arrayBufferToBase64 Convert an ArrayBuffer to Base64 string
base64ToArrayBuffer Convert a Base64 string to ArrayBuffer
getTypedArray Create a typed array from an ArrayBuffer by name


Function Description
blobToDataURL Convert a blob to a data url.
downloadBlob Download a blob as a file in the browser.
downloadFile Download a file in the browser.
uploadFile Prompt the user to select a file or directory in the browser.


Function Description
LinearToSRGB Converts a single color channel from the linear color space to sRGB.
SRGBToLinear Converts a single color channel from the sRGB color space to linear.


Function Description
createCanvasElement Creates a HTML canvas element.
createDiv Creates an HTML div element.
createImage Creates a HTML image element from a url.
createScriptFromURL Creates a HTML script element from a url.
createStyles Creates a HTML style element with the given styles.


Function Description
onChange Decorator that redefines a property with getter and setter, and calls a function when the property is changed. Parameters passed to the function are the property key and the new value.
serialize Decorator to mark a class property as serializable using the Serialization class.


Function Description
aesGcmDecrypt Decrypts ciphertext encrypted with aesGcmEncrypt() using supplied password. (c) Chris Veness MIT Licence
aesGcmEncrypt Encrypts plaintext using AES-GCM with supplied password, for decryption with aesGcmDecrypt(). (c) Chris Veness MIT Licence https://gist.github.com/chrisveness/43bcda93af9f646d083fad678071b90a Modified to work with Uint8Array and string content.

HTML To Image

Function Description
embedUrlRefs Find all URLs in svg, download them and replace with the URL in svg with the downloaded data URLs.
htmlToCanvas Renders an HTML string to a canvas. This is done by first embedding HTML into a svg and then rendering the svg to a canvas.
htmlToPng Renders an HTML string to a png. This is done by first embedding HTML into a svg and then rendering the svg to a png.
htmlToSvg Embeds an HTML string into a svg tag and converts to svg string or svg as data url


Function Description
imageBitmapToBase64 Convert an image ImageBitmap or CanvasImageSource to a base64 data url.
imageBitmapToBlob Convert an image ImageBitmap or CanvasImageSource to a blob.
imageBitmapToCanvas Convert an image ImageBitmap or CanvasImageSource to a new canvas with a max width. Good for resizing images keeping the aspect ratio and generating previews.
imageToCanvas Converts an HTML image to a canvas. This creates a new canvas element and draws the image on it.
imageUrlToImageData Downloads/parse the image from an url/data url and draw to an ImageData object.

JS Object

Name Description
FnCaller calls fn.call(obj) or fn() appropriately
copyProps Copy properties from source to dest. Similar to Object.assign, but only copies properties that exist in source, dest and propList.
deepAccessObject Access property in an object using a string path. Similar to lodash.get
getKeyByValue Find the key of an object with a given value.
getOrCall Get value, but if it is a function, call it with args
getPropertyDescriptor Get property descriptor from object or its prototype chain
isPropertyWritable Check if property is writable in object or its prototype chain
safeSetProperty Set value only if setter exists


Function Description
absMax Returns the number which is larger in absolute value.


Name Description
Damper The Damper class is a generic second-order critically damped system that does one linear step of the desired length of time. The only parameter is DECAY_MILLISECONDS. This common parameter makes all states converge at the same rate regardless of scale. xNormalization is a number to provide the rough scale of x, such that NIL_SPEED clamping also happens at roughly the same convergence for all states.
JSUndoManager Main class JSUndoManager
PointerDragHelper A helper class to handle pointer events and dispatch drag events: drag, dragStart and dragEnd with NDC coordinates and time.
SimpleEventDispatcher A simple event dispatcher with typed event types, see IEventDispatcher.
IDisposable Disposable interface for objects that can be disposed. Has a single method dispose
IEvent A simple event interface with typed event types.
IEventDispatcher A simple event dispatcher interface with IEvent as event type.
IJSONSerializable Interface for objects that can be serialized to JSON, with to and from JSON methods
ImageCanvasOptions Options for imageToCanvas.
JSUndoManagerOptions -
AnyFunction Type for any function
AnyOptions Type for any object
Class Generic type for class.
Fof FoF - Short for Function of - a generic type for function
JSUndoManagerCommand -
JSUndoManagerCommand1 -
JSUndoManagerCommand2 -
PartialPick Partial pick type with all keys optional
PartialRecord Partial record type with all keys optional
StringKeyOf Extract keys from object that are strings
ValOrArr Type for a value of type T or an array of values of type T
ValOrArrOp Type for a value of type `T
ValOrFunc Type for a value of type T or a function that returns a value of type T
ValOrFuncOp Type for a value of type T
blobToImage Load a Blob or a file containing an image and return an HTMLImageElement.
canvasFlipY Returns a new canvas with the image/canvas-content flipped vertically. Useful for putImageData(as it does not respect scale and translate) and WebGL textures, which are flipped vertically.
clearBit Clears the bit at the given position.
cloneScriptTag Clones a script tag.
colorToDataUrl Creates an image data url from a color string.
findLastIndex like Array.prototype.findIndex but from the end
getFileHandle Open a handle to an existing file on the local file system.
getNewFileHandle Create a handle to a new (text) file on the local file system.
imageDataToCanvas Converts an ImageData to a canvas. This creates a new canvas element and draws the image data on it. Image Data can be created from image pixels like from gl.readPixels This can be used to convert a WebGL texture/render target to a canvas/data url. Note: if the output is flipped, use canvasFlipY after this, like canvasFlipY(imageDataToCanvas(imageData))
includesAll Returns true if the array includes all the elements of the sub array
isWebpExportSupported Check if the browser supports exporting to webp, with the canvas.toDataURL('image/webp') method.
longestCommonPrefix Find the longest common prefix in an array of strings https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68702774/longest-common-prefix-in-javascript
mobileAndTabletCheck Check if the browser is running on a mobile or tablet device.
objectHasOwn Check if an object has a property. Same as Object.hasOwn or Object.hasOwnProperty
objectMap Execute a function on each property of an object and return the result as a new object This allows in place modification of the object. To create a new object, set inPlace to false, or use objectMap2 to modify the keys as well Similar to Array.map but for objects.
objectMap2 Shorthand for Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(fn)) Similar to objectMap but uses Object.fromEntries to create the new object, so keys can also be changed.
onChange2 Similar to onChange, but accepts any function and paramType defaults to 'void'. The function is called with no parameters. if 'void'
onChange3 Similar to onChange, but accepts any function and paramType defaults to 'object'. The function is called with an object parameter: {key, value, oldValue, target}.
onChangeDispatchEvent Similar to onChange but dispatches an event instead of calling a function. Requires dispatchEvent to be defined on the target.
pathJoin Join path parts with separator. Similar to PHP's pathJoin
prettyScrollbar Styles the default scrollbar to be more pretty and less intrusive (especially on dark backgrounds), (similar to MacOS)
readFile Reads the raw text from a file.
remoteWorkerURL Returns a blob:// URL which points to a javascript file which will call importScripts with the given URL, to be used for cross-origin workers. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21913673/execute-web-worker-from-different-origin
safeReplaceString Replace a string in a text, optionally prepending, appending, replacing all occurrences, and/or calling a callback if the string is not found
serializable Decorator to mark a class as serializable using the Serialization class.
setInnerHTMLWithScripts Sets the innerHTML of an element and recreates all script tags so they are executed.
updateBit Updates the bit at the given position to the given value.
uuidV4 Generate a UUID v4 https://stackoverflow.com/a/53723395/2229899
verifyPermission Verify the user has granted permission to read or write to the file, if permission hasn't been granted, request permission.
wrapThisFunction Call f1 before calling f2 Sample usage const logRender = ()=>console.log('render') obj.render = wrapThisFunction(logRender, obj.beforeRender) // now calling obj.beforeRender(), will log 'render' and then call obj.beforeRender()
wrapThisFunction2 Call f1 with the same params as f2 before calling f2 Sample usage const logRender = ()=>console.log('render') obj.render = wrapThisFunction(logRender, obj.beforeRender) // now calling obj.beforeRender(), will log 'render' and then call obj.beforeRender()
writeFile Writes the contents to disk.


Function Description
makeColorSvg Returns a data url for a 16x16 svg rectangle with the given color.
makeColorSvgCircle Returns a data url for a 16x16 svg circle with the given color.
makeTextSvg Returns a data url for a svg with the given text.
svgToCanvas Renders an SVG to a canvas.
svgToPng Renders an SVG to a png data url.


Name Description
Serialization Serialization class with static methods for serializing and deserializing objects. Properties and classes can be marked serializable by adding serialize and serializable decorators.
Serializer Serializer interface for primitive, array and struct/custom object types

Template Literals

Function Description
css A template literal tag that does nothing. Useful for syntax highlighting of CSS code.
glsl A template literal tag that does nothing. Useful for syntax highlighting of GLSL code.
html A template literal tag that does nothing. Useful for syntax highlighting of HTML code.
svgUrl Converts an SVG string to data url. This is useful for creating images from SVGs, or using SVGs in CSS. To use put in template string: url(${svgUrl`<svg>...</svg>`})


Function Description
escapeRegExp Escape a string for use in a regular expression
getFilenameFromPath Get the filename from a path, similar to PHP's basename()
parseFileExtension Parse a file extension from a path
replaceAll Replace all occurrences of a string in another string
toCamelCase Convert a string to camel case
toTitleCase Convert a string to title case


Function Description
now Returns the current time in milliseconds. If performance.now() is available, it is used, otherwise Date.now() is used.
timeout Returns a promise that resolves after the given duration. Basically a setTimeout that returns a promise.


Function Description
getUrlQueryParam Get URL query parameter. If not found, return default value. Similar to PHP's $_GET
setUrlQueryParam Set URL query parameter. If value is null, remove parameter. Similar to PHP's $_GET

Used in

  • WebGi - Premium Photo-realistic 3D rendering framework and tools for web applications and online commerce.
  • ThreePipe - A 3D viewer framework for the web.
  • uiconfig.js - A simple, lightweight and easy to use UI configuration library for javascript/typescript projects.


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