TrufflePig 🍄🐷
TrufflePig is a development tool that provides a simple HTTP API to find and read from Truffle-generated contract files, for use during local development.
Install globally:
$ yarn global add trufflepig
Or as a devDependency to your truffle project:
$ yarn add trufflepig --dev
- A Truffle framework project with built contract json files
- Some means of making HTTP requests and parsing the JSON results
Just run
$ trufflepig
from your truffle project and access your contracts under
and looks like this:
The contracts will be queried by the contractName
property in the truffle .json output. Once contract files are changed, trufflepig picks it up and serves the changed version of it.
Serving accounts data from ganache or geth / parity
Trufflepig not only helps you to access those delicious truffles but also to easily access the set up addresses in ganache, geth or parity. These will be available under
and looks like this:
Usage withStart ganache using
$ ganache-cli --acctKeys ganache-accounts.json
This will create a ganache-accounts.json
in the directory you run ganache from (preferably your project directory)
Then run trufflepig using
$ trufflepig --ganacheKeyFile ganache-accounts.json
keystore files
Usage withYou can run your prefered ethereum development node with some accounts set up. In parity run
$ parity --keys-path YOUR_PREFERRED_KEYPATH
and in geth
$ geth --keystore YOUR_PREFERRED_KEYPATH
to define the directory for accounts to use when starting the node. This directory has to contain one or more keystore files in json format.
Trufflepig can conveniently serve those, too! Just start it with
$ trufflepig --keystoreDir YOUR_PREFERRED_KEYPATH [--keystorePassword KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]
Use the --keystorePassword
option to provide a password in case your keyfiles ar encrypted.
Command line usage
$ trufflepig --help
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-p, --port Port to serve the contracts from [number] [default: 3030]
-v, --verbose Be extra chatty [boolean] [default: false]
-c, --contractDir Directory to read contracts from [string] [default: "./build/contracts"]
-g, --ganacheKeyFile Ganache accounts file (.json), will serve accounts under /accounts [string]
-k, --keystoreDir Directory for keystore files, will serve accounts under /accounts [string]
-s, --keystorePassword Password to decrypt keystore files [string]
Programmatic usage
const TrufflePig = require('trufflepig'); const pig = new TrufflePig({ // These are the defaults contractDir: './build/contracts', port: 3030, verbose: true, ganacheKeyFile: '', keystoreDir: '', keystorePassword: '',}); pig.start();
That's it! Have a lot of fun truffleing!