
0.10.1 • Public • Published

Tromp is an asynchronous filesystem directory walking algorithm with events and accept/reject filtering, designed to be used modules like minimatch.


var tromp = require('tromp')
  .on('listed', function (listing) {
    console.log(listing.inspect()) })



Instantiate using function tromp(path, options, callback), returning an instance of WalkRoot extending from EventEmitter.

arg desc
path string path reference for where to start walking
options.showHidden if falsy, names beginning with . will be masked. default false
options.autoWalk pluggable function(entry) called when directories are traversed; default calls entry.walk()
options.schedule callable to schedule functions for later execution. default process.nextTick
options.tasks number of concurrent filesystem operations in flight at once
callback when provided, the function is added to .on('listed', callback)
event args desc
'done' Emitted all walks have completed
'listing' listing When entries have been received, but before entries have started fs.stat
'listed' listing After all entries have completed fs.stat
'filter' entry, listing After each WalkEntry's completes fs.stat, but before entry event
'entry' entry, listing After each WalkEntry's completes fs.stat and is not excluded during filter event
'file' entry, listing After 'entry' event, but only emitted for files
'dir' entry, listing After 'entry' event, but only emitted for directories

WalkRoot::walk(path) method

Starts a new walk rooted at path, creating a WalkListing instance if not already in progress for that path. Emits active events when listings are initiated or completed.

WalkRoot::autoWalk(entry, target) method

Double dispatch mechanism, defaulting to entry.walk(target)

WalkRoot::filter(rx, ctx) method

Calls entry.filter(rx,ctx) for each filter event occurence

WalkRoot::accept(rx, ctx) method

Calls entry.accept(rx,ctx) for each filter event occurence

WalkRoot::reject(rx, ctx) method

Calls entry.accept(rx,ctx) for each filter event occurence


Shared context between WalkRoot, WalkListing and WalkEntry instances.

  • root is the managing WalkRoot instance.
  • rootPath is the path walking initiates from
  • listPath is the directory path of the listing


Encapsulates the active process of listing a directory and stating all of the entries so they can be categorized.

  • rootPath is the path walking initiates from
  • path is the directory path of the listing
  • relPath is path as relative to rootPath

WalkListing::select(fnList) method

Returns all entries not already excluded matching every function in fnList

WalkListing::selectEx(fnList) method

Returns all entries matching every function in fnList

WalkListing::matching(rx, opts...) method

Invokes select({match:rx}, opts...)

WalkListing::files(opts...) method

Invokes select({isFile:true}, opts...)

WalkListing::dirs(opts...) method

Invokes select({isDirectory:true}, opts...)

WalkListing::filter(rx, ctx) method

Invokes entry.filter(rx, ctx) against all listing entries.

WalkListing::accept(opts...) method

Invokes entry.accept(rx, ctx) against all listing entries.

WalkListing::reject(opts...) method

Invokes entry.reject(rx, ctx) against all listing entries.


An manipulable object representing and entry of the WalkListing.

  • rootPath is the path initially responsible for listing this entry
  • path is the resolved path this entry represents
  • relPath is path as relative to rootPath
  • stat is an fs.stat instance, once initialized
  • modeKey is a string enum from ['unknown', 'file', 'dir', 'other']

WalkEntry::isFile() method

Returns true if the entry is a file.

WalkEntry::isDirectory() method

Returns true if the entry is a directory.

WalkEntry::isWalkable() method

Returns true if not excluded and is a directory

WalkEntry::walk(force) method

Starts a new walk using the entry's path if it is walkable. See WalkRoot::walk.

WalkEntry::match(rx, ctx) method

If rx is callable, then return, ctx) Otherwise use String::match as return

WalkEntry::exclude(value) method

Mark as excluded if !!value, otherwise mark as included.

WalkEntry::accept(rx, ctx) method

With no parameters, marks entry as included. Otherwise, if match(rx, ctx), then exclude(false)

WalkEntry::reject(rx, ctx) method

With no parameters, marks entry as excluded. Otherwise, if match(rx, ctx), then exclude(true)

WalkEntry::filter(rx, ctx) method

Invokes exclude(match(rx, ctx))




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  • shanewholloway