Completely solve trigonometry equations for angles and sides
npm install trigonometry-calculator --save
- Construct an object mapping angles and sides to their respective objects where the key is a number in the range [0, 3) and the value is the given number.
- Pass the object to trigCalculator.
- The function will return an object similar to the input except it will include a key-value pair containing the solution with full numerical precision.
;// ES5 / CommonJS require works in addition to ES6 import// var calculator = require('trigonometry-calculator');// In ES5 call calculator.trigCalculatorlet unsolvedTriangle = angles: 2: 117 sides: 0: 69 1: 26 ;console;/*{ angles: { 0: 47.00257739237024, 1: 15.997422607629744, 2: 117 }, sides: { 0: 6.9, 1: 2.6, 2: 8.405901446641815 }}*/ // If there is an alternate solution due to ambiguity that will be solved as wellunsolvedTriangle = angles: 1: 31 sides: 1: 8 2: 13 ;console;/*{ ambiguous: { angles: { 0: 25.818060457931665, 1: 31, 2: 123.18193954206835 }, sides: { 0: 6.764779420434399, 1: 8, 2: 13 } }, angles: { 0: 92.18193954206835, 1: 31, 2: 56.81806045793165 }, sides: { 0: 15.521570397820525, 1: 8, 2: 13 }}*/
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MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Calvin Mikael