
4.1.0 • Public • Published


Factory of Redux reducers and their associated actions and selectors.

Make your Redux code base tinier and simpler to maintain

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trampss-redux-data-store creates generic reducers, actions and selectors in two lines.

import factory from 'trampss-redux-data-store'
export default factory(/* middlewares */)('id')('api')('todos')

That's it, you exported a reducer function you can register thanks to combinerReducer in Redux.

In this example, we have a todos reducer, it has to be combined into state.api.todos


We like to write Redux code as simple as possible and use its middlewares to handle real world problems. From this point of view, our Redux code base simpler : it's like a key/value store. But one drawback is the amount of duplicated code, each resource has its own reducers, actions and selectors.

To avoid Redux code base from growing, inconsistency and lowering maintainability, we created this lightweight library (<4Kb) that is a factory of reducers, actions and selectors.


  • yarn add trampss-redux-data-store
  • npm i trampss-redux-data-store

peer dependency

  • lodash : we use the minimum of lodash function trying to have a lightweight webpack bundle.
    • keyBy
    • without
    • uniq
    • omit
    • at



You need to use the factory to get a new set of reducer/actions/selectors :

import factory from 'trampss-redux-data-store'

This factory takes four parameters, you could use between these signatures :

  • factory(middlewares, fieldKey, path, name)
  • factory(middlewares, fieldKey, path)(name)
  • factory(middlewares, fieldKey)(path)(name)
  • factory(middlewares)(fieldKey)(path)(name)

Parameters are :

  • middlewares (optional), contain an object with pre and post fields. Both are an array of middlewares to apply before and after the core middleware.
  • fieldKey (mandatory), the field used to identify your objects (id for example)
    • you have to set this parameter.
  • path (optional), where the reducer will be combined via combineReducer
    • if empty export default factory('id')()('todos'), the reducer will be register ate the root level of the redux state
    • you can use dot notation, like api.raw: your reducer will be combined into state.api.raw.<your_reducer>
  • name (mandatory), the reducer name (for instance: todos)
    • it's used to generate actions types
    • it's used to retrieve informations from selectors


  • this reducer will use id as key field
  • it's combined into state.api.raw
  • its name is todos
import factory from 'trampss-redux-data-store'
// factory(fieldKey)(path)(name)
export default factory()('id')('api.raw')('todos')

Data will be stored into state.api.raw.todos


The previous factory returns a function which is a reducer. You just have to combine it like any other reducer :

import { createStore, combineReducers, compose, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
// import your reducer
// (created by tramps-redux-data-store factory)
import todos from './myTodosReducer'
// create your Redux store as usual
const store = createStore(
    // [other reducer]
    api: combineReducers({
      // [other reducer]
      raw: combineReducers({
        // import your reducer into api.raw
        // since we configured this path
      // [other reducer]
    // [other reducer]
  /* your Redux middlewares */
export default store


The factory returns a function (this is the reducer) that also contains actions and selectors as fields. Some generic actions are available. By now, it's not possible to add custom ones.

Actions are:

function name description signature generated action
set set an array of instances of your resource set(<array>) { type: '@trampss/SET_TODOS', payload: <array> }
add add an instance of your resource add(<instance>) { type: '@trampss/ADD_TODOS', payload: <instance> }
remove remove one instance of your resource by its key remove(<key>) { type: '@trampss/REMOVE_TODOS', payload: <key> }
reset reset the reducer (wipe all data) reset() { type: '@trampss/RESET_TODOS' }

Example, we set todos to our reducer:

// import your reducer
// (created by tramps-redux-data-store factory)
import todos from './myTodosReducer'
// dispatch can be given by one of your middleware (redux-thunk, redux-saga, etc)
// or it can be given by react-redux for example (mapDispatchToProps)
  // set todos
      id: '1', // we set 'id' as key in the factory
      visible: true,
      label: 'My first todo',
      id: '2',
      visible: false,
      label: 'This todo is done',


The factory returns a function (this is the reducer) that also contains actions and selectors as fields. Some generic selectors are available. By now, it's not possible to add custom ones.

Selectors are:

signature description comment
get(<id>)(state) returns all data, or specific(s) one(s) (by key(s))
  • if <id> is undefined, it returns all data
  • if <id> is an array, it returns all instances that match one of ids
  • in other cases, it returns the instance with its id that that match the parameter
getBy(<propertyPath>, <value>)(state) get data specified by the field you want to filter with (take care, selectors are not memoized) Example: getBy('visible', true)(state) returns all visible todos.
getKeys(state) returns all store keys (in array)
getAsArray(state) returns all data in array (raw)
getLength(state) returns number of stored instances
isInitialized(state) return true if the store has been initialized (by add or by set action)
getState(state) returns the global state of your reducer The global state contains :
  • data: key/value store
  • array: raw data
  • keys: keys array
  • initialized: boolean (set to true by set and add actions)

Example, we retrieve the todo with id 1:

// import your reducer
// (created by tramps-redux-data-store factory)
import todos from './myTodosReducer'
// state can be given by one of your middleware (redux-thunk, redux-saga, etc)
// or it can be given by react-redux for example (mapStateToProps)




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  • fabienjuif
  • guillaume.crespel