Toolpic Render
This is a rendering API for Live Templates of toolpic project.
$ npm install toolpic-render
Rendering ahppens within instances that share some general settings. To create them:
// Import fs
import fs from 'fs'
// Import module
import ToolpicRender from 'toolpic-render'
// Create instance
const app = new ToolpicRender({
initFunctionName: 'render', // Optional, default value is 'render'
// Specify wether we do not want to use the default headers by default (JPEG, PNG, SVG & PDF) (which generally does not make sense in the most cases)
noDefaultHandlers: false // Optional, default value is false
// 1st: URL of live instance
// 2nd: Data object
// 3rd: Options
const rs = app.render('http://localhost:8888/live/strike/', {
radius: 42
}, {
width: 400, // Required, width of result
height: 400, // Required, height of result
// Delay to wait for images to be load
delay: 101, // Optional, default = 100
// Can be used to specify compression of JPEG images
quality: 50, // Optional, default = 95
//mime: 'application/pdf',
// mime type of result
mime: 'image/png', // Required!
// Create example write stream
const myWriteStream = fs.createWriteStream('test.png');
// Pipe the read stream to any write stream
// Listen for finish event in write stream
myWriteStream.on('finish', () => {
console.log("Successfully rendered image!");
// Kill instance if we do not use it for additional rendering any more