
2.4.2 • Public • Published



The documentation for the TNZ API can be found here.


tnzapi uses a modified version of Semantic Versioning for all changes. See this document for details.

Supported NodeJS Versions

This library supports the following NodeJS implementations:

  • NodeJS v14


Install from npm using npm, a package manager for NodeJS.

npm i tnzapi

You may need to run the above commands with sudo.

Getting Started

Getting started with the TNZ API couldn't be easier. Create a Client and you're ready to go.

API Credentials

The TNZAPI needs your TNZ API credentials. You can either pass these directly to the constructor (see the code below) or via environment variables.

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    "AuthToken": "[Your Auth Token]"

Send Message

Send SMS/Email/Voice/Fax through tnzapi library.

Send SMS:

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    "AuthToken": "[Your Auth Token]"

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response: ",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    Reference: "Test",                  // Optional
    Message: "Test SMS",                // SMS Message
    Destinations: [                     // SMS Recipients
      { Recipient: "+64211111111" },
      { Recipient: "+64222222222" }
}).then(callback); // Send Message 

Send Email:

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    "AuthToken": "[Your Auth Token]"

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response: ",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    FromEmail: "",             // Optional : Sets From Email Address - leave blank to use your api username as email sender
    EmailSubject: "Test Email",             // Email Subject
    MessagePlain: "Test Email Body",        // Email Body
    Destinations: [                         // Email Recipients
      { Recipient: "" },
      { Recipient: "" }
}).then(callback); // Send Message  

Send Fax:

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    "AuthToken": "[Your Auth Token]"

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    Reference: "Test",                      // Optional
    Destinations: [                         // Fax Numbers
        { Recipient:"+6491111111" },
        { Recipient:"+6492222222" }
    Attachments: [

Make Call - Text-to-Speech (TTS):

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    "AuthToken": "[Your Auth Token]"

var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    MessageToPeople: "Hi there!",               // Message to play
    Destinations: [                             // Recipients
        { Recipient: "+6491111111" },
        { Recipient: "+6492222222" }

Make Call - Upload MP3 / Wav File:

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    "AuthToken": "[Your Auth Token]"

var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));


    Destinations: [                         // Phone numbers to call
        { Recipient: "+6491111111" },
        { Recipient: "+6492222222" }

    // Message to play - WAV format, 16-bit, 8000hz recommended
    VoiceFiles: [
            Name: "MessageToPeople",
            File: "D:/File1.wav"



Retrieve your message status using tnzapi library.

Reports - Get Message Status

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    MessageID: "ID123456",                    // MessageID generated from system OR your message ID if specified

Reports - Get SMS Reply

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token


var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    MessageID: "ID123456",                    // MessageID generated from system OR your message ID if specified
    Page: 1                                   // Current location

Reports - Get SMS Received List

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    TimePeriod: 1440                          // Return results from the last x minutes
    RecordsPerPage: 10,
    Page: 1


Amend your message using tnzapi library.

Actions - Abort Pending/Delayed Job

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    MessageID: "ID123456"                     // MessageID generated from system OR your message ID if specified

Actions - Resubmit Failed Job

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    MessageID: "ID123456",                   // MessageID generated from system OR your message ID if specified

Actions - Reschedule DELAYED Job

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    MessageID: "ID123456",                  // MessageID generated from system OR your message ID if specified
    SendTime: "2023-09-01T00:00"            // New Date/Time

Actions - Set Number of Operators on TTS/Voice Job

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
  console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    MessageID: "ID123456",                    // MessageID generated from system OR your message ID if specified
    NumberOfOperators: 1                      // No of operators

Addressbook - Contacts

Manage your contacts using tnzapi library.

Contacts - List

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    RecordsPerPage: 10,
    Page: 1

Contacts - Detail

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]"

Contacts - Create

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    Title: "Mr",
    Company: "TNZ Group",
    FirstName: "First",
    LastName: "Last",
    MobilePhone: "+6421000001",
    ViewBy: "Account",
    EditBy: "Account"

Contacts - Update

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]",
    Attention: "Test Attention"
    Title: "Mr",
    Company: "TNZ Group",
    FirstName: "First",
    LastName: "Last",
    MobilePhone: "+64212223333",
    ViewPublic: "Account",
    EditPublid: "Account"

Contacts - Delete

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]"

Addressbook - Contact Group

Manage your contact group relationship using tnzapi library.

Contact Group - List

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]",
    RecordsPerPage: 10,
    Page: 1

Contact Group - Detail

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]",
    GroupCode: "[Group Code]"

Contact Group - Create

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]",
    GroupCode: "[Group Code]"

Contact Group - Delete

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]",
    GroupCode: "[Group Code]"

Addressbook - Group

Manage your group using tnzapi library.

Group - List

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    RecordsPerPage: 10,
    Page: 1

Group - Detail

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    GroupCode: "[Group Code]"

Group - Create

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    GroupName: "Test Group",
    ViewEditBy: "Account"

Group - Update

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    GroupCode: "[Group Code]",
    GroupName: "Test Group 123",
    SubAccount: "Test",
    ViewEditBy: "Account"

Group - Delete

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    GroupCode: "[Group Code]"

Addressbook - Group Contact

Manage your group contact relationship using tnzapi library.

Group Contact - List

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    GroupCode: "[Group Code]",
    RecordsPerPage: 10,
    Page: 1

Group Contact - Detail

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    ContactID: "[Contact ID]",
    GroupCode: "[Group Code]"

Group Contact - Create

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    GroupCode: "[Group Code]",
    ContactID: "[Contact ID]"

Group Contact - Delete

const TNZAPI = require('tnzapi');

const client = new TNZAPI({
    AuthToken: "[Your Auth Token]"          // Auth Token

var callback = function(data) {
    console.log("Response:",JSON.stringify(data, null, "  "));

    GroupCode: "[Group Code]",
    ContactID: "[Contact ID]"

Getting help

If you need help installing or using the library, please check the TNZ Contact if you don't find an answer to your question.

Package Sidebar


npm i tnzapi

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  • tnzgroup