Titanium SDK Library
A library of Titanium SDK platform APIs.
- Detects installed Titanium SDKs and modules
- Install or uninstall a Titanium SDKs
- Create, build, and clean projects
reader/writer- Build pipeline
- Asset management
's options are set via the options
; optionssearchPaths = '/some/path';
Name | Description | Type | Default |
options.searchPaths |
Additional path or list of Titanium locations to search for Titanium SDKs and modules. | String or Array[String] | [] |
options.network.agentOptions |
Specific agent options like the SSL protocol. See the agentOptions for more info. | Object | |
options.network.caFile |
Local path to a certificate authority file. | String | |
options.network.certFile |
Local path to a PEM formatted certificate. | String | |
options.network.httpProxy |
The URL for proxying http requests. | String | |
options.network.httpsProxy |
The URL for proxying https requests. | String | |
options.network.keyFile |
Local path to a PEM formatted private key. | String | |
options.network.passphrase |
The passphrase for the key file. | String | |
options.network.strictSSL |
When true , requires SSL certificates be valid. |
Boolean | true |
options.sdk.searchPaths |
Additional path or list of paths to search for Titanium SDKs. | String or Array[String] | [] |
options.sdk.urls.branches |
The URL for the list of branches. | String | |
options.sdk.urls.build |
The URL for downloading a CI build .zip file. |
String | |
options.sdk.urls.builds |
The URL for the list of CI builds. | String | |
options.sdk.urls.releases |
The URL for the list of GA releases. | String | |
options.module.searchPaths |
Additional path or list of paths to search for Titanium modules. | String or Array[String] | [] |
Search Paths
There are different kinds of search paths. options.searchPaths
is used to find Titanium installation directories. These paths would contain the "mobilesdk"
and "modules"
directory. Generally speaking, you probably should use options.sdk.searchPaths
are paths that contain actual SDK directories such as "7.5.1.GA"
. These paths should not point to the actual SDK directory, but rather its parent directory. titaniumlib
will only scan the search paths and does not recursively descend directories.
Retrieves the list of CI branches.
Returns Promise<Object>
const branches = await sdk;console;
defaultBranch: 'master' branches: '3_5_X' '4_0_X' ... '8_0_X' 'master' 'next'
Retreives a list of Titanium SDK continuous integration builds.
Argument | Description | Type | Default | |
branch |
The branch to retreive. | String | "master" |
optional |
Returns Promise<Object>
const builds = await sdk;console;
... '8.1.0.v20190307130759': version: '8.1.0' ts: '20190307130759' githash: '60e97ceeb124a20fb374c8a4ed4c2b2b6983831c' date: 2019-03-07T13:07:59000Z url: 'http://builds.appcelerator.com/mobile/master/mobilesdk-8.1.0.v20190307130759-osx.zip' ...
Detects installed Titanium SDKs.
Argument | Description | Type | Default | |
force |
When true , bypasses the cache and redetects the SDKs. |
Boolean | false |
optional |
Returns Array.<TitaniumSDK>
const sdks = await sdk;console;
TitaniumSDK name: '8.0.0' manifest: {} name: '8.0.0' version: '8.0.0' moduleAPIVersion: android: '4' iphone: '2' windows: '6' githash: '9bcd36593d' platforms: 'android' 'iphone' path: '/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/8.0.0' }
Returns a list of possible SDK install paths.
Returns Array.<String>
const paths = sdk;console;
'/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx' '/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx'
Retreives a map of Titanium SDK versions to release info including the download URL. By default, the latest version is added to the map of releases.
Argument | Description | Type | Default | |
noLatest |
When true , it does not determine the 'latest' release. |
Boolean | false |
optional |
Returns Promise<Object>
const releases = await sdk;console;
'7.5.1.GA': version: '7.5.1' url: 'https://builds.appcelerator.com/mobile-releases/7.5.1/mobilesdk-7.5.1.GA-osx.zip' latest: version: '7.5.1' url: 'https://builds.appcelerator.com/mobile-releases/7.5.1/mobilesdk-7.5.1.GA-osx.zip'
Install a Titanium SDK from either a URI or version. A URI may be either a local file, a URL, an SDK version, a CI branch, or a CI branch and build hash.
Argument | Description | Type | Default | |
params |
Various parameters. | Object | {} |
optional |
Note: All parameters are optional.
Property | Description | Type | Default |
downloadDir |
When uri is a URL, release, or build, download the SDK to this directory. |
String | A temp directory. |
installDir |
The path to install the SDK. | String | The first path in the list of Titanium install locations. |
keep |
When true and uri is a URL, release, or build, and downloadDir is specified, then the downloaded SDK .zip file is not deleted after install. |
Boolean | false |
overwrite |
When true , overwrites an existing Titanium SDK installation, otherwise an error is thrown. Note that if overwrite=false , it will not throw an error if a module is already installed. |
Boolean | false |
uri |
A URI to a local file or remote URL to download. | String | "latest" |
Returns Promise<String>
Install from local file
await sdk;
await sdk;
Install from URL
await sdk;
Install release
await sdk;
await sdk;
await sdk;
Install latest CI build by branch
await sdk;
Install specific CI build by branch and git hash
await sdk;
Install specific CI build by git hash
Note: This is horribly inefficient. It checks every single branch for a match. You should probably never do this.
await sdk;
Deletes an installed Titanium SDK by name or path.
Argument | Description | Type |
nameOrPath |
The SDK name or path to uninstall. | String |
Returns Promise<Array<TitaniumSDK>>
. If SDK is not found, an error is thrown with a err.code
const sdk = await sdk;console;
TitaniumSDK name: '7.5.1.GA' manifest: {} name: '7.5.1.GA' version: '7.5.1' moduleAPIVersion: android: '4' iphone: '2' windows: '6' githash: '4b82d9d6b2' platforms: 'android' 'iphone' path: '/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/7.5.1.GA' }
Detects installed Titanium modules.
Argument | Description | Type | Default | |
force |
When true , bypasses the cache and redetects the modules. |
Boolean | false |
optional |
Returns Object
where platform
> module name
> version
> module info
const mods = await modules;console;
"android": "facebook": "7.3.1": "path": "/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/android/facebook/7.3.1" "platform": "android" "version": "7.3.1" "apiversion": 4 "architectures": "arm64-v8a armeabi-v7a x86" "description": "facebook" "author": "Mark Mokryn and Ashraf A. S. (Appcelerator)" "license": "Apache License Version 2.0" "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2014 by Mark Mokryn, Copyright (c) 2009-present by Appcelerator" "name": "Facebook" "moduleid": "facebook" "guid": "e4f7ac61-1ee7-44c5-bc27-fa6876e2dce9" "minsdk": "7.0.0" "commonjs": ... "iphone": ... "windows": ...
Returns a list of possible Titanium module install paths.
Returns Array.<String>
const paths = modules;console;
'/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules' '/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules'
Not available yet.
This project is open source under the Apache Public License v2 and is developed by
Axway, Inc and the community. Please read the LICENSE
file included
in this distribution for more information.