tilde-sass is a SASS compiler with tilde (~) support for resolving node_modules path, supports new sass' syntax, and has built in crazy compression & grouping rules/selectors.
- Supports a tilde (~) prefix for resolving node_modules path.
- Supports new sass' syntax like @use, @forward, sass modules, etc. Based on dart-sass.
- Supports better compression using postcss and cssnano. Not just removing whitespace!
- Supports merging fully/partially similar selectors using postcss-merge-rules-plus.
Merging Similar Rules & Better Compression
Do you hate the @extend/placeholder cannot be used with different media queries? An @extend doesn't work if you try to merge some properties with different media queries. Error: You may not @extend selectors across media queries.
Sometimes you must using @include instead of @extend. That makes our SASS code complicated and not consistent.
The solution is by using the @include only (forget the @extend), and then run this compiler with option: --mergeSelectors at your command line. Our compiler will merge any rules having the same (or partially) properties for you! The result will be the same as if you using @extend in your SASS! The exception is any rules having different media queries, the result will be falled back to @include normally.
@use "~@nodestrap/breakpoints/src/index" as breakpoint;
$my-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);
$my-font: 'Arial';
// define awesome-props via mixin
@mixin awesome-props {
color: red;
font-family: 'Arial';
opacity: 0.5;
// define awesome-props via placeholder
%awesome-props {
color: red;
font-family: 'Arial';
opacity: 0.5;
.a {
@include awesome-props; // use mixin
.b {
color: blue;
.c {
@extend %awesome-props; // use placeholder
background: white;
.d {
@include breakpoint.media-up(xl) {
// @extend %awesome-props; // use placeholder => doesn't work! => error: You may not @extend selectors across media queries.
@include awesome-props; // use mixin => works!
background: white;
.e {
// hard coded:
font-family: $my-font;
color: $my-color;
opacity: #{(1 / 2)};
background: white;
.f {
@include breakpoint.media-up(xl) {
@include awesome-props; // use mixin => works!
background: white;
Then run:
tilde-sass --file test/*.scss --outFile test/ --outputStyle compressed --mergeSelectors
The compiled css would be like this: (after beautify-ed & added comment for explanation)
.e {
/* awesome-props */
/* all props defined via mixin or placeholder are here */
color: red;
font-family: Arial;
opacity: .5
.b {
/* private props */
color: #00f
.f {
/* other shared props */
background: #fff
@media (min-width: 1200px) {
.f {
/* awesome-props */
/* on different media query */
color: red;
font-family: Arial;
opacity: .5
run this command to install our compiler:
npm i tilde-sass --save-dev
Then add this scripts into your package.json:
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"compile": "tilde-sass --file src/*.scss --outFile dist/ --mergeSelectors",
"compile-min": "tilde-sass --file src/*.scss --outFile dist/ --mergeSelectors --outputStyle compressed",
"compile-watch": "tilde-sass --file src/*.scss --outFile dist/ --mergeSelectors --outputStyle compressed --watch"
To compile your *.sass or *.scss, run this following command:
npm run compile
Compression Options
add --outputStyle compressed for outputing a compressed css. For further compression options add this following code into your package.json
"cssnano": {
"preset": [
"cssDeclarationSorter": true,
"rawCache": true,
"calc": true,
"colormin": true,
"convertValues": true,
"discardComments": true,
"discardDuplicates": true,
"discardEmpty": true,
"discardOverridden": true,
"mergeLonghand": true,
"mergeRules": true,
"minifyFontValues": true,
"minifyGradients": true,
"minifyParams": true,
"minifySelectors": true,
"normalizeCharset": true,
"normalizeDisplayValues": true,
"normalizePositions": true,
"normalizeRepeatStyle": true,
"normalizeString": true,
"normalizeTimingFunctions": true,
"normalizeUnicode": true,
"normalizeUrl": true,
"normalizeWhitespace": true,
"orderedValues": true,
"reduceInitial": true,
"reduceTransforms": true,
"svgo": true,
"uniqueSelectors": true
To disable any compression options set one/more value above to false. For example, disabling the calc compression and discardComments compression:
"cssnano": {
"preset": [
"calc": false,
"discardComments": false
Please Support Us
A lot of coffee has been spent for making this plugins. Please buy me a cup of coffee to support me continue to develop & improve this application. Visit: ko-fi.com
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.