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0.28.22 • Public • Published

Time Is All (log-driven test engine with ExtJs classic support)

Note: Since version 0.20.4 minimal supported Node.js version is 10.15.1.

About TIA

This is a JS engine for test automation. The main destination is end-to-end tests for ExtJs-based web applications. You also can use it for non-ExtJs web applications, and for non-GUI tests, i.e. for functional and unit-testing. You can run GUI autotests on your console server using Xvfb or using headless chrome.

Web application part of the engine is based on selenium-webdriver npm module.

Here is the Selenium webdriver documentation.

What does "log-driven" mean?

Modern autotesting engines contain two entities: assertions and logs. Assertion is checking of some condition. And log is writing some autotest result to filesystem or console. Say, jest has snapshots. These snapshots are a bit similar to TIA test logs.

In many autotest engines assertion is a first-class citizen, but in the TIA assertion is second-class citizen. And first-class one is a test log.

So the main purpose of TIA autotest is a test log creation. The difference between jest snapshot and TIA test log is than test log is a one [big] snapshot, which is very similar to accorging test case description.

TIA API contains methods for

  • interactions with GUI elements.
  • for checking of some GUI element state.
  • for writting some GUI elements state to the test log.

Each such method automatically writes an accorging record to the test log. The record contains:

  • element type.
  • element id.
  • action taken.
  • result.

So the test log looks like:

Tab panel "#r-main": select tab by cardId: "assets" ... OK
Tab "#assets > tabbar > tab[text=l"info"]": click ... OK


The engine has tests for itself, they can be used as examples.


npm install [-g] tia. For test creation/debugging the local installation is more convenient.

For test running you can use global installation.

Self tests after installation

tia --run-self-tests, it will use your chrome browser for some self tests.

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API Documentation

API documentation is here: http://dzenly.github.io/tia/.

It is generated by typedoc from d.ts definitions, which are auto-generated at typescript files compilation into tia/types.

Note: When you use search in this documentation, mouse click on found result may not work, so use keyboard cursor and ENTER keys to chose between found entries.

TIA engine provides the global object gT which contains properties described here: http://dzenly.github.io/tia/interfaces/_index_d_.globaltiaobjects.html

These properties provide various API. Click property type to open the help on it.

ExtJs API notes

gT.eC contains properties which provide API to work with ExtJs components.


Simulates user actions with the component.

Also provides some pure ExtJs functions, like setValueByEJ. Try to avoid *EJ functions if there exist an appropriate non *EJ function.

All actions from gT.eC wait for all AJAX calls are finished before start interaction with ExtJS components.

checks (TBD)

Provides API to check component states. TODO: not implemented yet, because many cases of the component checks are covered by just printing the component to the Test log (see next section).


Provides API to print component state and content to the Test log.



Abbreviation for Application Under Test. I.e. your web page inside a browser.

Project root directory

The directory containing your project. In general it is the root of your VCS repository. Hereinafter the Project root directory will be denoted as <prjRoot>.

It can contain many Test suites (i.e __tia-tests__ directories, see below) at any level.

<prjRoot> contains at least one __tia-tests__ directory.

When you run tia, the current working directory will be used as the project root directory by default, but you set it it by:

  • --root-dir cmd line option.
  • TIA_ROOT_DIR environment variable.

If both are specified --root-dir will be used. Cmd line options alwais take precedence over env vars.

Test suite

A set of tests located in some __tia-tests__ directory, e.g.:

  • <prjRoot>/__tia-tests__
  • <prjRoot>/subDir/subSubDir/__tia-tests__

Note: don't nest __tia-tests__ to __tia-tests__.

When you run tia, it will execute all test suites from the Project root directory


JavaScript file, which name ends by .tia.js or .tia.ts suffix (e.g. 00_my-test.tia.js, 01_my-test.tia.ts). Tests can be located inside some Test suite directory at any level. Test are executed by TIA and can use all global objects, exposed by TIA (see below). Test file should create a Test log (see below) by TIA API.

Global objects exposed by TIA, which test can use

TIA provides gT and gIn global objects to tests.

TIA contains d.ts definitions for its API in types subdir.

API documentation generated by typedoc is here.

The page with global objects is here: http://dzenly.github.io/tia/modules/_index_d_.html

In JS code, global objects are defined in following files:

  • api/api-index.js
  • engine/global-objects.js
  • api/selenium/sel-index.js
  • api/extjs/extjs-index.js

You can explore gT (global Test helpers) global object to find them all. The gIn (global Inner test helpers) contain low level helper functions, you can use them to extend TIA's API.

Global objects have short aliases (see details in files listed above or in API docs).

Test log

This is a text file which is created by TIA API calls from Test. TIA has API for interactions with browser (using webdriver and ExtJs API). This API write info about actions into the Test log. Assertions also write results into the Test log. And user can write custom messages to the Test log.

The file reflects the test scenario and should be very similar to the according test case.

At the end of the Test log, TIA writes statistics info about the test and adds logs from browser console (for browser tests, if such option is enabled).

The Test log file name is equal to the Test file name, but the log has the .tia.log extension (test has the .tia.js or .tia.ts extenstion).

Test logs are not committed to VCS.

Etalon test log

When the test author finished Test creation, he should run it, check the Test log, and mark it as etalon (reference) log by renaming *.tia.log to *.tia.et for the test.

Etalon test logs are committed to VCS.

Suite log

This is a log with statistics for all Tests from a Test suite directory. Suite log is located in **/__tia-tests__/__tia-suite__/suite.log files. The Suite log is sent to email addresses of subscribers (if --email option is specified and there is a correct email config). NOTE: The Suite log is also affected with the sectionTitle option from tia-dir-config.js files.

suite.log files are not committed to VCS.

Etalon suite log

Etalon suite log, it is located in it the **/__tia-tests__/__tia-suite__/suite.et file.

It is create by renaming suite.log.notime to suite.et at tests creation.

See Suite log details section for further info.

*.et files are committed to VCS.

Root log

This is a log with statistics for all Test Suites from the Project root directory. It is located in <prjRoot>/__tia-tests__/__tia-root__/root.log. The Root log is sent to emails (if --email option is specified and there is a correct email config).

Root log is NOT committed to VCS.

Etalon root log?

Nope. There is no such a log type in TIA.

Dif files

It is result of diff between Etalon test log and Actual test log.

If the test named xxxx.tia.js/xxxx.tia.ts then dif will be named as xxxx.tia.dif in the same directory.

Also there can be diffs for suite logs named _tia-suite/suite.log.notime.et.dif.

If some Actual test log has diff with the corresponding Etalon test log, such test is considered as a fail, and the Suite log will also be diffed with the Etalon suite log.

Dif files are not committed to VCS

Expected dif

If you have xxxx.tia.dif which is equal to xxxx.tia.edif, then such diff will not be considered as a fail. It can be used for known bugs, to avoid fail status for the Root log.

.edif files are committed to VCS

Browser profiles

There is the default browser profile, located at <prjRoot>/__tia-tests__/__tia-root__/tia-browser-profiles/default directory.

Also each test directory can specify its profile dir in the Directory config. See the browserProfileDir option description in the config/default-dir-config.js.

Browser profiles are located in **/_tia-suite/tia-browser-profiles/<browserProfileDir> directories, where browserProfileDir is config option from the Directory config.


  • zip utilility (you can use Cygwin on Windows)
  • Node.js 10.15.1+
  • Xvfb (if you wish to run tests under Linux without GUI). How to start: $ Xvfb :1 -screen 5 2560x1440x24 How to stop: $ killall Xvfb The 'xvfb' directory contains the script for using as /etc/init.d/xvfb and readme.md.
  • Note: there are headless chrome and firefox, which are supported by the --headless command line option of TIA.

Installation at tests development.

$ npm install tia

Now in the project you can use node_modules/tia/bin/tia.js as a start script for node.js.

VS Code and WebStorm should support some autocompletion for TIA API. You can starty to type gT. and your IDE should hint you about gT properties, properties of properties, etc.

Autocompletion for TS tests

declare const gT: import('../node_modules/tia/tia-types/index').GlobalTiaObjects;

gT.t.setTitle('My title');

When you use tia from cmd line, paths in import can be wrong, because ts-node is used with transpileOnly: true, i.e. JS generated and runs as is.

Installation for daily tests run

$ npm install -g tia

Self - test after installation

$ tia --run-self-tests

Cmd line options

$ tia --help

There are many nice abilities, so find time to read this help.

Creating / debugging tests

  • $ npm i -g tia
  • $ mkdir my-prj - it will be your Project root directory.
  • $ cd my-prj
  • $ tia initRoot - to create project root TIA subdirectories (TODO and config stubs).
  • Choose/create some directory inside my-prj where the [Test suite](#test suite) will be created.
  • $ tia initSuite - to create suite TIA subdirectories (TODO: and config stubs).
  • Inside created __tia-tests__ directory you can create directories with tests.
  • $ npm init
  • $ npm install tia - for ability to use tia.js as entry point.

In your debug configuration you can use


And set CWD as my-prj or use --root-dir TIA cmd line option.

Speed up test creation/debugging using connection to the existing browser session

If you are testing some heavy application and application start requires noticeable time, you can use the --use-remote-driver option. See tia --help for the following things:

  • --use-remote-driver
  • --stop-remote-driver
  • gT.firstRunWithRemoteDriver global variable.

Visualization of the test

See --sel-acts-delay cmd line option description.

Config files

This is JS files, contains just

module.exports = {
  // Here are config options.

It is for you to decide whether to commit these files to VCS. If you have one test environment you can commit them, if you have multiple environments with different options, - you should add these files into your <.vsc>ignore or keep just stubs in VCS.

Global config

Optional. Located in the <prjRoot>/__tia-tests__/_tia-root/tia-global-config.js file.

Standard global options are described here: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/config/default-global-config.js

You can add some custom options to the Global config and use gT.globalConfig to access them from your tests.

Suite config

Optional. Located in **/__tia-tests__/_tia-suite/tia-suite-config.js files.

Standard suite options are described here: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/config/default-suite-config.js

You can add some custom options to the Global config and use gT.suiteConfig to access them from your tests.

Root suite config

Optional. Located in the <prjRoot>/__tia-tests__/_tia-root/tia-root-suite-config.js file.

As a Suite config can define such options: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/config/default-suite-config.js

So options for the certain suite is created as merge of following files:

Directory config

Optional. It is tia-dir-config.js file, which can be located at any level inside __tia-tests__ directory.

Standard directory options are described here: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/config/default-dir-config.js

You can add some custom options to the Global config and use gT.config to access them from your tests.

Note: sectionTitle parameter is not enherited by nested directories.

Directory root config

Optional. Located in the <prjRoot>/__tia-tests__/_tia-root/tia-root-dir-config.js file.

As a Suite config can define such options: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/config/default-dir-config.js

So options for the certain suite is created as merge of following files:

Cmd line parameters

gT.cLParams keeps them, say, if you use --ej-explore option, gT.cLParams.ejExplore will keep true.

See tia --help for all params description.

Separated email config

You can specify path to some *.js or *.json file which can specify email-related parameters from https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/config/default-suite-config.js

Example is here: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/docs-md/mail-cfg-example.js

See tia --help for --email-cfg-path and TIA_EMAIL_CFG_PATH environment variable descriptions.

--email-cfg-path cmd line option cat provide path to some js or json file which contains email settings.

If the mailRecipientList field in the config is empty, email will be disabled.

Environment variables

tia --help describes following vars:


Use TIA_NO_COLORS - to disable ANSI colors.

Order of tests execution

Tests are executed in the alphabet order, so it is recommended to prefix your folders and tests by numbers, like 00_CheckingSomeStuff.js.

How the engine works and how different files are created

TIA recursively walks tests directories. tia-suite-config.js from the root tests directory is used to setup parameters for the current test suite. tia-dir-config.js from any directory is used to setup parameters for the current directory and its subdirectories (with exception of sectionTitle parameter).

*.tia.js / *.tia.ts files are executed by TIA and should use TIA API to create Test logs. For each test there should be an etalon log, which is thoroughly checked by the author, and is saved as *.et file.

After a test finish, its log is compared with its etalon log. If there is a difference it is saved as *.tia.dif file. Note: All diffs are made as diff actualLog etalonLog, so as error or difference will be on top of log. - is for lines to be deleted to get the etalon log. + is for lines to be added to get the etalon log.

There is an ability to create expected diff files (*.edif).

Errors in tests

If there will be some error, the test log will contain info about this error.

If test uses the Selenium the log will also contain:

  • browser console output
  • browser exceptions
  • path to the screenshot made immediately after the error (*.png file located near the test source).

Suite log details

Suite log looks like:

====================    Short Log BEGIN:    ====================
 "log", dif: 0, fail: 0
====================    Short Log END.    ====================

====================    Verbose Log BEGIN:    ====================
 "log", dif: 0, fail: 0, edif: 0, skip: 0, 90.97 ms, "This title must be overloaded."
| "r-stream", dif: 0, fail: 0, edif: 0, skip: 0, 81.83 ms, "This title must be overloaded."
| | "r-chunk-stream.tia.js", OK, fail: 0, pass: 0, 50.47 ms, "Test for readable stream to test log."
| | "r-obj-stream.tia.js", OK, fail: 0, pass: 0, 27.67 ms, "Test for readable stream to test log."
| "winston-mock", dif: 0, fail: 0, edif: 0, skip: 0, 8.09 ms, "This title must be overloaded."
| | "w-mock.tia.js", OK, fail: 0, pass: 0, 6.92 ms, "Winston mock test"
====================    Verbose Log END.    ====================

It contains directory hierarhy and statictics about directories and tests.

  • dif - diffs count in the directory (and all subdirs).
  • fail - fails count in the directory (and all subdirs).
  • edif - expected difs count.
  • skip - skipped tests count.
  • ms - milliseconds count on this dir or test.
  • OK - test status.

Short log contains only errors and diffs. See also the --difs-to-slog cmd line option.

Verbose log contains everything.

Email subject notations

[ET_SLOG/DIF_SLOG, ] [AS PREV/AS PREV (8 diff(s) changed)/DIF FROM PREV], "testsWdHelpers", Dif: 0, Fail: 0, EDif: 0, Skip: 0, Pass: 4, 19203.05 ms, linux_3.16.0-4-amd64

  • ET_SLOG - the current suite log is equal to the etalon suite log
  • DIF_SLOG - the current suite log is different from the etalon suite log
  • TOO_LONG - tests duration is exceeded --too-long-time parameter
  • linux_3.16.0-4 - OS.
  • amd64 - Platform.
  • NO PREV - no previous log, e.g. the first run, custom files removing, or some terrible fail at previous run.
  • DIF FROM PREV - the current tests run is different from the previous run.
  • AS PREV - the current run is equal to the previous run.
  • AS PREV (8 diff(s) changed). - the current run has diffs in the same tests as in previous run, but diffs are changed.
  • testsWdHelpers - root tests dirname.
  • Dif: 0, - zero tests have diffs.
  • Fail: 0, - zero failed assertions.
  • EDif: 0, - zero expected diffs.
  • Skip: 0, - zero skipped tests (dues ot 'skip: true' in config.js)
  • Pass: 4, - 4 assertions in the whole test bunch passed.
  • 19203.05 ms - tests duration.

Suite log notations

They are almost the same as for Email subject notations.

The --slog-subj cmd line option allows you to set more info the suite log log.

Process exit code

TIA returns 0 if all tests are passed as expected, or 1 if there are unexpected diffs.

Process stdout and stderr

There are many options to manage stdout and stderr. You can manage tracing, errors, logs, verbosity, etc.

For more details, see tia --help and configs from here:


FAQ and lifehacks

xvfb analog for Windows.

See the desktops utility for creation alternative desktops. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc817881.aspx

How to subscribe to updates:

You can use this link in your RSS feed client:


Autocompletion in IDE.

TIA contains types definition here: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/tia-types

So autocompletion works for WebStorm and VS Code. Use gT and gIn

Also you can use break points and explore these global objects.

Speedup debugging

Idle ExtJs event will be sent faster if you move mouse on the AUT.

MENUS and tests stability

Dont touch the mouse (in the headful mode), if you work with menus.

File types:

  • *.log - test log or root log.
  • *.slog - suite log for directory with tests
  • *.slog.json - suite log as JSON (to use with HTML log-viewer (it is in my TODO list for now))
  • *.slog.notime - suite log without time measurements
  • *.slog.notime.prev - previous suite log without time measurements
  • *.et - etalon logs and etalon suite logs
  • *.tia.js - tests
  • *.tia.ts - tests
  • tia*.js - config file.

Known issues and bugs

These are pretty old issues and may be fixed now.

  • Problems on Windows with browser profiles. Chrome's profile is broken after browser exit. Firefox profile uses initial profile as a template to create some tmp profile, and does not change this initial profile. Firefox's --profile option does not work with Selenium. For now I did not use tests which preserve cookies and sessions between browser restarts.

  • On Linux, browser profiles do correctly save for chrome. Firefox on linux has the same behaviour as for Windows.

  • If you will change input focuses during some selenium test work, there can be errors in this test.

  • On Windows selenium sometimes incorrectly returns old page title.

License: MIT

Words of gratitude

The engine was started to develop in the "R-Vision" company (https://rvision.pro/). Thank you, "R-Vision", for the sponsorship and for allowance to open the sources.



Since year 2004 I have been involved in auto-testing. I very like it and I have many ideas to implement. So I develop this test engine, dedicating most of my free time to this, using all my experience and best practices. Main goals of this project is to create a good tool for ExtJs applications testing, and to propagate the autotesting in common.

If you like this test engine, you can to star my project on github: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia.

If you wish to support the project with moneys, here is an info about my accounts for donations: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/blob/master/docs-md/donations-info.md

My further TODO lists are in 'inner-docs' project directory: https://github.com/Dzenly/tia/tree/master/inner-docs.

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