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Throne is a Node.js module for checking for name availability across multiple services.

Build Status Dependency Status Dev Dependency Status License Release


Install using npm:

$ npm install --save throne

You'll need to have at least Node.js 4 or newer.

If you want to use the command line interface, which you probably do, you'll most likely want to install it globally so that you can run throne from anywhere:

$ npm install --global throne


Usage: throne [options] [command]


  -V, --version          output the version number
  -c, --category <name>  filter services by category name
  -d, --debug            enable debug level logging
  -s, --service <title>  filter service by title
  --stack                print stack traces for errors
  -h, --help             output usage information


  check|chk [options] <name>  check name availability
  help [cmd]                  display help for [cmd]
  list|ls                     list available services and categories

The command line interface is the primary intended use for Throne and it's designed to be extremely simple. However, there's a few pointers that can really be helpful:

  1. You can filter multiple services and/or categories at once:
    # Only check services in mail & social categories
    $ throne check -c mail -c social neocotic
    # Only check specific services
    $ throne check -s bitbucket -s github -s gitlab neocotic
  2. You can even exclude multiple services and/or categories at once by using a colon prefix:
    # Only check services in all categories except health
    $ throne check -c :health neocotic
    # Only check services in social category except LinkedIn 
    $ throne check -c social -s :linkedin neocotic
  3. You don't have to be too precise when targeting services for filtering as all non-alphanumeric (incl. whitespace) characters are ignored, which means the following have the same result:
    $ throne check -s getsatisfcation neocotic 
    $ throne check -s "Get Satisfaction" neocotic


While most of you will be using Throne via its CLI, the API can also be used and is designed to be just as simple to use. It uses ECMAScript 2015's promises to handle the asynchronous flow:

const throne = require('throne');
  .then((report) => {
    if (report.status.failed) {
      console.error(`${report.status.failed} checks failed!`);
    console.log(report.stats.available ===;

It's best to take a look at the code and or inspect the results yourself to see all of the information available.

check(name[, options])

Checks the availability of the specified name across all supported services using the options provided.

name is trimmed and transformed into lower case before being checked by any service.

This method returns a Promise that is resolved with a report once all services have been checked. However, progress can be monitored by listening to events that are emitted by throne.


Option Description Default
filter Function to be used to filter which services are checked based on their descriptor All
timeout Timeout to be applied to each individual service check (in milliseconds) None


Event Description
check Fired once the services have been loaded (and potentially filtered) but before any services are checked
checkservice Fired immediately before a service is checked
result Fired immediately after a service is checked along with its findings
report Fired once all services have been checked along with a report containing all of their findings, including a summary


throne.check('neocotic', { timeout: 5000, filter: (descriptor) => descriptor.category === 'tech' })
  .then((report) => {
    if (report.status.failed) {
      console.error(`${report.status.failed} checks failed!`);
    } else {
      console.log(`Unique: ${report.unique ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`);


Provides the list of all supported services using the options provided.


Option Description Default
filter Function to be used to filter which services are provided based on their descriptor All


throne.list({ filter: (descriptor) => descriptor.category === 'social' })
  .then((descriptors) => {
    console.log( => descriptor.title).join(','));


If you have any problems with Throne or would like to see changes currently in development you can do so here.


If you want to contribute, you're a legend! Information on how you can do so can be found in We want your suggestions and pull requests!

A list of Throne contributors can be found in


See for more information on our MIT license.

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  • neocotic