
0.1.6 • Public • Published

The Arbiter

The Arbiter is a HTML routing and analytics system for front-end applications and websites. (based on ExpressJS Route handling and React-like loading - for front-end only)

The Arbiter preloads pages into memory and swaps pages into a container. This significantly decreases render time and page navigation. Custom page-specific rendering can be done in one of three states: preRender, onRender, postRender.


npm install the-arbiter

Set up and config

Set up

If you are using gulp in conjuction with this module, place the following code in your global.js file.

function locationHashChanged( e ) {
    if( !_a.isPageRouted( location.hash ) ) return;
    if( !_a.hashToKey( location.hash ) || _a.currentPage === '' ) return;
    if( _a.isPageRendered( location.hash ) ) return;
    _a.load( location.hash, true, () => console.log( location.hash + ' loaded' ) );
    Arbiter.onLocationHashChanged( e );

function pageDidChange( e ) {
    locationHashChanged( e );
    Arbiter.onPageDidChange( e );

window.onhashchange   = locationHashChanged;
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', pageDidChange );
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', e => Arbiter.onApplicationDidAppear() );
window.onload         = Arbiter.onApplicationDidLoad;
window.onbeforeunload = Arbiter.onApplicationDidUnload;


    _pages = {
        pagePath: 'main',
        mainFile: 'home',
        pages: [
                name: 'home',
                title: 'Website | Home',
                preload: false,
                data: null,
                preRender: "console.log( 'pre' )",
                onRender: "console.log( 'on' )",
                postRender: "console.log( 'post' )"
    Arbiter = require( 'the-arbiter' ),
    _a = new Arbiter( _pages, true );

_pages is the primary variable. This can be an in-memory object, or loaded json.

Required keys for _pages

  • pagePath: (string) location of all your page files
  • mainFile: (string) your "index.html" or "primary" landing page.
  • pages: (array) list of all pages in application

Required fields for a Page

  • name: (string) the name of the file
  • title: (string) equivalent to <title> at the top of your pages - will set the page title
  • preload: (bool) tells the application to preload your file on ApplicationDidAppear

Optional fields for a Page

  • data (string) the raw HTML for your page
  • preRender (function | string) the function called before the page is loaded
  • onRender (function | string) the function called when the page is loaded
  • postRender (function | string) the function called after the page is loaded

Application Lifecycle

  • onApplicationDidAppear: called immediately when the application starts to load
  • onApplicationDidLoad: called after the DOM loads
  • onApplicationIsReady: called after The Arbiter finishes loading and the application is ready
  • onPageDidChange: called on page change (Example: back, forward, refresh)
  • onLocationHashChanged: called when the hyperlink hash changes (Example: #home to #login)
  • onApplicationDidUnload: called when the application starts to close
  • onApplicationDidDisappear: called just before the application closes
  • applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning: called if The Monitor detects a memory issue

The Arbiter


Manages page routing, monitoring, and lifecycle.

  • constructor

    • Arguments:
      • (array) pages: config object including the array of pages for the arbiter to manage
      • (boolean) verbose: log the Arbiter's actions
    • Sets up routes, pages, and currentPage
  • init

    • Arguments:
      • (function) fn: function to run on initialization
      • (function) globalExecution: add globally executed function
    • Gets the body container - modify this to call another div if you have a permanent navigation bar or something like that
    • Constructs the pages
    • Loads the mainFile and calls onApplicationIsReady
  • render

    • Arguments:
      • (Page) page
    • Calls preRender, onRender, and postRender in their respective order
    • Sets currentPage
    • Sets document.title and location.hash based on page object
    • Sends page data to the render container
  • request

    • Arguments:
      • (string) url
    • Loads the html page - can be used to load any http page
  • load

    • Arguments:
      • (string) name: name of the page
      • (bool) render: set render page flag
      • (function) handler: optional call back
    • Renders a page if it is loaded into memory, otherwise, request's it, stores it, and then calls render
    • Responses with the XMLHttpRequest on readyState 4
  • changePage

    • Arguments:
      • (string) hash
    • Primary navigation function
    • Changes page location to the desired page - notifies Arbiter.onLocationHashChanged
  • hashToKey

    • Arguments:
      • (string) hash
    • Removes # in location.hash URI component and returns result
  • hashToKey

    • Arguments:
      • (string) hash
    • Adds # for location.hash URI component and returns result
  • isPageRouted

    • Arguments:
      • (string) hash
    • Returns if(?) the page is routed and managed by The Arbiter
  • isPageLoaded

    • Arguments:
      • (string) hash
    • Returns if(?) the page has been loaded into memory
  • isPageRendered

    • Arguments:
      • (string) hash
    • Returns if(?) the page is currently rendered
  • isPage

    • Arguments:
      • (Page) page
    • Returns if(?) page is an instance of Page
  • pageToHash

    • Arguments:
      • (Page | string) page
    • Returns hash of a page or string
  • getPage

    • Arguments:
      • (Page | string) page
    • Returns a Page from a hash, key, or Page
  • setPreRenderForPage

    • Arguments:
      • (Page | string) page
      • (function) fn
    • Sets the PreRender function for a specific page
  • setOnRenderForPage

    • Arguments:
      • (Page | string) page
      • (function) fn
    • Sets the OnRender function for a specific page
  • setPostRenderForPage

    • Arguments:
      • (Page | string) page
      • (function) fn
    • Sets the PostRender function for a specific page
  • setMainFile

    • Arguments:
      • (string) page
    • Sets the mainFile on in-memory configuation
    • Example use: After a user logs in, set the main page from login to dashboard
  • addGlobalExecution

    • Arguments:
      • (function) fn
    • Subscribes a function to the globalExecution pubsub (see below)
  • invokeGlobalExecution

    • Arguments:
      • (ANY) event
    • Publishes anything to all subscribers of globalExecution
  • subscribeToPage

    • Arguments:
      • (Page | string) page
      • (function) fn
    • Subscribes a function to a specified Page
  • publishForPage

    • Arguments:
      • (Page | string) page
      • (AND) event
    • Publishes anything to all subscribers of a specified Page
Static Methods
  • onApplicationDidAppear

    • Called immediately when URL for website is requested
  • onApplicationDidLoad

    • Called when DOM/document is ready
  • onApplicationIsReady

    • Called when The Arbiter is prepared
  • onPageDidChange

    • Called on page history change
      • refresh, forward, backward
  • onLocationHashChanged

    • Called when location.hash is changed
  • onApplicationDidUnload

    • Called when the tab is set to close or the URL changes
  • onApplicationDidDisappear

    • Called just before the application closes
    • Volatile code execution will occur, not really to be used
  • onApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning

    • Called if The Monitor detects a memory issue
    • Clears out large in-memory objects
Important methods/variables
  • globalExecution

    • Global Execution is a Post-Render function or multiple functions that are run globally and have no ties to a specific page.
  • saveOnUnload

    • Attempts to save the state of the application before fully unloading
    • Returns onApplicationDidDisappear - if changed to return a (string) a warning box will appear and block all code execution

The Monitor


Monitors memory, page duration, and activity.

  • constructor

    • Arguments: none
    • Sets up monitoring
  • analyze

    • Arguments: (string) name
    • Calls start and stop to handle page change requests
    • Checks and reports on memory usage
  • onMemoryWarning

    • Arguments: none
    • Manual override memory warning to stop the monitor from running
  • inquiry

    • Arguments: none
    • Returns the current list of page analytics
  • start

    • Arguments: none
    • Starts a "timer" for the currently rendered page
  • stop

    • Arguments: nothing
    • Stops the "timer" for the currently rendered page
    • Adds: activePage, navigatedTo, viewTime, viewDuration, memoryUsage to views object
    • Saves state of The Monitor

The Generator


Sets up a promisified generatorFunction to contain and manage a code execution. A contained code execution environment allows code passed in JSON to be executed without effecting other code in the window.

  • generator

    • Arguments: (__generatorFunction__) gen
    • Wraps a generator into a handled promise-like state for success and error handling
  • generator.container

    • Arguments: (function) func
    • Creates a container around a function so code execution is separate from the others
  • toPromise

    • Arguments: (object) obj
    • Coerces anything into a promise
  • thunkToPromise

    • Arguments: (function) fn
    • Sometimes you think a function returns or is a promise, but it's not. Sometimes you think it's a function but it doesn't have "arguments".
    • This function takes what you thunk was a promise, calls it, and sends it back as an actual promise.
  • arrayToPromise

    • Arguments: (array) obj
    • Coerces an Array into a promise
  • objectToPromise

    • Arguments: (object) obj
    • Coerces an Object into a promise
  • isPromise

    • Arguments: (Anything) obj
    • Returns if(?) it's thenable
  • isGenerator

    • Arguments: (Anything) obj
    • Returns if(?) it's thenable and throwable because it must catch errors
  • isGeneratorFunction

    • Arguments: (Anything) obj
    • Returns if(?) an object is a generator
  • isObject

    • Arguments: (Anything) obj
    • Returns if(?) obj is a real object

The Executor


Executes a string of code in a container.

  • constructor

    • Builds a Generator
    • Executes the string as code inside a container
  • success

    • Called if things are OK
  • error

    • Called if things aren't OK

The Librarian


// TODO: Document Librarian



Containment is a simple try-catch function. Surprisingly enough, it is about 93% MORE EFFICIENT to put only ONE try catch in your code and have try-catch functions passed in... who-da-thunk?

  • constructor

    • Arguments:
      • (object) flood
        • (function) try function to attempt
        • (function) error function in the event of an error
        • (function) finally function called regardless of the result
        • (function) result function called with the result of try
  • getResult

    • Arguments: none
    • Returns the result of a try OR calls result again
  • getError

    • Arguments: none
    • Returns the error (likely the stackTrace) of an attempted try

Example use case:

const containment = new Containment( {
    try: () => {
        const i = 123;
        return i = 321;
    error: e => {
        console.error( 'error', e );
    finally: () => {
        console.log( 'finally' );
    result: r => {
        console.log( 'result', r );
} );


PubSub is a Publish-Subscribe class to register functions to a specific event.

  • constructor

    • Arguments:
      • (string) name of "topic"
      • (array) subscribers List of subscribers
  • isFunction

    • Arguments:
      • (ANY) fn
    • Returns if(?) fn is a function
  • addSubscription

    • Arguments:
      • (function) fn
    • Adds function to list of subscribers
  • listSubscribers

    • Arguments: none
    • Returns the list of subscribers
  • publish

    • Arguments:
      • (ANY) event
    • Invokes all subscribed functions and passes event


  • v0.1.7 - Added verbose flag for Arbiter logging
  • v0.1.6 - Added Cleansing for The Librarian
  • v0.1.5 - Bug fixes
  • v0.1.4 - Fixed page refreshing issues on unhandled paths
  • v0.1.3 - Fixed a few location issues
  • v0.1.2 - Fixed querystring-handling
  • v0.1.1 - Fixed deep-path-handling
  • v0.1.0 - Added Cleansing for Polyfill - universal-browser-support
  • v0.0.7 - Added The Librarian - still in progress
  • v0.0.6 - Added PubSub class for publications on events
  • v0.0.5 - Added separate page class
  • v0.0.4 - Converted from loose files to a module, added The Monitor
  • v0.0.3 - Added Generator and Executor for string-javascript execution
  • v0.0.2 - Removed double request issue on preloaded pages
  • v0.0.1 - First Commit

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