Telegram Logger
A tiny module for sending logs to Telegram chats.
npm install tglog
Import into your project:
// ESM
import TelegramLogger from "tglog";
// CommonJS
const { default: TelegramLogger } = require("tglog");
Basic usage
To start logging messages in Telegram chats, you need to initialize a new instance of TelegramLogger
class and pass it some required/optional parameters:
const tglog = new TelegramLogger(BOT_TOKEN, CHAT_ID, {
// This is default options
// All parametes below are optional
messageThreadId: 0, // Unique identifier for the target message thread (topic) of the forum
wrapAsCode: true, // Will format your messages as code
codeExtension: "", // Extension for wrapped code (json, sql, xml, js, ts, etc.). It works with markdown mode and enabled wrapAsCode option.
ignoreErrors: true, // Will ignore internal errors that may occur in this module
parseMode: "HTML", //
disableNotification: false, // Users will receive a notification with no sound
timeMetadata: true, // Adds time data to the end of the message
Now you can send messages as normal strings or any objects that will be serialized to JSON:"Hello, World!");
tglog.err({ code: 400, message: "Something went wrong..." });
tglog.ok({ text: "Everything is OK!" });
tglog.warn({ info: "Need your attention!", data: { some: { nested: { object: "..." } } } });
All methods can also take an object with parameters as a second argument to override default values...
To be continued...
This project in under MIT License.