
0.1.1 • Public • Published

An angular 2 module to support built-in and custom emoji.

You can see Live Demo application, or run on local system


ng2-emojify module supports built-in and custom emoji. if you don't want to use custom emoji you can skip To add custom emoji section. This module also contains a built-in emoji menu support. Its optional to use.

Sample message

alt snapshot

Emoji List

Note This is the list of built-in emojis. But custom emoji(s) can be added.

alt snapshot

   * Angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.18 or higher
   * NPM : 4.0.2 or higher
   * Node: v6.9.1 or higher
npm install ng2-emojify  --save
yarn add ng2-emojify --save
How to use ?
1. Put emoji folder into the assets folder

Goto the node_modules/ng2-emojify/emoji and Copy the emoji and paste in assets.

2. Add Ng2EmojifyModule in the module file.
import {Ng2EmojifyModule} from 'ng2-emojify';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {
3. Add emoji style in .css or .scss file.
<!-- This is just for example. It can be customized as per need.  -->
<!-- Just use class name ".emoji-image". -->

:host >>> .emogi-image {
  height: 60px;
  width: 60px;
  border-radius: 50%;
4. Add emojify pipe to message in component's template file.
 <div [innerHTML]="message | emojify"></div>

Here, message is message string like - I'm so happy today. :happy:. In this string :happy: is an emoji identity. It will be converted to an image tag after passing through emojify pipe.

To add custom emoji
Add CustomEmotion service in component's .ts file.
import {CustomEmotion} from 'ng2-emojify';


constructor(private customEmotion: CustomEmotion) {
    /* Mandatory to keep in constructor */
    /* ***************************************************************************
     *  @ CustomEmotion
     * `emojiId` - This is the id which will be used to convert into emoji.
     * `emojiUrl`- This is the path to that image/gif which is to be used as emoji.
     * `title` - This is the `title` to be shown as `tooltip`.
     * ************************************************************************* */
        emojiId: 'myemojiId',
        emojiUrl: 'assets/emoji/my-emoji.jpg',
        title: 'My Emoji'

        emojiId: 'myheart',
        emojiUrl: 'https://github.com/ng2-emojify/blob/master/emoji/heart.jpg',
        title: 'My Heart'

Here, emojiUrl is path to the image, which is to be used as emoji. An emoji file may be .jpg, .png and.gif file. assets/emoji/ is default path used by this module.

IMPORTANT: built-in emojiId can be override. To override just use it as custom id.

EMOJI MENU (optional)

Thank you

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