A javascript tool for adjusting size, leading, and grades to cast continuously responsive typography. It works over your current CSS as a progressive enhancement.
The script calculates your setting based on minimum and maximum values for font size, line height, variable grades, and container width:
- minimum/maximum font size
- minimum/maximum line height
- minimum/maximum container width
- minimum/maximum grades (variable fonts only)
To initialize, add the element to be resized (required)
With Vanilla JS
- Include the main script and
- target elements using JS notation:
<script src="textblock.min.js"></script> <script> Textblock([{ target: ".some-element" }]);</script>
As a Node Module (shown here for React)
- Add to modules with
npm install --save textblock
, - include the module, and
- apply to elements within
as needed:
import Textblock from 'textblock'; componentDidMount() { Textblock([{ target: ".some-element" }]);}
(required ): The element that should be resized".your‑class"
,"#some-id p"
: default320
: default960
: default1.0
: default1.8
: default1.33
(unitless values only)maxWidth_LineHeight
: default1.25
(unitless values only)minWidth_VariableGrade
: A variable font weight for the small size, for example450
: A variable font weight for the large size, i.e.400
: The container width to measure. Defaults to"parent"
and can alternately be set to"self"
: defaultem
For a better sense of context, set your root em to 10px
with html { font-size: 62.5%; }
. This makes your em units base 10 so 2.4em
= 24px
. But any number will do because once you start adjusting the min/max numbers, the experience is more visual than calculated. And if you prefer a more scientific approach, Textblock gives you the control you need for setting systems like modular scales.
If you’re using variable fonts, the minWidth_VariableGrade
/ maxWidth_VariableGrade
parameters provide a way to simulate grades (micro-variations in weight to set smaller sizes slightly bolder).
Example Including Extra Parameters
Textblock([{ target: ".some-class", minWidth: 280, maxWidth: 800, minWidth_FontSize: 1.9, maxWidth_FontSize: 2.6, minWidth_LineHeight: 1.33, maxWidth_LineHeight: 1.25, minWidth_VariableGrade: 366, maxWidth_VariableGrade: 300, container: "self", fontSize_Units: "rem"}]);
Multiple Elements with Different Settings
Textblock([ { target: ".some-class", minWidth_FontSize: 1.9, maxWidth_FontSize: 2.6 }, { target: ".another-class", minWidth_FontSize: 2.4, maxWidth_FontSize: 3.6, minWidth_VariableGrade: 450, maxWidth_VariableGrade: 400, container: "self" }]);