
3.0.1 • Public • Published

Text Maze

Create mazes with paths in the form of lines of text.

Use text-maze-render to render a text maze in a browser via the HTML Canvas API.

See it in use: https://littlesystem.com/maze


Each maze is a 2D array. The value at each index in the nested arrays is a number indicating the type of location in the maze. The solution path follows negative values through the maze.

  • 2 A path and part of the embedded text.
  • 1 A path but not part of the embedded text.
  • 0 Not a path.
  • -1 As 1, but also on the solution path.
  • -2 As 2, but also on the solution path.

Current character whitelist for text:

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 .?!'


npm install --save text-maze


  • width Optional maze width. An array length. The maze is auto-sized for the browser when width is not given.
  • margin Optional margin in pixels. Used when auto-sizing, ignored when width is given. The following default margin values are used for auto-sizing when margin is not given: 30px for screens < 576px, 100px otherwise.


Import text-maze.

var tm = require('text-maze');

Create an auto-sized maze.

var maze = tm.init('the text you want embedded in the maze').maze;

Get the auto-size values for use with the text-maze-render package.

var result    = tm.init('Scooby Dooby Doo');
var maze      = result.maze;      // The maze.
var endpoints = result.endpoints; // Know your endpoint coordinates.
var cellSize  = result.cellSize;  // Render each maze location in a cellSize × cellSize square.

Create a maze of width 100. The cellSize property in the returned object will be null.

var maze = tm.init('Where are you?', { width: 100 }).maze;

Create a maze auto-sized for the screen leaving 200 pixels of margin.

var maze = tm.init("We've got some work to do now.", { margin: 200 }).maze;

For use in a browser, bundle your code with something like browserify.

browserify code.js -o bundle.js

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npm i text-maze

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  • jesse-blake