TelegramBot API
This library wraps the TelegramBot API and can be used to interact with bots generated by using BotFather
npm install telegrambot
Available Methods
All methods available on the API can be access using this library. The list of methods and expected results can be found in the Bot API document.
The methods can be used like this (wrappers):
var TelegramBot = require('telegrambot');var api = new TelegramBot('<YOUR TOKEN HERE>');api.getMe(callback);api.sendMessage(opts, callback);api.forwardMessage(opts, callback);api.sendPhoto(opts, callback;api.sendAudio(opts, callback);api.sendDocument(opts, callback);api.sendSticker(opts, callback);api.sendVideo(opts, callback);api.sendLocation(opts, callback);api.sendChatAction(opts, callback);api.sendContact(opts, callback);api.getUserProfilePhotos(opts, callback);api.getFile(opts, callback);api.kickChatMember(opts, callback);api.unbanChatMember(opts, callback);api.answerCallbackQuery(opts, callback);api.editMessageText(opts, callback);api.editMessageCaption(opts, callback);api.editMessageReplyMarkup(opts, callback);api.answerInlineQuery(opts, callback);api.getUpdates(opts, callback);api.setWebhook(opts, callback);
var TelegramBot = require('telegrambot');var fs = require('fs');var api = new TelegramBot('<YOUR TOKEN HERE>');api.sendMessage({ chat_id: 1, text: 'test' }, function (err, message) {if (err) throw err;console.log(message);});api.sendPhoto({ chat_id: 1, photo: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/test.jpg') }, function (err, message) {if (err) throw err;console.log(message);});
Using 'invoke'
The library contains an invoke
call that can be used to call any API method even before it's been implemented as part of the library interface. All library calls wrap this call and serve mostly as a convenience.
var TelegramBot = require('telegrambot');var fs = require('fs');var api = new TelegramBot('<YOUR TOKEN HERE>');api.invoke('getMe', {}, function (err, me) {if (err) throw err;console.log(me);});