small ASN1 DER and PEM parser in pure js
wow, just 100 lines of code and the module can parse ASN1-DER data structures. it is made to read informations from certificates. tested with certificates generated with hyperledger cryptogen and the certificate
// test.jsvar tder = ;var fs = ; var asn1 = tder;asn1 = tderinterpreter;// {// "serial": "0bfdb4090ad7b5e640c30b16c9529a27",// "issuer": {// "countryName": "US",// "organizationName": "DigiCert Inc",// "organizationalUnitName": "",// "commonName": "DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA"// },// "dueTime": { // "notBefore": "2016-03-10T00:00:00.000Z",// "notAfter": "2018-05-17T12:00:00.000Z"// },// "subject": {// "businessCategory": "Private Organization",// "jurisdictionCountryName": "US",// "jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName": "Delaware",// "serialNumber": "5157550",// "streetAddress": "88 Colin P Kelly, Jr Street",// "postalCode": "94107",// "countryName": "US",// "stateOrProvinceName": "California",// "localityName": "San Francisco",// "organizationName": "GitHub, Inc.",// "commonName": ""// }// }
you can clearly see the issue and subject, to verify if the datastructures are are valid and are signed correctly, you need to look elsewhere.