
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Serverless Glue

Update Version 2.X.X

I set out to revive this project by refactoring the code, to keep it clean and easy to understand.

The principal changes here

This is a plugin for Serverless framework that provide the posibliti to deploy AWS Glue Jobs and Triggers


  1. run npm install --save-dev serverless-glue
  2. add serverless-glue in serverless.yml plugin section
        - serverless-glue

How it works

The plugin creates CloufFormation resources of your configuration before make the serverless deploy then add it to the serverless template.

So any glue-job deployed with this plugin is part of your stack too.

How to configure your GlueJob(s)

Configure yours glue jobs in the root of servelress.yml like this:

  bucketDeploy: someBucket # Required
  s3Prefix: some/s3/key/location/ # optional, default = 'glueJobs/'
  tempDirBucket: someBucket # optional, default = '{serverless.serviceName}-{provider.stage}-gluejobstemp'
  tempDirS3Prefix: some/s3/key/location/ # optional, default = ''. The job name will be appended to the prefix name
    - name: super-glue-job # Required
      scriptPath: src/script.py # Required script will be named with the name after '/' and uploaded to s3Prefix location
      Description: # Optional, string
      tempDir: true # Optional true | false
      type: spark # spark / pythonshell # Required
      glueVersion: python3-2.0 # Required python3-1.0 | python3-2.0 | python2-1.0 | python2-0.9 | scala2-1.0 | scala2-0.9 | scala2-2.0
      role: arn:aws:iam::000000000:role/someRole # Required
      MaxConcurrentRuns: 3 # Optional
      WorkerType: Standard # Optional, G1.X | G2.X
      NumberOfWorkers: 1 # Optional
      Connections: # Optional
        - some-conection-string
        - other-conection-string
      Timeout: # Optional, number
      MaxRetries: # Optional, number
      DefaultArguments: # Optional
        class: string # Optional
        scriptLocation: string # Optional
        extraPyFiles: string # Optional
        extraJars: string # Optional
        userJarsFirst: string # Optional
        usePostgresDriver: string # Optional
        extraFiles: string # Optional
        disableProxy: string # Optional
        jobBookmarkOption: string # Optional
        enableAutoScaling: string # Optional
        enableS3ParquetOptimizedCommitter: string # Optional
        enableRenameAlgorithmV2: string # Optional
        enableGlueDatacatalog: string # Optional
        enableMetrics: string # Optional
        enableContinuousCloudwatchLog: string # Optional
        enableContinuousLogFilter: string # Optional
        continuousLogLogGroup: string # Optional
        continuousLogLogStreamPrefix: string # Optional
        continuousLogConversionPattern: string # Optional
        enableSparkUi: string # Optional
        sparkEventLogsPath: string # Optional
        customArguments: # Optional; these are user-specified custom default arguments that are passed into cloudformation with a leading -- (required for glue)
          custom_arg_1: custom_value
          custom_arg_2: other_custom_value
        source: your_source
        process: your_process
    - name: some-trigger-name # Required
      Description: # Optional, string
      StartOnCreation: True # Optional, True or False
      schedule: 30 12 * * ? * # Optional, CRON expression. The trigger will be created with On-Demand type if the schedule is not provided.
        trigger_type: weekends      
      actions: # Required. One or more jobs to trigger
        - name: super-glue-job # Required
          args: # Optional
            custom_arg_1: custom_value
            custom_arg_2: other_custom_value
          timeout: 30 # Optional, if set, it overwrites specific jobs timeout when job starts via trigger

You can define a lot of jobs..

    bucketDeploy: someBucket
      - name: jobA
        scriptPath: scriptA
      - name: jobB
        scriptPath: scriptB

And a lot of triggers..

        - name:
        - name:

Glue configuration parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
bucketDeploy String S3 Bucket name true
createBucket String If true, a bucket named as bucketDeploy will be created before. Helpful if you have not created the bucket first false
s3Prefix String S3 prefix name false
tempDirBucket String S3 Bucket name for Glue temporary directory. If dont pass argument the bucket'name will generates with pattern {serverless.serviceName}-{provider.stage}-gluejobstemp false
tempDirS3Prefix String S3 prefix name for Glue temporary directory false
jobs Array Array of glue jobs to deploy true

Jobs configurations parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
name String name of job true
Description String Description of the job False
scriptPath String script path in the project true
tempDir Boolean flag indicate if job required a temp folder, if true plugin create a bucket for tmp false
type String Indicate if the type of your job. Values can use are : spark or pythonshell true
glueVersion String Indicate language and glue version to use ( [language][version]-[glue version]) the value can you use are:
  • python3-1.0
  • python3-2.0
  • python2-1.0
  • python2-0.9
  • scala2-1.0
  • scala2-0.9
  • scala2-2.0
role String arn role to execute job true
MaxConcurrentRuns Double max concurrent runs of the job false
MaxRetries Int Maximum number of retires in case of failure False
Timeout Int Job timeout in number of minutes False
WorkerType String The type of predefined worker that is allocated when a job runs. Accepts a value of Standard, G.1X, or G.2X. false
NumberOfWorkers Integer number of workers false
Connections List a list of connections used by the job false
DefaultArguments object Special Parameters Used by AWS Glue for mor information see this read the AWS documentation false
Tags JSON The tags to use with this job. You may use tags to limit access to the job. For more information about tags in AWS Glue, see AWS Tags in AWS Glue in the developer guide. false

Triggers configuration parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
name String name of the trigger true
schedule String CRON expression false
actions Array An array of jobs to trigger true
Description String Description of the Trigger False
StartOnCreation Boolean Whether the trigger starts when created. Not supperted for ON_DEMAND triggers False

Only On-Demand and Scheduled triggers are supported.

Trigger job configuration parameters

Parameter Type Description Required
name String The name of the Glue job to trigger true
timeout Integer Job execution timeout. It overwrites false
args Map job arguments false
Tags JSON The tags to use with this triggers. For more information about tags in AWS Glue, see AWS Tags in AWS Glue in the developer guide. false

And now?...

Only run serverless deploy


[2.3.0] - 2021-12-23


  • AImplement Custom Arguments for Jobs

[2.2.0] - 2021-12-22


  • Implement Tags for jobs and triggers

[2.1.1] - 2021-12-21


  • Remove empty conections objecto from CF template when don`t specify any conection

[2.1.0] - 2021-12-15


  • Implement DefaultArguments for jobs

[2.0.2] - 2021-12-13


  • Replace incorrect async loop in serverless

[2.0.1] - 2021-12-09


  • Move typescript dependencie to dev

[2.0.0] - 2021-11-29


  • Refactoring code from JS to TS, and restructured folders.
  • Plugin`s configuration get out from custom level in serverless.yml now are in root of file.
  • Remove redundant level job in jobs config.
  • script attribute are rename to *scriptPath
  • Remove redundant level Conections in Conections config.
  • Remove redundant level trigger from triggers config.
  • Rename job attribute to action in trigger config.


  • Improve documentation for Conections config.




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  • arkus