Public npm helper module for tagias.com external API
npm install tagias-node --save
You can find the detailed documentation for our external REST API at the API Reference page
This helper module was designed to simplify the way you are using the tagias.com external API
const Tagias TagiasTypes TagiasStatuses TagiasError = ; { try const apikey = "...."; // you API Key from the tagias.com site // create tagias helper object const tagias = apikey; // get the list of all your packages const packages = await tagias; for const pack of packages console; // get the package's results if it's already finished if packstatus === TagiasStatusesFINISHED const res = await tagias; console; // create a new package const newPackage = await tagias; console; // modify the package's status await tagias; // get the package's properties const pack = await tagias; console; // get current balance and financial operations const balance = await tagias; console; catch e if e instanceof TagiasError // handle a TagiasError exception console; else // all other (e.g. axios) exceptions console; }