Syntatical for the Discord.js client
Usage/Available commands:
var di = require('syntatical-discord');
// Discord.js is already called in the package, therefore you do not need to call discord.js. To use discord.js code you will need to do 'c' instead of 'client' ot 'bot'!
// To change the var 'c' to somthing else, var client = c works fine.
var pr = "!";
di.r_c(pr + "ping", "pong");
Available functions and their requirements
- Reply command (does mention command giver). Requires (str, msg)
str = Your command, msg = What to send over discord
- Regular command (does not mention command giver). Requires (str, msg)
str = Your command, msg = What to send over discord
- Rich Embed command. Requires (str, clr, auth, desc, img, foot)
str = command, clr = color of choice, auth = author, desc = Description, img = image of choice (not required, might also break as currently untested), foot = footer
- Ban command. Requires (str)
, str = the command (grabs mentioned user automatically)
- Kick command. Requires (str)
, str = the command (grabs mentioned user automatically)
- Login bot. Requires (str)
, str = your discord bot token
Those are all of the commands for right now, feel free to contribute, any help is welcome!