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1.0.0 • Public • Published

Swedish Personal Identity Number Library

CI CD npm


This library, named swedish-personal-identity-number, offers a robust solution for managing Swedish personal identity numbers. It ensures that input data matches the expected format and offers detailed insights about the parsed number, including date of birth, gender, and place of birth.

For a deeper understanding of Swedish personal identity numbers, refer to the Wikipedia documentation.


To use this library, you can install it using npm, yarn, or pnpm:


npm install swedish-personal-identity-number


yarn add swedish-personal-identity-number


pnpm add swedish-personal-identity-number

Module Support

This library supports both ES Modules and CommonJS.

Then, depending on your environment and setup, you can import it:

// Using ES Modules
import { PersonalIdentityNumber } from "swedish-personal-identity-number";

// Using CommonJS
const { PersonalIdentityNumber } = require("swedish-personal-identity-number");

Key Features

  1. Format Validation - Quickly validate the format of a given personal identity number.
  2. Checksum(Luhn) Validation - Ensures that the checksum of the number is valid.
  3. Gender Identification - Determines gender based on the personal identity number.
  4. Date and Place of Birth - Parses the date of birth and potentially the place of birth if it's available.
  5. Coordination Number Identification - Determines if a number is a coordination number rather than a standard personal identity number.

Supported Formats

The parse and tryParse methods of the PersonalIdentityNumber class can handle a variety of formats commonly used for Swedish personal identity numbers. Specifically, the library supports the following formats:

  1. Full with century and without hyphen: YYYYMMDDXXXX
    Example: 199911232388

  2. Full with century and with hyphen: YYYYMMDD-XXXX
    Example: 19991123-2388

  3. Short without century and without hyphen: YYMMDDXXXX
    Example: 9911232388

  4. Short without century and with hyphen: YYMMDD-XXXX
    Example: 991123-2388

  5. Short without century and with plus(indicating that the person was born in the previous century): YYMMDD+XXXX
    Example: 121212+1212

API Documentation

Class: PersonalIdentityNumber

Static Methods

parse(personalIdentityNumber: string): PersonalIdentityNumber
  • Parses the given Swedish personal identity number string.
  • Throws an error if the input number is invalid or doesn't pass the Luhn check.
  • Returns an instance of PersonalIdentityNumber.
tryParse(personalIdentityNumber: string): PersonalIdentityNumber | null
  • Tries to parse the given string.
  • Returns an instance of PersonalIdentityNumber if successful, otherwise returns null.

Instance Methods

toString(): string
  • Converts the current instance of PersonalIdentityNumber to a string representation with century and with hyphen: YYYYMMDD-XXXX
    Example: 19991123-2388
toShortString(): string
  • Returns a shortened string representation of the personal identity number by slicing off the century part. Example: 991123-2388
equals(other: PersonalIdentityNumber): boolean
  • Compares the current instance with another PersonalIdentityNumber instance.
  • Returns true if both instances represent the same number, otherwise false.


  • dateOfBirth: Date - Represents the date of birth extracted from the personal identity number.
  • digits: number - The last four digits of the personal identity number.
  • gender: "Male" | "Female" - Gender derived from the personal identity number.
  • placeOfBirth: PlaceOfBirth - Represents the place of birth which might be unknown for numbers after 1990.
  • isCoordinationNumber: boolean - Indicates if the number is a coordination number.

The supported places of birth include:

Stockholms stad
Stockholms län
Uppsala län
Södermanlands län
Östergötlands län
Jönköpings län
Kronobergs län
Kalmar län
Gotlands län
Blekinge län
Kristianstads län
Malmöhus län
Hallands län
Göteborgs och Bohus län
Älvsborgs län
Skaraborgs län
Värmlands län
Örebro län
Västmanlands län
Kopparbergs län
Gävleborgs län
Västernorrlands län
Jämtlands län
Västerbottens län
Norrbottens län

Additionally, there is an "Unknown" option that is used when the place of birth is not determined.

Usage Example

import { PersonalIdentityNumber } from "path-to-library";

const pin = "YYMMDD-XXXX";

const result = PersonalIdentityNumber.tryParse(pin);

if (result) {
  console.log("Date of Birth:", result.dateOfBirth);
  console.log("Gender:", result.gender);
  console.log("Place of Birth:", result.placeOfBirth);
  console.log("Is Coordination Number:", result.isCoordinationNumber);
} else {
  console.error("Invalid Personal Identity Number.");

Repository & Author


For any issues, improvements, or feature requests, please create an issue or pull request on the GitHub repository. Feedback is highly appreciated!

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  • patberg