Turns SVG shapes (polygon, polyline, rect, g) into SVG paths. It can merge groups and apply transforms
How to use?
const svgFlatten = require('svg-flatten')
const fs = require('fs')
let flattendSvgPath = 'tmp-flattened.svg'
// read SVG file into string
let svgString = fs.readFileSync('circle-rect.svg', 'utf8')
// convert all objects to paths
let modifiedSvgString = svgFlatten(svgString).pathify().value()
// write SVG string to disk
svgFlatten(content: string): SvgFlatten
Reads SVG content and creates a SvgFlatten instance.
.pathify(): SvgFlatten
Turns SVG shapes (polygon, polyline, rect, g) into SVG paths. It is needed before other transformations.
.flatten(): SvgFlatten
Converts groups of paths to a fat path, combining all child paths into one.
.transform(): SvgFlatten
Apply SVG transformations to paths.
.value(): string
Returns the final result as SVG content.
Need more info?
Sadly, I wrote this lib for an old project (2016) and didn't need to tweak it since. It is not actively maintened, but I'll try to watch pull-requests.