
1.2.0-b • Public • Published


Svelte-view-engine is an Express-compatible view engine that renders Svelte components.

const svelteViewEngine = require("svelte-view-engine");

let dir = "./pages";
let type = "html";

app.engine(type, svelteViewEngine({
	template: "./template.html", // see Root template below
	init: true,
	watch: true,
	liveReload: true,
	svelte: {
		// rollup-plugin-svelte config
app.set("view engine", type);
app.set("views", dir);

// ...

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
	res.render("Home", {
		name: "world" // renders ./pages/Home.html with props {name: "world"}

It can also be used outside of Express; svelteViewEngine(options) returns a function (path, locals[, callback]). If callback is supplied it is called with (error, html), otherwise a promise is returned.


The motivation behind svelte-view-engine is to be able to build the view layer of a web app using a hierarchy of Svelte components and as little else as possible, while not having to "buy in" to a full app framework.

It is therefore a view engine (like Pug or EJS) as opposed to an app framework (like Sapper or Next.js).

Components are compiled and cached internally on the fly; there are no separate compiled files living in the codebase.

Root template

Svelte components and <slot>s take the place of, for example, Pug layouts and mixins for all your re-use and composition needs, but pages still need a bit of surrounding boilerplate HTML that you can't define in Svelte -- <!doctype>, <html> etc -- and you also need a few lines of JS to actually instantiate the component.

To define these, you pass a single "root template" to be used for all pages. This file uses placeholders for the different elements of the Svelte component being rendered:

// template.html

<!doctype html>
			new ${name}({
				target: document.body,
				props: ${props},
				hydrate: true,
  • head is the SSR-rendered markup from any <svelte:head> tags
  • css is the CSS
  • html is the SSR-rendered component markup
  • js is the component code as an IIFE
  • name is the basename of the .svelte file, and is used as the client-side component class name
  • props is a JSON-stringified version of the object you pass to res.render()


svelte-view-engine/payload exposes a global variable called props that makes the view locals available to all components, server-side and client-side. To use the data client-side, set the props variable in your root template (before the ${js} placeholder):


	props = ${props};
	new ${name}({


You can use it in your components like so:

	import payload from "svelte-view-engine/payload";
	let data = payload.get();


dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"
prod = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"

template: Path to root template file.

dir (for use with init, see below): Pages directory (defaults to "./pages"). This should be the same as the "views" option in Express.

type (for use with init, see below): File extension (defaults to "html"). It's recommended to use a different extension for pages and sub-components, so that svelte-view-engine doesn't unnecessarily create pages for sub-components it finds in the pages directory (e.g. .html for pages and .svelte for sub-components).

init: Find all pages (files of type in dir) and build them on startup. Defaults to true. This avoids waiting for initial compilation the first time you request each page.

watch: Watch component files and dependencies and auto-rebuild (defaults to dev).

liveReload: Auto reload the browser when component rebuilds (defaults to dev).

liveReloadPort: WebSocket port to use for live reload message. Defaults to a random port between 5000 and 65535 (this will throw an error if the port is in use, so if you're using a process manager it will restart the app until it finds an available port).

minify: Use rollup-plugin-terser to minify CSS and JS (defaults to prod).

svelte: Options to pass to rollup-plugin-svelte. This starts as {dev: dev} and is merged with the supplied options.

excludeLocals: Array of object keys to exclude from the locals that get passed to the component. Some keys are added by Express, and may be unnecessary and/or security concerns if exposed. This defaults to ["_locals", "settings", "cache"] and is overwritten (not merged) with the supplied setting.


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