This is an extension of stream-combiner2, which is a sequel to stream-combiner for streams3. This extension takes any options and passes them along to the stream constructors.
var Combine =
Combine (stream1,...,streamN, opts)
Turn a pipeline into a single stream. Combine
returns a stream that writes to the first stream
and reads from the last stream.
Streams1 streams are automatically upgraded to be streams3 streams.
Listening for 'error' will recieve errors from all streams inside the pipe.
'opts' is an optional options object that will be passed to the stream constructors.
is available on the combined stream, to unbind and unpipe the streams for reuse and cleanup.
var Combine = var es = var combined = ...combined // disconnect pipes and events
returns a stream that is the result of merging writes from multiple streams into a single output stream. (This is in contrast to Combine. Combine pipes the streams end-to-end.)
Streams1 streams are automatically upgraded to be streams3 streams.
Listening for 'error' will recieve errors from all streams inside the pipe.
'opts' is an optional options object that will be passed to the stream constructors.
is available on the merged stream, to unbind and unpipe the streams for reuse and cleanup.
is available on the merged stream, to remove a single source from the merged group.
var Merge = Mergevar es = var merged = merged // pipe it to stdout !...merged // disconnect pipes and events
Merge is primarily inspired by merge-stream