
1.2.0 • Public • Published

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str.scss - set of functions that helps to manipulate strings.

Important updates in v. 1.2

str-to-uppercase alias function is renamed to str-to-upper-case
srt-to-lowercase alias function is renamed to str-to-lower-case

Please update your code



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Github Gist with all str.scss functions in one file.


@import "~node_modules/str.scss/str";
$section-name: 'Hello World';
.#{str-to-lowercase(str-replace($section-name, ' ', '-'))} {
    &__title {
        &::after {
            content: str-to-uppercase($section-name)

Compiled to

            .hello-world__title:after {
                content: "HELLO WORLD";


  • str-chars Returns SCSS list with all string characters.
  • str-char-at Returns character from input string at provided index
  • str-split Returns an array of strings by separating the string into substrings
  • str-join Returns input list converted to a string
  • str-to-swapcase Returns a copy of the string in which all the case-based characters have had their case swapped.
  • str-replace Returns copy of input string where defined substring replaced by $replace argument
  • str-bulk-replace Returns copy of input string where defined substrings replaced by $replace argument
  • str-include Returns boolean result of check if string contains a substring.
  • str-count Returns number of occurrences of substring in string.
  • str-first-index Returns first index of substring in provided string
  • str-last-index Returns last index of substring in provided string
  • str-capitalize Returns string with capitalized first letter
  • str-decapitalize Returns string with decapitalized first letter
  • str-reverse Returns reversed string.
  • str-trim Returns trimmed string
  • str-ltrim Returns string with removed leading characters.
  • str-rtrim Returns string with removed trailing characters.
  • str-clean Returns trimmed string with multiply spaces replaced with single space
  • str-is-blank Returns true if string is empty or contains whitespaces only
  • str-starts-with Returns true if string starts with provided substring
  • str-ends-with Returns true if string ends with provided substring
  • str-repeat Returns input string repeated provided number of times


Global settings

$str-scss-strong-type-check: boolean

Dafault: false
Required: false

Use $str-scss-strong-type-check: true; to crash compilation each time when any str.scss function is provided with argument with wrong type.


$str-scss-strong-type-check: false;
@debug str-capitalize('hello wold');
// => Hello wold 
@debug str-capitalize(123);
// => 123 
$str-scss-strong-type-check: true;
@debug str-capitalize('hello wold');
// => Hello wold 
@debug str-capitalize(123);
// => Error: "[str.scss] [str-capitalize] `123` must be of type `string`, got `number`." 


str-chars($input-string) => list

Returns SCSS list with all string characters.

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return list


@debug str-chars('Hello world');
// => ("H" "e" "l" "l" "o" " " "w" "o" "r" "l" "d") 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns ().

str-char-at($input-string, $index) => string

Returns character from input string at provided index

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
index number + -

return string


@debug str-char-at('Hello World', 2);
// => "e" 
@debug str-char-at('Hello World', -4);
// => "o" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $index.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns ''.

str-split($input-string[, $separator]) => list

Returns an array of strings by separating the string into substrings

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
separator string - ' '

return list


@debug str-split('Hello World');
// => ("Hello" "World") 
@debug str-split('Hello World, Hello World''');
// => ("Hello World" "Hello World") 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $separator.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns ().

str-join($input-list[, $separator]) => string

Returns input list converted to a string

Argument Type Required Default
input-list list + -
separator string - ''

return string


@debug str-join((1, '''H''e''l''l''o'' ''W''o''r''l''d'));
// => "1. Hello World" 
@debug str-join(('a''b''c'), '*');
// => "a*b*c" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-list, $separator.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns ''.

str-to-swapcase($input-string) => string

Returns a copy of the string in which all the case-based characters have had their case swapped.

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-to-swapcase('hELLO wORLD');
// => "Hello World" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-replace($input-string, $substring[, $replace, $g]) => string

Returns copy of input string where defined substring replaced by $replace argument

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substring string + -
replace string - ''
g boolean - true

return string


@debug str-replace('Hello world''l');
// => "Heo word" 
@debug str-replace('Hello world''l', $g: false);
// => "Helo world" 
@debug str-replace('Hello world''Hello''Privet');
// => "Privet world" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substring, $replace.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-bulk-replace($input-string, $substrings[, $replace, $g]) => string

Returns copy of input string where defined substrings replaced by $replace argument

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substrings list + -
replace string - ''
g boolean - true

return string


@debug str-bulk-replace('Hello world', ('l''o'), '*');
// => "He*** w*r*d" 
@debug str-bulk-replace('Hello world', ('l''o'), $g: false);
// => "Hel world" 
@debug str-bulk-replace('Hello To The mir', ('Hello''To The'), 'Privet');
// => "Privet Privet mir" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substrings, $replace.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-include($input-string, $substring) => boolean

Returns boolean result of check if string contains a substring.

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substring string + -

return boolean


@debug str-include('Hello World''lo');
// => true 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substring.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns null.

str-count($input-string, $substring) => number

Returns number of occurrences of substring in string.

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substring string + -

return number


@debug str-count('Hello World''z');
// => 0 
@debug str-count('Hello World''l');
// => 3 
@debug str-count('Hello World''ello');
// => 1 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substring.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns 0.

str-first-index($input-string, $substring) => number

Returns first index of substring in provided string

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substring string + -

return number


@debug str-first-index('Hello World''l');
// => 3 
@debug str-first-index('Hello World''z');
// => null 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substring.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns null.

str-last-index($input-string, $substring) => number

Returns last index of substring in provided string

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substring string + -

return number


@debug str-last-index('Hello World''l');
// => 10 
@debug str-last-index('Hello World''z');
// => null 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substring.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns null.

str-capitalize($input-string[, $lowercase-rest]) => string

Returns string with capitalized first letter

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
lowercase-rest boolean - false

return string


@debug str-capitalize('hello Wold');
// => "Hello Wold" 
@debug str-capitalize('hELLO WORLD', true);
// => "Hello world" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-decapitalize($input-string) => string

Returns string with decapitalized first letter

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-decapitalize('Hello World');
// => "hello World" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-reverse($input-string) => string

Returns reversed string.

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-reverse('Hello World');
// => "dlroW olleH" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-trim($input-string[, $trim-chars]) => string

Returns trimmed string

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
trim-chars string - ' '

return string


@debug str-trim(' Hello World ');
// => "Hello World" 
@debug str-trim(' -_ Helllo World _- ''- _');
// => "Hello World" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $trim-chars.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-ltrim($input-string[, $trim-chars]) => string

Returns string with removed leading characters.

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
trim-chars string - ' '

return string


@debug str-ltrim(' Hello World ');
// => "Hello World " 
@debug str-ltrim(' -_ Helllo World _- ''- _');
// => "Helllo World _- " 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $trim-chars.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-rtrim($input-string[, $trim-chars]) => string

Returns string with removed trailing characters.

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
trim-chars string - ' '

return string


@debug str-rtrim(' Hello World ');
// => " Hello World" 
@debug str-rtrim(' -_ Helllo World _- ''- _');
// => " -_ Helllo World" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $trim-chars.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-clean($input-string) => string

Returns trimmed string with multiply spaces replaced with single space

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-clean('  Hello  World   ');
// => "Hello World" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-is-blank($input-string) => boolean

Returns true if string is empty or contains whitespaces only

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return boolean


@debug str-is-blank('');
// => true 
@debug str-is-blank(' ');
// => true 
@debug str-is-blank('Hello World');
// => false 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns null.

str-starts-with($input-string, $substring[, $ignore-case]) => boolean

Returns true if string starts with provided substring

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substring string + -
ignore-case boolean + -

return boolean


@debug str-starts-with('Hello World''Hel');
// => true 
@debug str-starts-with('Hello World''hel');
// => false 
@debug str-starts-with('Hello World''hel', true);
// => true 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substring.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns null.

str-ends-with($input-string, $substring[, $ignore-case]) => boolean

Returns true if string ends with provided substring

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
substring string + -
ignore-case boolean - false

return boolean


@debug str-ends-with('Hello World''rld');
// => true 
@debug str-ends-with('Hello World''RLD');
// => false 
@debug str-ends-with('Hello World''RLD', true);
// => true 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $substring.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns null.

str-repeat($input-string[, $times, $separator]) => string

Returns input string repeated provided number of times

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -
times number - 1
separate-with string - ''

return string


@debug str-repeat('Hello');
// => "Hello" 
@debug str-repeat('Hello', 2);
// => "HelloHello" 
@debug str-repeat('Hello', 2, '');
// => "Hello, Hello" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string, $times, $separator.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.


str-to-upper-case($input-string) => string

Returns the calling string value converted to uppercase

Alias for to-upper-case String SASS built-in function

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-to-upper-case('hello world');
// => "HELLO WORLD" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-to-lower-case($input-string) => string

Returns the calling string value converted to lowercase

Alias for to-lower-case String SASS built-in function

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-to-lower-case('Hello World');
// => "hello world" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-quote($input-string) => string

Returns $input-string as quoted string

Alias for quote String SASS built-in function

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-quote(Hello);
// => "Hello" 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

str-unique-id() => string

Returns a randomly-generated unquoted string

Alias for unique-id String SASS built-in function

return string


@debug str-unique-id();
// => e.g. "ufl6i52" 

str-unquote($input-string) => string

Returns $input-string as unquoted string

Alias for unquote String SASS built-in function

Argument Type Required Default
input-string string + -

return string


@debug str-unquote('.link:hover');
// => .link:hover 

Errors handling

Arguments to be checked: $input-string.

In case of error and $str-scss-strong-type-check is set to false function returns $input-string.

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