Frameworkstein ORM
This is the core package for the Frameworkstein Object Relational Mapper (Frameworkstein ORM, or just stein-orm
Frameworkstein ORM consists of a few packages that make it easy to create and query SQL backed REST APIs in Node.js.
Create model definitions, assign them schemas, auto-generate REST endpoints for them then query them using the same powerful query syntax on the client as the server.
The main packages are as follows:
The core package. Exports functions for creating models and defining relations between them. Also contains a cursor interface for querying models which is extended by either stein-orm-sql
or stein-orm-rest
Package that translates stein-orm
queries into sql statements (using knex.js internally) and sql results into models.
Package that translates stein-orm
queries into http requests. This allows models to be queried using the same syntax on the client as the server. Assumes that an endpoint has been configured on the server for the model using stein-orm-rest
Package that generates REST API endpoints for stein-orm
models. These endpoints can be queried with stein-orm-http
or with any standard REST client.
For a complete example of how the parts work together see the fl-base-webapp repo. stein-orm models are stored in server/models
(server side models) and shared/models
(client side models). stein-orm-rest endpoints can be found in server/api/controllers
. The scaffold
directory has examples of creasting and saving models.
Model definitions
Models are defined using the createModel
decorator. Generally You'll want to create two model files, one for the server with your server code with an sql store (stein-orm-sql
) and one for the client with a http store (stein-orm-http
Server model definition /server/models/User.js
import { createModel, Model } from 'stein-orm-sql' // Import from `stein-orm-sql` to use the sql store
@createModel({ // The `createModel` decorator configures the model when called
url: 'postgres://localhost:5432/stein-orm/users', // The url of your database, including the table name
schema: () => ({ // Schema definition, see [stein-orm-sql]( for column options and `relations` below for relations.
name: 'Text',
export default class User extends Model { // Extending the `stein-orm` `Model` class
defaults() { // Function returning default properties for new models
return {name: 'Default name'}
Client model definition /shared/models/User.js
import { createModel, Model } from 'stein-orm-http' // Import from `stein-orm-http` to use the http store
@createModel({ // As above, will configure the model with a http store
url: '/api/users', // The root url of your `stein-orm-rest` api for this model
// No need to define a schema on the client
export default class User extends Model {
// No need to define defaults on the client
Relations are specified in the model schema. There are the following standard sql relations available:
: This model has a foreign key to another model
: One related model has a foreign key to this model
: Any number of related models have foreign keys to this model
These three relation types can be combined
This class is created via Model.cursor()
, which will return an instance of Cursor
that can be used to build a database query.
shouldn't be instantiated outside of the Model.cursor()
class method.
Query options
Models can be queried with the following query options. These options can be specified with chained methods or properties within a query object prefixed with $.
one [bool]
return a single object rather than an array
values [array]
return, for each model found, an array of values rather than an object. For example, Model.cursor().values(['id', name']) will return a 2d array like [[1, 'Bob'], [2, 'Emily']]
select [array]
select only the given fields from the db
count [bool]
return a count of the number of models matching the given query
exists [bool]
return a boolean indicating whether any number of models exist matching the given query
unique [string]
like select disctinct
, return no more than one result per distinct value of the given field
limit [number]
limit results to the given number of rows
offset [number]
offset results by the given number of rows
page: [bool]
if true, return paging information with results. Querries will return an object of the form {rows, totalRows, offset}
Field modifiers
Each field in a query can either be a plan value, which will be matched against directly, or an object with the following special matches:
$in [array]
field matches any of the given values {name: {$in: ['bob', emily']}}
=> name in ('bob', 'emily')
$nin [array]
field matches none of the given values {name: {$nin: ['bob', emily']}}
=> name not in ('bob', 'emily')
$exists [bool]
equivalent to a null check {name: {$exists: true}}
=> name is not null
Query conditions
Advanced conditional operations
$or [array]
matches any of the given queries {$or: [{name: 'bob'}, {city: 'sydney'}]}
=> name = 'bob' or city = 'sydney'
$and [array]
matches all of the given queries. Doesn't do anything on its own, but is useful when nesting conditionals {$and: [{name: 'bob'}, {city: 'sydney'}]}
=> name = 'bob' and city = 'sydney'
Relation queries
Related models can be queried using {'relation.field': value}
. All options available to local fields work with relations. Relations must be configured in each models' schema.
For example, if we had a user model related to a profile model containing a name
field we could domsomething like {'': {$in: ['bob', emily']}}
, which would generate sql similar to selectfrom users, profiles where in ('bob', 'emily') and profiles.user_id =
JSONb queries
JSON fields can be queried in a similar way to related fields: {'jsonfield.field': value}
For example, given some models with json data like {id: 1, nestedUsers: [{name: 'bob'}, {name: 'emily'}]}
we could query on the nestedUsers name field with {'': 'bob'}
or {'': {$in: ['emily', 'frank']}