
1.0.3 • Public • Published

CSV Store


This module creates a store for loading and accessing data from static CSV files. It is designed so data can be loaded from a series of CSV files as needed, instead of loading a large file all at once. Built using:

  • zustand (provides base store)
  • d3-dsv (for parsing)
  • axios (for file requests)


npm i static-csv-store
import createCsvStore from "static-csv-store";
// create the store
const [useStore] = createCsvStore(
  // endpoint
  // csv columns to store
  ["id", "name", "lat", "lon"]

See zustand documentation on how to use the store. The state of the store will have the following properties:


  • data: an object containing all of the loaded data. each data entry is stored as an array of values with the primary key (default id) as the key.
  • loading: an array of the files currently loading
  • loaded: an array of files that have been loaded into the store
  • errors: an array of errors that have occured when loading files


  • loadFile({ file, key, parser }): a function that loads a csv file into the data store
    • file: the filename to load from the endpoint (e.g. /texas/schools.csv)
    • key: the column name to use as the primary key
    • parser: a function to parse each row (default: d3.autoType)
  • getData({ filters, columns }): a function for retrieving data from the store
    • filters: an array of filters to filter data in the store
    • columns: an array of columns to keep in the returned data


Take a look at the demo (/demo/src) for a closer look at how to use the store.

1. Create a store for CSV data

File: store.js

import createCsvStore from "static-csv-store";
// create the store
const [useStore, _api] = createCsvStore(
  // endpoint
  // csv columns to store
  ["id", "name", "lat", "lon"]
// you can export the `useStore` hook as is
// but it is nice to provide some shorthand
// hooks for common use cases
// shorthand to provide loader
export const useLoader = () =>
  useStore((state) => state.loadFile);
// shorthand to provide data
export const useData = (options = {}) => {
  const data = useStore((state) =>;
  const columnMap = useStore((state) => state.columnMap);
  return selectData({ data, columnMap, ...options });
// provide api for use outside of React
export const api = _api;
// provide store
export default useStore;

2a. Use the store in a React component

import { useLoader, useData } from "./store";
// component re-renders any time data changes
export default function Schools({ currentCounty }) {
  // get loader for the store
  const loadFile = useLoader();
  // get the data from the store
  const allSchools = useData();
  // load schools for a county whenever county changes
  useEffect(() => {
    loadFile({ file: `/${currentCounty}/schools.csv` });
  }, [currentCounty]);
  return (
      { => (
        <li key={}>{}</li>

2b. Use the store without React

import { api } from "./store";
// Get the file loader
const loadFile = api.getState().loadFile;
// subscribe to data in the state
const unsub = api.subscribe(
  // handler when data changes
  (data) => console.log("data changed", data),
  // listen to data changes
  (state) =>
// Load a file
loadFile({ file: `/${currentCounty}/schools.csv` });
// Unsubscribe listeners with unsub()
// Destroying the store (removing all listeners) with api.destroy()

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  • laneolson