Install stateless_timer package by usig:
npm i stateless_timer
Require package in your Project by:
const {Timer} = require('stateless_timer');
Call it constartustor use Redis Connection,Activemq Connection and queue_name as a perametar e.g:
const myobj =new Timer(redis_connection,amq_conection,"agent-manag6");
It hava differant funtions e.g:
For start a timer you can use start method:
start(id: string, delay: number, type: TimerType, data: any) which hava id,delay, timerType ('CUSTOMER_INACTIVITY' etc),and any data it it may pass a null object
For stop a timer you can use stop method:
stop(id: string, type: TimerType) id and timerType ('CUSTOMER_INACTIVITY' etc) is a perameter for it
For check status of timer you can use isRunning method:
isRunnig(id: string, type: TimerType) id and timerType ('CUSTOMER_INACTIVITY' etc) is a perameter for it it return a boolean value true if timer is still exist else false