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3.0.1 • Public • Published

React state-control

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A bunch of lightweight components for updating the model stored in React's stateful components for fast prototyping. Complete library weights 4.62 kB gzipped with dependencies. It fits strings, numbers (automatically detected) as <Input />, booleans as <Check />, and sets of values as <Radio />.

This package also provides a component for presets of values (<PresetsBlock />) and a helper to simplify your source code (<Connector />).


You can see a live demo at The source code of this demo is available in the repository.

Complete guide in 5 minutes

Quickstart in 3 steps

1st. Install the package to your project:

npm i state-control

Include required components and helpers to jsx:

import { Check, Connector, Input, Radio, PresetsBlock, selectAll } from 'state-control'

2nd. You may also need an object of identifiers:

const IDS = {
  firstStateParameter: 'firstStateParameter',
  secondStateParameter: 'secondStateParameter',

Use identifiers as names in state and add a changeHandler(name, value):

class Demo extends Component {
  state = {
    [IDS.firstStateParameter] = 1,
    [IDS.secondStateParameter] = 'second',

  changeHandler = (name, value) => {
    // input value may be proceded here
    this.setState({ [name]: value })


3rd. All together now. Use identifiers as id property of a component matching type you want (Use <Input /> for strings an numbers). ID connects it to the corresponding property of state:

render () {
  return (
      label="First state parameter"

That's it!

<Connector />

You can use Connector component for passing common props to all of its children:

    label="First state parameter"
    label="Second state parameter"

<PresetsBlock />

This component generates elements that look like a button for activation of presets:


It uses an array of presets:

const SETTERS = [
  Default: {
    [IDS.firstStateParameter]: 1,
    [IDS.secondStateParameter]: 'second',
  'This text will be used as a label': {
    [IDS.firstStateParameter]: 'first',
    [IDS.secondStateParameter]: 2,

It also accepts an alternative shape of presets:

const SETTERS = [
    text: 'Default',
    params: {
      [IDS.firstStateParameter]: 1,
      [IDS.secondStateParameter]: 'second',
    text: 'This text will be used as a label',
    params: {
      [IDS.firstStateParameter]: 'first',
      [IDS.secondStateParameter]: 2,

It's a good idea to use one of presets as a default state:

class Demo extends Component {
  state = SETTERS.Default

  // For the alternative shape there will be
  // state = SETTERS[0].params



Common for control components

id: PropTypes.string.isRequired

Name of property in state and identifier for an element.

state: PropTypes.object

State object that we want to change.

label: PropTypes.string

Label for an element. It may be a node in <Radio />.

value: PropTypes.oneOfType(string, number, bool)

A value to be used instead of state[id] if passed.

readOnly: PropTypes.bool

Sets read-only of control.

className: PropTypes.string

Classname passed to a wrapping div tag.

style: PropTypes.object

Overrides default styles or resets it on style={{}}.

onClick: PropTypes.func

Handler for onClick event.

onFocus: PropTypes.func

Handler for an onFocus event. The function will be called with an input component as an argument.

Example for selecting all on focus:

selectAll = (control) => {
  control.setSelectionRange(0, control.value.length)

// or just include and use predefined handler
import { selectAll } from 'state-control'

<Input />

suffix: PropTypes.string

Text for showing after input field.

multiLine: PropTypes.bool

Flag changes an input tag to a textarea.

defaultNum: PropTypes.number

Number replaces empty value if passed. Use it if you need to set default numeric values.

thousandsSeparator: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array])

Symbol or array of symbols for using as digit group separators for removing. I.e. , in 17,234.55. All of them will be removed.

decimalMark: PropTypes.string

Pass here a symbol for using as a decimal mark. I.e. . in 17,234.55. It will be replaced by . in state because of JS number format.

alternateDecimalMark: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array])

Symbol or array of symbols for replacing to decimal mark after removing all thousands separators symbols.

numberColor: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.string])

String for background color or just flag for coloring fields where numbers had been parsed. It makes an implicit explicit.

trimOnPaste: PropTypes.bool

Flag turns on trimming spaces, tabs, and newline characters on paste. It also removes trailing zeros (after a decimal separator) on numbers pasting. True by default.

All other props will be passed to an inner element, and specifically to <input />. So type may be passed for entering only integer numbers:


<Check />

No special properties.

<Radio />

values: PropTypes.array

An array of available values.

suffix: PropTypes.oneOfType(string, node)

Text for showing after radio buttons.

How to run locally

Run in bash:

git clone
cd state-control
npm install
npm run start

Then open http://localhost:3000

More scripts can be found in package.json.

More examples of state-control

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