A key-value based store for notes.
For more details, head to: https://stack-writer.com. The project structure is based on electron-vue.
Currently, under heavy development.
Core of the key-value based note store
What is Stack? Stack is a core package which enables you to use a key-value based store api for taking notes.
npm install --save chryb/stack
import stack from 'stack-io'
// add a note
stack(note: string, )
stack.add(note: string)
// remove note
stack.remove(noteId: string)
- Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and then clone it to your local device
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Build the code and watch for changes:
npm run dev
- Lint your code:
npm run lint
- Commit and push your changes to the forked repository
- Open a pull request from the new branch to the original repo
- Clean up after your pull request is merged