
4.0.0 • Public • Published


An ssb-server plugin for creating, reading, updating relationships between profiles

Example Usage

const Server = require('ssb-server')
const Config = require('ssb-config/inject')

const config = Config({})

const server = Server
  .use(require('ssb-whakapapa')) // <<<<<<
  .call(null, config)

const details = {
  child: '%P5r79KsntEGPMp0Zd24bvfDBMtfx1SADMEE7yxBdVVw=.sha256',
  parent: '%4BmROhXcW6H4VyATrIj7uOWqHyW5q5jFZpDHo5RofSc=.sha256',

const opts = {
  relationshipType: 'birth',

  recps: [

server.whakapapa.child.create(details, opts, (err, linkId) => {
  // ...
// later:
server.whakapapa.get('%P5r79KsntEGPMp0Zd24bvfDBMtfx1SADMEE7yxBdVVw=.sha256', (err, data) => {
  // => {
  //   id: '%P5r79KsntEGPMp0Zd24bvfDBMtfx1SADMEE7yxBdVVw=.sha256',
  //   parentLinks: [
  //     {
  //       id: '%4BmROhXcW6H4VyATrIj7uOWqHyW5q5jFZpDHo5RofSc=.sha256',
  //       linkId: '%W5q4BmROhXcW6H4VyATrIj7uOWqHy5jFZpDHo5RofSc=.sha256',
  //       relationshipType: 'birth',
  //       legallyAdopted: null // null means it hasnt been set
  //       tombstone: null
  //     }
  //   ],
  //   childLinks: []
  // }


Views: - view.create - view.get - view.update - view.tombstone - view.list

Relationships: - get - child - child.create - child.get - child.update - child.tombstone - child.list - partner - partner.create - partner.get - partner.update - partner.tombstone - partner.list




Fetch a "view" of whakapapa - this is a minimal record which stores the sdetails needed to construct a particular perspective on a graph of relationships.

e.g. we might want to see all the descendants of a particular ancestor. To do this we store the profileId of that ancestor and the mode of drawing (down!). We might also include preferences about whether to include whangai or adopted descendants for example.

server.whakapapa.view.get(viewId, cb)

  • viewId MessageId - the id of the root message of a view
  • cb function - a callback of signature (err, data), where data is an Object with properties:
    • name String - the name of this whakapapa view
    • description String - the name of this whakapapa view
    • recordCount Integer - number of decendants linked to the focus (starting profile)
    • ignoredProfiles Array - an array of ProfileIds which have been marked to ignore (don't render these please). Returns [] if there are none.
    • focus ProfileId - the id of the profile we start from
    • mode String - the way to draw the graph. (can be 'descendants' | 'ancestors')
    • tombstone Object - date and reason
    • permissionString - whether tribe members can 'edit | view | submit' this whakapapa record

If any of these are not set, these properties will still be present, but the values will be null


Creates a new message of type whakapapa/view

server.whakapapa.view.create(details, cb)

  • details Object - contains information to start off view
  • cb function - a form (err, viewId)

The expected form of details is :

  name: String,            // required (for create)
  description: String,
  image: Image,
  focus: ProfileId,
  recordCount: Integer,
  mode: Mode,
  permission: String,
  tombstone: Tombstone,
  ignoredProfiles: { add: [ProfileId] },
  importantRelationships: {
    [ProfileId]: [ProfileId, ... ]     // a way of declaring relationship priorities for specific profiles
  recps: [GroupId, FeedId, ...]


  • Mode can be 'descendants' | 'ancestors'
  • Permission can be 'view' | 'edit | submit'
  • Image is an Object of form { blob: '&07xxrn0wWbtRx/gp4IF7THPeWZUT1LWt93IVHTbitFE=.sha256', mimeType: 'image/png' }
  • Tombstone is an Object of form { reason: String, date: UnixTime }
  • importantRelationships exists as a way to resolve some challenges with drawing whakapapa
    • sometimes because of intermarriage, a person can appear in two places on a graph
    • if you only want them drawn once, you can specify who is is most important for a particular profile
    • e.g. { @tamaId: ['@whangaiDadId', '@birthMumId'] } is a way to express "I would like tama to be drawn closer to their whangai dad in this whakapapa, but secondarily also show a link across the graph to their birth mum".
  • recps is a special field which encrypts the view (and all subsequent updates) to a specified set of FeedIds


server.whakapapa.view.update(viewId, details, cb)

  • viewId MessageId - the id of the view to update
  • details Object - same as in view.create, except
    • ignoredProfiles can also be { ignoredProfiles: { remove: [ProfileId] } } for updates
    • recps is inherrited from the create message (root), so setting it here does nothing.
    • name is not required
  • cb function - callback with signature (err)


Get children and parents of a particular profile.

server.whakapapa.get(ProfileId, cb)

  • ProfileId String - the id for a profile
  • cb Function - a callback of signature (err, data)

data format

  parentLinks: [
      id: '%4BmROhXcW6H4VyATrIj7uOWqHyW5q5jFZpDHo5RofSc=.sha256',
      linkId: '%47uOWqHyW5q5jFZpDHo5RofBmROhXcW6H4VyATrIjSc=.sha256',
      relationshipType: 'birth',
      legallyAdopted: null,
      tombstone: null
      id: '%r86qOq2KNY3GlifR6UgQaB05ZfXmHlnxxoFlyi9OI0A=.sha256'
      linkId: '%W5q5j47uOWqHyFZpDHo5RofBmROhXcW6H4VyATrIjSc=.sha256',
      relationshipType: null, // this means relationshipType hasnt been set
      legallyAdopted: null,
      tombstone: {
  childLinks: [
      id: '%pCt2QB3ZxZEsKIYvxGI9QBmytrUNZfuuRbNk8i0V7ug=.sha256',
      linkId: '%yFZpDHo5RoW5q5j47uOWqHfBmROhXcW6H4VyATrIjSc=.sha256',
      relationshipType: 'whangai',
      legallyAdopted: false,
      tombstone: null


server.whakapapa.view.tombstone(viewId, opts, cb)

  • viewId MessageId - the root key of the whakapapa view record
  • opts Object with properties:
    • reason String (optional) give a reason for why you're tombstoning the record
    • undo Boolean (optional) set to true to remove the tombstone
  • cb function - callback with signature (err)


Find all whakapapa/view record, options to narrow that query down.

server.whakapapa.child.lists(opts, cb)

  • opts Object - see ssb-crut list opts
  • cb function - callback with signature (err, links), where links is an Array of link records

relationships - child


Creates a new updateable message of type link/profile-profile/child connecting two profiles - a parent and a child.

server.whakapapa.child.create({ child, parent }, opts, cb)

  • child String a scuttlebutt MessageId pointing to a profile root
  • parent String a scuttlebutt MessageId pointing to a profile root
  • opts Object - describes the values to set on that relationship and who can read it.
  • cb Function - a callback of signature (err, linkId) where linkId is the id of the relationship which has just been created

opts format

  relationshipType: ParentType, // optional
  legallyAdopted: Boolean       // optional
  tombstone: TombStone          // optional

  recps: [ FeedId ]             // optional
  • MessageId is scuttlebutt message cypherlink e.g. %4BmROhXcW6H4VyATrIj7uOWqHyW5q5jFZpDHo5RofSc=.sha256
  • ParentType is any of 'birth' | 'adopted' | 'whangai' | 'unknown'
  • legallyAdopted should only be set if relationshipType is 'adopted' or 'whangai'
  • Tombstone is an Object of form { date: UnixTime, reason: String } and marks a link as deleted.
  • recps is an Array of FeedId (e.g. '@ye+QM09iPcDJD6YvQYjoQc7sLF/IFhmNbEqgdzQo3lQ=.ed25519'). If this is provided this relationship will automatically be encrypted so only the mentioned parties will be able to see this. (NOTE - you cannot change this later)


  • If you don't want to add any optional opts, set opts to null or {}
  • this is now a wrapper over


  • add GroupId to recps once we have private-groups released
  • add some way to validate whakapapa links
    • e.g. an approval system so that kaitiaki (custodians) at each end of the relationship can approve the link?
    • need to make sure that can't change pointer for child / parent after an "approval" of link


This updates a child relationship (not the child themself).

server.whakapapa.child.update(linkId, opts, cb)

  • linkId MessageId - the root key of the relationship
  • opts Object - same as in child.create, except recps is set for you based on what the first message was.
  • cb function - callback with signature (err)


  • needed for tombstoning


server.whakapapa.child.tombstone(linkId, opts, cb)

  • linkId MessageId - the root key of the relationship
  • opts Object with properties:
    • reason String (optional) give a reason for why you're tombstoning the record
    • undo Boolean (optional) set to true to remove the tombstone
  • cb function - callback with signature (err)


Find all link/profile-profile/child links, options to narrow that query down.

server.whakapapa.child.lists(opts, cb)

  • opts Object - see ssb-crut list opts
  • cb function - callback with signature (err, links), where links is an Array of link records

partner methods

Similar to child methods, but details are empty The valid mutations are:

  • relationshipType is any of 'partners' | 'married' | 'divorced' | 'unknown'
  • tombstone (same as for child)






link methods

A generic link creating method{ type, parent, child }, details, cb)

  • type String - the sort of link you want to make. This will become the message type, one of:

    • link/profile-profile/child
    • link/profile-profile/partner
    • link/story-profile/contributor
    • link/story-profile/creator
    • link/story-profile/mention
    • link/story-artefact
    • link/story-story
  • parent MessageId - the id of the "parent" end the link

  • details Object - a collection of initial transformations for the link. Useful for storing meta-data, and declaring recps (private recipients). The valid form of this depends on the type

    • only the "child" link currently has any details
  • cb, cb)

  • id MessageId - the id of the thing you're inspecting for links

A generic link updating method, this figures out what sort of link it is and updates accordingly., details, cb)

  • id MessageId - the id of the thing you're inspecting for links
  • details Object - same as #create method details (except you can't change recps here)
  • cb, details, cb)

  • id MessageId - the id of the thing you're inspecting for links
  • details Object which accepts optional inputs details.reason, details.undo = true

Find all links of type type attached to a particular messaged id., type, cb)

  • id MessageId - the id of the thing you're inspecting for links
  • type String - the "type" of links you want to surface (e.g link/story-artefact)
  • cb

Find all links of a particular "type", with options to narrow that query down., opts, cb)

  • type String - one of the valid link types this module works with
  • opts Object - see ssb-crut list opts

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