is a library used to create code generation packages.
is heavily influenced by gulp, and takes advantage
of node-streams.
Generally speaking, globs are submitted to src-gen
functions that
target a set of files in a template directory. Those files are then
processed, or copied, and output into a target directory.
In practice most files in a template are pass-through copies of files in the source directory, but some files are also templated via embedded JS as provided by Lodash templating. By default a file with a .ftl extensions is processed as template and the resulting output is placed in the target directory in a file of the same name without the .ftl extension. So a file source/package.json.ftl in the source directory is process and output into target/package.json.
However, a source generation template isn't limited to embeded JS and copies. The full power of Node and NPM modules are also available. The idea though is to leverage processing streams based on globs, and process each file.
Here is some good reading material on Gulp streams: gulpy, gulp-vision.
The idea behind this src-gen
is to help easily create new templates
for code generation tasks. I've used the lib to create procs,
new-npms, static nginx sites, even pom.xml based maven java projects.
Additionally, there is a command line that executes src-gen
templates. Link forth-coming.
%> npm install src-gen --save
is geared around globs and pipes, just like gulp.
So, given a directory structure like this:
├── gitignore
├── index.js.ftl
├── license
├── package.json
├── src
│ └──
├── tests
│ ├── lib
│ │ └──
│ └── src
│ └──
└── travis.yml
Produced via: (M-1 M-! tree --noreport files/source/test1/new-npm)
Then we can merge a number of processing commands. The code below
shows how this might be done in coffee. First the rungen
is created which takes an options object with the source, target,
name, etc. With opts
is initialized. It will use the
source directory as cwd while creating streams for processing files,
and then target as the dest() of the output streams. These are
concepts from gulp
in general, but really they are the interface to
= # Alias of project name as derived from directory. # May need to sanitize name to make it a proper symbol. opts.symbol = optsnamereplace'-''' require'src-gen'opts gen copy'**/*.coffee''license''''travis.yml' file'package.json'toJsonpackageFileopts to'gitignore''.gitignore' to'src/'".coffee" to'tests/src/'"" to'index.js.ftl''index.js' on'end' if !err? and !opts$isTesting run 'npm install coffee-script lodash nject moment --save' 'npm install mocha chai gulp --save-dev' 'git init' "chmod +x " 'npm test' done else done
See license file.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0, which can be found in the file 'license' at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.