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npm install --save spotify-api-client


The spotify API client adds the following methods you can utilize:

Please consult the Spotify Web API docs for further reference on what data you can expect in response to calling the following methods.

findArtist(query [, options])

import Spotify from 'spotify-api-client';
Spotify.findArtist('The Beatles') 
// returns promise containing Spotify API response 
// to a GET request to the following URL:
// ''

The response looks like this:

  "artists" : {
    "href" : "",
    "items" : [ {
      "external_urls" : {
        "spotify" : ""
      "followers" : {
        "href" : null,
        "total" : 3237488
      "genres" : [ "british invasion", "classic rock", "merseybeat", "protopunk", "psychedelic rock", "rock" ],
      "href" : "",
      "id" : "3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2",
      "images" : [ {
        "height" : 1000,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 1000
      }, {
        "height" : 640,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 640
      }, {
        "height" : 200,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 200
      }, {
        "height" : 64,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 64
      } ],
      "name" : "The Beatles",
      "popularity" : 84,
      "type" : "artist",
      "uri" : "spotify:artist:3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2"
    } ],
    "limit" : 1,
    "next" : "",
    "offset" : 0,
    "previous" : null,
    "total" : 37

The default options for the findArtist request are limit=1 and offset=0. This means that the findArtist function will return the top match to a certain query for an artist by default. If you would like to override either of these defaults, you can pass an options object as a second parameter, specifying the limit or offset you would prefer, like so:

Spotify.findArtist('The Beatles', {limit: 4, offset: 1})
// returns promise containing Spotify API response to 
// a GET request to the following URL:
// ''

The response looks similar, except the items array on the response object will now have 4 objects in it, corresponding to the top 2-5 Artist matches for 'The Beatles' query.

findAlbum(query [, options])

import Spotify from 'spotify-api-client';
Spotify.findAlbum('Abbey Road')
// returns promise containing Spotify API response
// to a GET request to the following URL:
// ''

The response looks like this:

  "albums" : {
    "href" : "",
    "items" : [ {
      "album_type" : "album",
      "artists" : [ {
        "external_urls" : {
          "spotify" : ""
        "href" : "",
        "id" : "3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2",
        "name" : "The Beatles",
        "type" : "artist",
        "uri" : "spotify:artist:3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2"
      } ],
      "available_markets" : [ "CA", "MX", "US" ],
      "external_urls" : {
        "spotify" : ""
      "href" : "",
      "id" : "0ETFjACtuP2ADo6LFhL6HN",
      "images" : [ {
        "height" : 640,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 640
      }, {
        "height" : 300,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 300
      }, {
        "height" : 64,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 64
      } ],
      "name" : "Abbey Road (Remastered)",
      "type" : "album",
      "uri" : "spotify:album:0ETFjACtuP2ADo6LFhL6HN"
    } ],
    "limit" : 1,
    "next" : "",
    "offset" : 0,
    "previous" : null,
    "total" : 110

Again, if you'd like to override the default values for limit and offset, you can pass an options object as a second argument like so:

Spotify.findAlbum('Abbey Road', {limit: 6, offset: 3})
// returns promise containing Spotify API response
// to a GET request to the following URL:
// ''

As before, your response will be adjusted accordingly.

findTrack(query [, options])

import Spotify from 'spotify-api-client';
Spotify.findTrack('Come Together')
// returns promise containing Spotify API response 
// to a GET request to the following URL:
// ''

The response looks like this:

  "tracks" : {
    "href" : "",
    "items" : [ {
      "album" : {
        "album_type" : "album",
        "artists" : [ {
          "external_urls" : {
            "spotify" : ""
          "href" : "",
          "id" : "3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2",
          "name" : "The Beatles",
          "type" : "artist",
          "uri" : "spotify:artist:3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2"
        } ],
        "available_markets" : [ "CA", "MX", "US" ],
        "external_urls" : {
          "spotify" : ""
        "href" : "",
        "id" : "0ETFjACtuP2ADo6LFhL6HN",
        "images" : [ {
          "height" : 640,
          "url" : "",
          "width" : 640
        }, {
          "height" : 300,
          "url" : "",
          "width" : 300
        }, {
          "height" : 64,
          "url" : "",
          "width" : 64
        } ],
        "name" : "Abbey Road (Remastered)",
        "type" : "album",
        "uri" : "spotify:album:0ETFjACtuP2ADo6LFhL6HN"
      "artists" : [ {
        "external_urls" : {
          "spotify" : ""
        "href" : "",
        "id" : "3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2",
        "name" : "The Beatles",
        "type" : "artist",
        "uri" : "spotify:artist:3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2"
      } ],
      "available_markets" : [ "CA", "MX", "US" ],
      "disc_number" : 1,
      "duration_ms" : 259946,
      "explicit" : false,
      "external_ids" : {
        "isrc" : "GBAYE0601690"
      "external_urls" : {
        "spotify" : ""
      "href" : "",
      "id" : "2EqlS6tkEnglzr7tkKAAYD",
      "name" : "Come Together - Remastered",
      "popularity" : 71,
      "preview_url" : "",
      "track_number" : 1,
      "type" : "track",
      "uri" : "spotify:track:2EqlS6tkEnglzr7tkKAAYD"
    } ],
    "limit" : 1,
    "next" : "",
    "offset" : 0,
    "previous" : null,
    "total" : 4227

As with the previous methods, you can pass an optional options object to override the defaults for limit and offset like so:

import Spotify from 'spotify-api-client';
Spotify.findTrack('Come Together', {limit: 10})
// returns promise containing Spotify API response 
// to a GET request to the following URL:
// ''

This can be useful if you're searching for a song that has covers by many different artists that have been released on many different albums (Like Come Together!).

getTracks(artistId [, country])

import Spotify from 'spotify-api-client';
Spotify.findArtist('The Beatles')
       .then((json) => {
         let beatlesId = json.artists.items[0].id;
         // returns a promise containing Spotify API response 
         // to a GET request to the following URL: 
         // ''

The response looks like this:

  "tracks" : [ {
    "album" : {
      "album_type" : "album",
      "artists" : [ {
        "external_urls" : {
          "spotify" : ""
        "href" : "",
        "id" : "3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2",
        "name" : "The Beatles",
        "type" : "artist",
        "uri" : "spotify:artist:3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2"
      } ],
      "available_markets" : [ "CA", "MX", "US" ],
      "external_urls" : {
        "spotify" : ""
      "href" : "",
      "id" : "0ETFjACtuP2ADo6LFhL6HN",
      "images" : [ {
        "height" : 640,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 640
      }, {
        "height" : 300,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 300
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        "height" : 64,
        "url" : "",
        "width" : 64
      } ],
      "name" : "Abbey Road (Remastered)",
      "type" : "album",
      "uri" : "spotify:album:0ETFjACtuP2ADo6LFhL6HN"
    "artists" : [ {
      "external_urls" : {
        "spotify" : ""
      "href" : "",
      "id" : "3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2",
      "name" : "The Beatles",
      "type" : "artist",
      "uri" : "spotify:artist:3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2"
    } ],
    "available_markets" : [ "CA", "MX", "US" ],
    "disc_number" : 1,
    "duration_ms" : 185733,
    "explicit" : false,
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      "isrc" : "GBAYE0601696"
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    "href" : "",
    "id" : "6dGnYIeXmHdcikdzNNDMm2",
    "name" : "Here Comes The Sun - Remastered",
    "popularity" : 74,
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    "uri" : "spotify:track:6dGnYIeXmHdcikdzNNDMm2"
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        "id" : "3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2",
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        "type" : "artist",
        "uri" : "spotify:artist:3WrFJ7ztbogyGnTHbHJFl2"
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Please consult the Spotify Web API Docs for the Artist Top Tracks endpoint for more details.



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