Speak To Me - Mozilla Speech Recognition API
Node.js module for SpeakToMe, Mozilla's Speech-to-text REST API.
Supports recording of audio on local system, encoding and sending the recording to Mozilla's service for processing, and retrieval of results.
Support for recording from system or USB mics is through the mic
package, which depends on installation OS-specific recording utilities:
Windows and Mac OS X require SOX and Linux requires ALSA tools.
Windows: Download and install SOX from the website
sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils
Mac OS X:
brew install sox
Install via npm:
npm install speaktome-node
var speech = ; speech;
Development Notes
Install opus-tools for command line utilities to test Opus encoding/decoding/playback
brew intall opus-tools
Command for encoding raw sound files recorded from system microphone to Opus
opusenc --raw --raw-rate 16000 --raw-chan 1 recording.raw recording.opus