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SPDT - Storybook Puppeteer Declarative Testing

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Declarative testing of isolated React components using storybook (v4) as a renderer and puppeteer+jest as a test runner.

It's not yet another testing framework. It's just the way how to implement DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle for testing React components.

  • write a fixture - props for React component
  • add a declaration - a single line which describes what to test
  • write a simple storybook story
  • call npm run spdt to generate tests and run storybook server
  • call npm run spdt:test to run generated jest tests - puppeteer reads react components in storybook and calls assertions

Here is an example.

We have a React component to display a list of products.

// file: src/example/ProductList.jsx
const ProductList = ({list}) => (
    {list.map((item, index) => <div key={index} className="itemElement">{item}</div>)}
export default ProductList

We have some testing data (fixture) to render: ['apricot', 'banana', 'carrot'] We need to write a test to check that three items (with class .itemElement) will be rendered. Let's write a fixture in such a form:

// file: src/example/__tests__/ProductList.fixture.js
export default {
  listOfThree: {
    props: {
      items: ['apricot', 'banana', 'carrot']
    spdt: {
      checkSelector: {selector: '.itemElement', length: 3} // <----

That simple declaration checkSelector: {selector: '.itemElement', length: 3} makes spdt library to generate a test for you. No need to copy-paste unit tests any more. Just write a test pattern (declaration) once and reuse it over and over (see example testH1 below)

You can add as many fixtures as you want:

// file: src/example/__tests__/ProductList.fixture.js
export default {
  listOfThree: {
    props: {
      items: ['apricot', 'banana', 'carrot']
    spdt: {
      checkSelector: {selector: '.itemElement', length: 3} // <----
  listOfTwo: {
    props: {
      items: ['orange', 'tangerine']
    spdt: {
      checkSelector: {selector: '.itemElement', length: 2} // <----

The idea behind this module was to make testing of React+D3 components based on fixtures. However spdt can speed up testing of any React application

Here is a short description of the workflow:

  • create a React component, e.g Comment.js
  • create a fixture file with a set of properties for your component: Comment.fixture.js
  • create a story file Comment.story.js which is used by Storybook to generate versions of your component based on fixture file:
  • run npm run spdt:generate-story-index to generate .spdt/index.js file for Storybook
  • add asserts/expectations for the component in fixture file (see examples below)
  • run npm run spdt:generate-test-index to generate .spdt/test-index.generated.js file.
  • run npm run spdt:generate-tests to generate test files for each React component (which has story and fixture files), e.g. Comment.generated.spdt.js
  • run Storybook server npm run spdt:storybook
  • run generated tests using jest + puppeteer npm run spdt:test (in another terminal tab)

How to install spdt

  • Install it from npm npm i -D spdt
  • Run initialization node_modules/.bin/spdt:init It will copy config files (jest, puppeteer, storybook) to predefined folder (by default ./spdt )
  • Copy generated scripts from terminal to your package.json file
    "spdt:generate-story-index": "./node_modules/.bin/spdt:generate-story-index",
    "spdt:generate-test-index": "./node_modules/.bin/spdt:generate-test-index",
    "spdt:generate-tests": "./node_modules/.bin/spdt:generate-tests",
    "spdt:test": "jest --detectOpenHandles --config ./.spdt/jest.spdt.config.js",
    "spdt:test:chrome": "HEADLESS=false jest --detectOpenHandles --config ./.spdt/jest.spdt.config.js",
    "spdt:test:chrome:slow": "SLOWMO=1000 HEADLESS=false jest --detectOpenHandles --config ./.spdt/jest.spdt.config.js",
    "spdt:storybook": "start-storybook -p 9009 -c ./.spdt",
    "spdt": "npm run spdt:generate-story-index && npm run spdt:generate-test-index && npm run spdt:generate-tests && npm run spdt:storybook"

Which npm modules need to be installed

  • @storybook/react@5.x (if you still using storybook v4 please use version spdt@1.1.6)
  • @babel/node@^7.2 (@babel libs are used for generating test files)
  • @babel/core@^7.3
  • @babel/plugin-transform-runtime@^7.3
  • puppeteer@^1.20.0
  • jest-puppeteer@^4.2.0
  • react@16.x

How to use

For example you have a react component like this

// src/components/SimpleComponent+.js

import React from 'react'

export default function(props) {
  const { title, children } = props
  return (
    <div className="simple-component">
      <br />

Create a fixture file SimpleComponent.fixture.js inside of __tests__ folder near the component

// file src/components/__tests__/SimpleComponent.fixture.js

export default {
  fixtureOne: {
    props: {
      title: 'Component Title',
      children: 'Some children components',
    spdt: {
      checkSelector: 'div.simple-component',
  fixtureTwo: {
    props: {
      title: 'Another Title',
      children: 'Some children components',
    spdt: {
      checkSelector: 'div.simple-component',

Here is a schema of the fixture file

    [unique name of fixture]: {
        props: { ... }, // list of all props for your component
        spdt: { ... }, // list of assertions such as checkSelector, checkAxes, checkBars, checkArcs, etc.
    [another fixture]: ...


Create a file SimpleComponent.story.js inside of __tests__ folder

// file src/components/__tests__/SimpleComponent.story.js

const { storiesOf } = require('@storybook/react')
import SimpleComponent from '../SimpleComponent'
import fixtures from './SimpleComponent.fixture'

export default (storyGenerator) =>
    title: 'SimpleComponent',
    Component: SimpleComponent,

Now run npm run spdt to call four commands sequencially

  • spdt:generate-story-index - it will generate ./.spdt/index.js for Storybook
  • spdt:generate-test-index - it will generate a ./.spdt/test-index.generated.js for TestGenerator
  • spdt:generate-tests - it will generate <your component name>.generated.spdt.js files based on pairs (story.js + fixture.js)
  • spdt:storybook - it will run Storybook server, available at http://localhost:9009

If everything went well and Storybook started to work you can run generated tests

npm run spdt:test

example of a complicated component with dependencies such as Redux, Router

// file src/components/Article/Comment.js

import DeleteButton from './DeleteButton'
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import React from 'react'

const Comment = (props) => {
  const comment = props.comment
  const show = props.currentUser && props.currentUser.username === comment.author.username
  return (
    <div className="card">
      <div className="card-block">
        <p className="card-text">{comment.body}</p>
      <div className="card-footer">
        <Link to={`/@${comment.author.username}`} className="comment-author">
          <img src={comment.author.image} className="comment-author-img" alt={comment.author.username} />
        <Link to={`/@${comment.author.username}`} className="comment-author">
        <span className="date-posted">{new Date(comment.createdAt).toDateString()}</span>
        <DeleteButton show={show} slug={props.slug} commentId={comment.id} />

export default Comment

A file Comment.fixture.js inside of __tests__ folder

// file src/components/Article/__tests__Comment.fixture.js

export default {
  fixture1: {
    props: {
      comment: {
        id: 'id123',
        body: 'some text',
        author: {
          username: 'Author name',
          image: 'https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b6/89/81/b6898148bfa9df9e67330fca31571f9b.png',
        createdAt: 'Sat Aug 25 2018',
      slug: 'slug123',
      currentUser: {
        username: 'user name',
    spdt: {
      checkSelector: ['div.card', 'div.card-footer', 'img.comment-author-img']

A file Comment.story.js inside of __tests__ folder

import React from 'react'
import { Route, BrowserRouter, browserHistory } from 'react-router-dom'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import reducer from '../../../reducer'
import { createStore } from 'redux'
import Comment from '../Comment'
import fixtures from './Comment.fixture'
const { storiesOf } = require('@storybook/react')

const Component = (props) => (
    <Provider store={createStore(reducer)}>
      <BrowserRouter history={browserHistory}>
        <Route path="/" component={() => <Comment {...props} />} />

export default (storyGenerator) =>
    title: 'Comment',
    Component: Component,

Run npm run spdt and then npm run spdt:test in another terminal tab and you should see results of jest test runner

> npm run spdt:test

> react-redux-realworld-example-app@0.1.0 spdt:test .../react-redux-realworld-example-app
> jest --detectOpenHandles --config ./.spdt/jest.spdt.config.js

Setup Test Environment.
 PASS  src/components/Article/__tests__/Comment.generated.spdt.js
  Comment - fixture fixture1
    ✓ should find component matching selector [div.card] 1 time(s) (16ms)
    ✓ should find component matching selector [div.card-footer] 1 time(s) (8ms)
    ✓ should find component matching selector [img.comment-author-img] 1 time(s) (4ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       3 passed, 3 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.372s, estimated 2s
Ran all test suites.
Teardown Puppeteer
Teardown Test Environment.

SPDT Declarations

Use these declarations as keys in fixtures

export default {
  [fixture name]: {
    props: { ... },
    spdt: {
      [declaration name]: [declaration value]


Value can be

  • string , e.g. 'div.className'
  • object , e.g. {selector: 'div.className', length: 0}
  • array of strings or objects, e.g. ['div.className', {selector: 'li', length: 5}]

This assertion will generate a separate it test to check provided selector

    it('should find component matching selector [div.card] 1 time(s)', async () => {
      const components = await page.$$('div.card')
      const expected = 1


Value can be

  • object, with required keys { selector: 'div.className', expected: 'value-of-attribute', attribute: 'name-of-attribute'}
  • array of objects, e.g. [{selector:'div', expected:'x', attribute:'y'}]


Value can be of Boolean type

  • value true means that it test will be generated to check svg tag is present on the page
  • value false means that it test won't be generated
    it('should load component as <svg>', async () => {
      const component = await page.$('svg')
      expect(component._remoteObject.description).toMatch('svg') // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle


Value can be of Number type

  • value means the number of expected axes of D3 chart based on selector g.axis
    it('should have ${checkAxes} axes', async () => {
      const axes = await page.$$('g.axis')
      const expected = ${checkAxes}


Value can be of Boolean type

  • value true means that it test will be generated to check selector rect.bar has found elements as many as in array fixture.props.data
  • value false means that it test won't be generated
    it('should have ${checkBarsValue} bars according to fixture data', async () => {
      const bars = await page.$$('rect.bar')
      const expected = ${checkBarsValue} // fixture.props.data.length


Value can be of Boolean type

  • value true means that it test will be generated to check selector path.arc has found elements as many as in array fixture.props.data
  • value false means that it test won't be generated
    it('should have ${checkArcsValue} arcs according to fixture data', async () => {
      const arcs = await page.$$('path.arc')
      const expected = ${checkArcsValue} // fixture.props.data.length

Custom Declarations

When you run initialization node_modules/.bin/spdt:init it creates the file test-declarations.js and a directory custom-declarations in the folder .spdt Use the example testH1 declaration as a guideline to add more custom declarations

General requirements

  • The file test-declarations.js should export an object.
  • The key of the object is the name of a custom declaration
  • The value of the object is a function which takes a fixture and returns a string - generated it test for puppeteer+jest environment


const declarationTestH1 = (fixture) => {
  const { testH1 } = (fixture && fixture.spdt) || {}
  let selector
  let value
  if (typeof testH1 === 'string') {
    selector = 'h1'
    value = testH1
  if (!selector || !value) {
    return null
  return `
    it('testH1: should find component matching selector [${selector}] with value ${value}', async () => {
      const components = await page.$$eval('[id=root] ${selector}', elements => elements.map(e => e.innerText))
      const expected = '${value}'

module.exports = {
  testH1: declarationTestH1,

Continuous Integration workflow

  • make sure you have installed the module start-server-and-test
npm i -D start-server-and-test
  • check package.json icludes these script commands
    "spdt:storybook:ci": "start-storybook --ci --quiet -p 9009 -c ./.spdt",
    "spdt:ci": "npm run spdt:generate-story-index && npm run spdt:generate-test-index && npm run spdt:generate-tests && npm run spdt:storybook:ci",
    "ci": "start-server-and-test spdt:ci 9009 spdt:test"
  • just run npm run ci

  • module start-server-and-test does the magic:

    • it executes npm run spdt:ci
    • it listens when the port 9009 is available (storybook is up and running)
    • it runs the tests npm run spdt:test
    • it stops storybook when tests end

New features

Check out helpers folder with several high order functions

  • withParent - simple way to wrap a component with a div tag with some css styles
  • withRouter - it wraps a component with Router from react-router-dom
  • withStoreFromFixture - simple way to provide some values to redux store from the fixture
  • withTheme - a wrapper in case you use material-ui

Check out new custom declarations in custom-declarations folder

  • checkInnerText
  • checkInnerTexts
  • checkValue

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  • sseletskyy