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SPARQL Transformer

Write your SPARQL query directly in the JSON-LD you would like to have in output.

JavaScript package. Try it with the Playground.

Looking for the Python one?


  • The parameter $libraryMode allows to perform the pagination on the merged objects, obtaining exactly n=$limit objects
  • It is now possible to set a different merging anchor instead of id/@id using the $anchor modifier.

Table of Contents

You want to learn more? Watch this Tutorial

Query in JSON

The core idea of this module is writing in a single file the query and the expected output in JSON.

Two syntaxes are supported: plain JSON and JSON-LD. Here the examples in the 2 formats for the query of cities.

  • plain JSON
  "proto": [{
    "id" : "?id",
    "name": "$rdfs:label$required",
    "image": "$foaf:depiction$required"
  "$where": [
    "?id a dbo:City",
    "?id dbo:country dbr:Italy"
  "$limit": 100
  "@context": "",
  "@graph": [{
    "@type": "City",
    "@id" : "?id",
    "name": "$rdfs:label$required",
    "image": "$foaf:depiction$required"
  "$where": [
    "?id a dbo:City",
    "?id dbo:country dbr:Italy"
  "$limit": 100

The syntax is composed by two main parts.

The prototype

The @graph/proto property contains the prototype of the result as I expect it. When the value should be taken from the query result, I declare it using the following syntax:

$<SPARQL PREDICATE>[$modifier[:option...]...]

The subject of the predicate is the variable (declared of automatically assigned) of the closer mergin anchor in the structure, which is the @id/id property (if it exists, otherwise is the default ?id). The SPARQL variable name is manually (with the $var modifier) or automatically assigned.

Some modifiers can be present after, separated by the $ sign. The : prepend the options for a given modifier.

$required n/a When omitted, the clause is wrapped by OPTIONAL { ... }.
$sample n/a Extract a single value for that property by adding a SAMPLE(?v) in the SELECT
$lang :lang[string, optional] FILTER by language. In absence of a language, pick the first value of $lang in the root.
Ex. $lang:it, $lang:en, $lang.
$bestlang :acceptedLangs[string, optional] Choose the best match (using BEST_LANGMATCH) over the languages according to the list expressed through the Accept-Language standard. This list can be appended after the : or expressed as $lang in the root.
Ex. $bestlang, $bestlang:en;q=1, it;q=0.7 *;q=0.1
$var :var[string] Specify the variable that will be assigned in the query, so that it can be referred in the root properties (like $filter). If missing, a ? is prepended.
Ex. $var:myVariable, $var:?name
$anchor n/a Set this property as merging anchor. The set is valid for the current level in the JSON tree, ignoring eventual id/@id sibling properties. Ex. "a":"?example$anchor" sets?example as subject of SPARQL statements and merges the final results on the a property.
$reverse n/a Set this property for use the current variable as subject of the SPARQL predicate, rather than object.
$count $sum $min $max $avg n/a Return the respective aggregate function (COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVG) on the variable.
$langTag "hide", "show" (default) When hide, language tags are not included in the output.
Ex. hide => "label":"Bologna" ;
show => "label":{"value": "Bologna", "language": "it"}
$accept "string", "number", "boolean" If set, values of type different from the specified one are discarded.
$alist n/a When set, the interested property value would always be a list, even if with a single element.

In this way, I specify a mapping between the JSON-LD output properties and the ones in the endpoint. The values non prepended by a $ are transferred as is to the output.

The root $ properties

The $-something root properties allow to make the query more specific. They will be not present in the output, being used only at query level. The supported properties are:

$where string, array Add where clause in the triple format.
Ex. "$where": "?id a dbo:City"
$values object Set VALUES for specified variables as a map. The presence of a lang tag or of the '$lang' attribute attached to the related property is taken in account.
Ex. "$values": {"?id": ["dbr:Bari", ""]}
$limit number LIMIT the SPARQL results
$limitMode query (default) or library Perform the LIMIT operation in the query or on the obtained results (library)
$from string(uri) Define the graph FROM which selecting the results
$offset number OFFSET applied to the SPARQL results
$distinct boolean (default true) Set the DISTINCT in the select
$orderby string, array Build an ORDER BY on the variables in the input.
Ex. "$orderby":["DESC(?name)","?age"]
$groupby string, array Build an GROUP BY on the variables in the input.
Ex. "$groupby":"?id"
$having string, array Allows to declare the content of HAVING. If it is an array, the items are concatenated by &&.
$filter string, array Add the content as a FILTER.
"$filter": "?myNum > 3"
$prefixes object set the prefixes in the format "foaf": "".
$lang :acceptedLangs[string] The default language to use as $bestlang (see above), expressed through the Accept-Language standard.
Ex. $lang:en;q=1, it;q=0.7 *;q=0.1
$langTag "hide", "show" (default) When hide, language tags are not included in the output. Similar to the inline $langTag, but acting at a global level.
Ex. hide => "label":"Bologna" ;
show => "label":{"value": "Bologna", "language": "it"}

The @context property (for the JSON-LD version) will be transferred to the output.

The output of this query is intended to be:

  • for the plain JSON, an array of object with the shape of the prototype;
  • for the JSON-LD, an array of object with the shape of the prototype in the @graph property and with a sibling @context.

How to use

Install in nodeJS

Install by npm.

npm install sparql-transformer

Add to the application.

import sparqlTransformer from 'sparql-transformer';

Install in the browser

SPARQL Transformer is exposed as ES Module. We rely on getlibs until the technology will allow to use "bare" import specifier.

<script src=""></script>
<script>sparqlTransformer = System.import('')</script>


sparqlTransformer(query, options)
  .then(res => console.log(res))
  .catch(err => console.error(err););

The first parameter (query) is the query in the JSON-LD format. The JSON-LD can be:

  • an already parsed JS object (or defined real time),
  • ONLY if running in NodeJS, the local path of a JSON file (that will then be read and parsed).

The options parameter is optional, and can define the following:

context The value in @context. It overwrites the one in the query.
sparqlFunction null A function receiving in input the transformed query in SPARQL, returning a Promise. If not specified, the module performs the query on its own1 against the specified endpoint.
endpoint Used only if sparqlFunction is not specified.
debug false Enter in debug mode. This allow to print in console the generated SPARQL query.
params {} Additional parameters to pass to the HTTP query

See test.js for further examples.


If you use this module for your research work, please cite:

Pasquale Lisena, Albert Meroño-Peñuela, Tobias Kuhn and Raphaël Troncy. Easy Web API Development with SPARQL Transformer. In 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Auckland, New Zealand, October 26-30, 2019.

BIB file

Pasquale Lisena and Raphaël Troncy. Transforming the JSON Output of SPARQL Queries for Linked Data Clients. In WWW'18 Companion: The 2018 Web Conference Companion, April 23–27, 2018, Lyon, France.

BIB file

1: Using a lightweight SPARQL client.

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