Source Template
Is a source code generator based in simple templates system.
The Main Idea is have a template for your common taks and generate your code faster.
And provide a better and comfortable way to share the configuration files for your open source projects.
I used have a txt file with the next information:
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/<>/httpdocs
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/<>/*
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/<>
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/<>.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin info@<>
ServerName <>
ServerAlias www.<>
DocumentRoot /var/www/<>/httpdocs
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
<Directory "/var/www/<>/httpdocs ">
AllowOverride All
sudo a2ensite <>
sudo service apache2 restart
and any time I need to create a new domain, and I replace <> and then I used the code.
Looks no so hard, but what happen when the templates are much complex and longer
Source Template solve this problem creating a way to detect all replaceable data and asking you one by one and give a usable result, in clipboard or in downloadable files
#if it has not been installed
npm install --save react
npm install --save react-dom
npm install --save simpl-schema
npm install --save source-template
Source Template use and use the same principle. For now only 3 blocks are implemented, (is very easy to implement more, and I will, when these are necessary)
- Simple replace Just wrap the value inside '{{' '}}'
return (
<MyComponent prop1={ {{prop1}} } prop2={ '{{prop2}}' } />
Here the component will ask you for pro1 && prop2 value and will return:
//you enter prop1='5' and prop2='19'
return (
<MyComponent prop1={ 5 } prop2={ '19' } } />
- Loops Create a block {{#each options}}values of options {{value}}{{/each}} where optioms is a array like [{value:'value1'},{value:'value2'}]
const options=[
{{#each options}}
return (
<MyComponent options={options} />
Here the component will ask you for options[0].value, options[1].value, , options[2].value... and will give you
//you enter options[0].value='1', options[1].value='2', , options[2].value='3'
const options=[
return (
<MyComponent options={options} />
- If Create a block {{#if condition}}If line only will be printer if cond is a true value{{/each}} where condition is any value of other var
{{#if useComponent1}}
import MyComponent1 from './MyComponent1'
import MyComponent2 from './MyComponent2'
return (
{{#if useCompoent1}}
<MyComponent1 options={[0,1,2]} />
<MyComponent2 options={[0,1,2]} />
Here the component will ask you for useComponent1... and will give you
//you enter useComponent1 'no' or false or any false value
import MyComponent2 from './MyComponent2'
return (
<MyComponent2 options={[0,1,2]} />
The example above can be simplify:
import {{YourComponent}} from './{{YourComponent}}'
return (
<{{YourComponent}} options={[0,1,2]} />
Advance template
You can set advanced features to teplate fields with comments. Source Template use a parser
Use @param tag for set your advanced features anywhere in the code, together or separated
* @param {string=} value - there the description of value
- Where 'value' is the name of the field bettwen {{ }}
- Where 'string' is the field type in the form, can be 'val1'|'val2'|'val3' for enum (select)
- Where '=' determine if is optional or not, omit for required
React Component
const MyComponent={ const data= Collection: 'Meteor.users' publicationName: 'users' const publicationsTemplate=` Meteor.publish('{{publicationName}}',function(filters,limit){ const query=buildQuery(filters) return {{Collection}}.find(query,{limit}) } ` const onTemplateChange= const onDataChange= return <SourceTemplate data=data allowEdit=true template=publicationsTemplate onDataChange=onDataChange onTemplateChange=onTemplateChange/> }
SourceTemplate accept 4 properties
template Required String. String with source code handlebar style template
data* Dummy data for showing propouse
onTemplateChange Called when the user change the template, probably you don't need to use this if your are sharing your template,
onDataChange Called when the user fill the form and submit, the idea is save this data in a parent component for example and shared among the other templates with the same fields
Every help or suggest is welcome
And please help me with the english