TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.5.4 • Public • Published


version npm

A collection of components for building resizable panels.


import { PanelGroup, Panel, ResizeHandle } from "solid-resizable-panels";
// Don't forget to import styles!
import "solid-resizable-panels/styles.css";

const TestApp = () => {
  return (
    <PanelGroup direction="row">
        onCollapse={() => console.log("collapsed")}
        onExpand={() => console.log("expanded")}
      <ResizeHandle />
      <Panel id="2">hi 2!</Panel>


import { ParentComponent } from "solid-js";

export declare type Direction = "row" | "column" | "row-reverse" | "column-reverse";

export declare type LayoutItem = {
  id: string;
  size?: number;
  /** A number from 0 to 100 */
  minSize: number;
  /** A number from 0 to 100 */
  maxSize: number;
  collapsible: boolean;

export declare interface Logger {
  warn(message: string): void;
  error(message: string): void;

export declare const Panel: ParentComponent<PanelProps>;

export declare const PanelGroup: ParentComponent<PanelGroupProps>;

export declare type PanelGroupAPI = {
   * Returns the current layout of the panels
  getLayout(): number[];
   * Set the layout of the panels
   * The layout should be aligned with configuration of the panels (minSize, maxSize, collapsible and etc.)
  setLayout(layout: number[]): void;
   * Trying to collapse the panel to it's minSize
  collapse(panelId: string): void;
   * Expand the panel to its maximum possible size
   * You can also pass the size to expand the panel to
   * (it should be between minSize and maxSize)
  expand(panelId: string, expandSize?: number): void;

export declare interface PanelGroupProps {
   * A flex-direction property applied to the element
   * @default "row"
  direction?: Direction;
   * If the parent element has CSS zoom property
   * The zoom value should be passed to eliminate visual bugs during resizing
  zoom?: number;
   * If the parent element has CSS scale property
   * The scale value should be passed to eliminate visual bugs during resizing
  scale?: number;
   * Rendered HTML tag
   * @default "div"
  tag?: string;
   * Extra class passed to panel DOM element.
  class?: string;
   * A logger to be used for diagnostic messages
  logger?: Logger;
   * API setter for the parent component
   * You can use this API to get and set the layout of the panels
  setAPI?: (api: PanelGroupAPI) => void;
   * A callback called during resize
  onLayoutChange?: (sizes: number[]) => void;
   * You can pass custom resize algorithm and implemenent custom resize logic
   * This algorithm is called every time on items resize (mousemove or touchmove)
   * So it should return the final state of the items
   * @returns The sizes of the items on the current resize event (mousemove or touchmove)
  resizeAlgorithm?: ResizeAlgorithm;

export declare interface PanelProps {
  id: string;
   * Index of the panel within panel group.
   * Should be passed when conditional panels used.
   * @default undefined
  index?: number;
   * Rendered HTML tag
   * @default "div"
  tag?: string;
   * Initial size of the panel in percent.
   * @default computed according to layout
  initialSize?: number;
   * Minimum size of the panel in percent.
   * @default 0
  minSize?: number;
   * Maximum size of the panel in percent.
   * @default 100
  maxSize?: number;
   * Is panel collapsible
   * @default false
  collapsible?: boolean;
   * Extra class passed to panel DOM element.
  class?: string;
  /** A callback called when the panel becomes collapsed */
  onCollapse?: VoidFunction;
  /** A callback called when the panel becomes expanded */
  onExpand?: VoidFunction;
  /** A callback called when size changes */
  onResize?: (newSize: number) => void;

export declare type ResizeAlgorithm = (
  /** Current state of layout */
  resolvedLayout: ResolvedLayoutItem[],
  sizesOnResizeStart: number[],
  resizableItemIndex: number,
   * Delta size is computed from the initial size (before resize) and current state
  deltaSize: number
) => number[];

export declare const ResizeHandle: ParentComponent<ResizeHandleProps>;

export declare interface ResizeHandleProps {
   * Disables the handle
   * @default false
  disabled?: boolean;
   * Rendered HTML tag
   * @default "button"
  tag?: string;
   * Extra class passed to panel DOM element.
  class?: string;

export declare type ResolvedLayoutItem = Required<LayoutItem>;




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  • v-lipatov