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3.2.0 • Public • Published


Automatic view model for solid-js


This package aims to provide reactive objects, is similiar to createMutable() but with a few differences

  • Seamless: It works with classes and, hopefully, any kind of JavaScript object in a completely transparent way
  • Customizable: Greater control over the interactions with the proxy
  • Scoped: It doesn't automatically apply reactivity to children of reactive objects


Standard ProxyHandlers

The module provides a set of ProxyHandlers out-of-the-box that can be used to customize the reactive behaviours of objects. These handlers are available through inheritable classes, since the default ones haven't got any instance field you can use their prototype directly. Any instance field defined on handlers will be defined on their proxy, especially private fields. Each handler also provides static methods for introspection, these works on both the raw object and its reactive proxy. You should use the static methods provided by the handler you're actually using since they could be overridden adding more specific behaviours. For example:

import { MemoHandler } from "solid-model";

const raw = { /* ... */ };
const reactive = MemoHandler.create(raw);


  • is() (static): Tells whether the provided object is reactive
  • getProxy() (static): Gets the proxy of a reactive object
  • setProxy() (static): Sets the proxy of a reactive object
  • getRaw() (static): Gets the raw version of a reactive object
  • create() (static): Creates a proxy for an object using the current handler
  • detach() (static): Detaches the proxy from its target


Handler that makes an Atom under the hood for each field of its target

  • getStore() (static): Gets the object (Of type Store) that contains a Forcer for each tracked property
  • track(): Tracks the given key in the current effect
  • update(): Forces an update on the effects that are tracking the given key
  • compare(): Checks whether the value of a certain property has changed
  • tag(): Obtains a tag for given a property that will be used as a name for its related internals


Handler that provides a general-purpose DisposableOwner

  • getOwner() (static): Gets the DisposableOwner that handles the reactive resources of the current object
  • owner(): Method that's responsible for creating the DisposableOwner for each object that uses DisposableHandler


Handler that inherits the behaviours of ReactiveHandler and memoizes every getter of its target

  • getCache() (static): Gets the object (Of type Cache) that contains the memos of the cached getters
  • reset() (static): Deletes the memo of a property and notifies its update, thus forcing the memo to be recreated
  • memoize(): Creates and saves a memo for a property
  • circular(): Provides a fallback value for when a getter calls itself while being memoized


Handler that makes ReactiveArrays work with "solid-js"


The module also exposes some of its internal utilities

  • IDENTITY: Embedded from "solid-atom"
  • DisposableOwner: Explicitly disposable version of a "solid-js" Owner
  • Forcer: Object that allows ReactiveHandler to make properties reactive
  • Store: The type of the output of ReactiveHandler.getStore()
  • Cache: The type of the output of MemoHandler.getCache()
  • ForceTarget: Type that represents what can be targeted by ReactiveHandler.track() and ReactiveHandler.update()
  • CircularGetterError: Type of the error thrown by the base implementation of MemoHandler.circular()
  • Internal: A collection of symbols that each represents an internal of an object
  • staticCall(): Makes an instance function static
  • getGetter(): Gets the eventual getter of a property across the prototype chain


Reactive version of the Array

  • update(): Forces an update on all the effects that track the length of the current Array



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  • seanalunni