Smpp Client
Smpp client is a package to help a faster implement.
Use the package manager npm to install Smpp Client.
1. Creating a session
const {Client} = require("smpp-client"); const client = Client( "foo", "localhost", "2775", "username", "password", 10, publisher);
Name | Description |
name |
Name the client |
host |
IP or DNS to connect |
port |
Port smpp |
user |
Username to connect |
pass |
Password to connect |
enquire |
Time to send a enquire_link(seconds) |
publisher |
AMQP\Redis to publish the responses(DLR) |
2. Star the client
The start resume the session.
3. Stop the client
The stop pause the session.
4. Enable the client
The enable make the bind if server.
5. disable the client
The disable destroy de session if server.
6. Send a message
The send submit a submit pdu to the server.
client.send("Foo bar", +55999999999).then((response) => { console.log(response.message_id, response.command_status);});
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Built With
- node-smpp SMPP Base
- wiston Logger
- lodash
- iconv-lite