
0.9.23 • Public • Published

Provides access to SmartClient Power's client-side UI components documented here. Currently, using this module requires an environment, such as React or Angular, that defines "window" as a global with real browser document and navigator objects.


When installing a module in npm v7, console output is suppressed, and interactive output is not allowed. So by default, we now install without prompting wherever a default response is available. Please be patient as it may take a minute or more, depending on your connection and hardware, to finish, with no console updates to indicate progress.

Install module and SmartClient runtime(s):

npm install smartclient-power [flags]

Update/reconfigure SmartClient runtime(s) (must be run from module directory):

npm run reconfig [flags]

where the supported flags are:

--location=<directory>  where to install the SmartClient runtime(s);
                        default is to place runtime root (isomorphic)
                        in the dependent module directory

--branch=<number>       desired branch (e.g. 11.1); default is release

--date=<date>|latest    desired build date, in format YYYY-MM-DD,
                        or 'latest'; default is 'latest'

                        which runtime(s) to install; default is 'both'

--reference[=<boolean>] whether to keep the framework reference directory;
                        default is to not install it to save disk space

                        which skins (if any) to install; only the default
                        skin for the branch can be specified as <skinName>,
                        which is also the default if option isn't passed

--prompt[=<boolean>]    wait for input instead of assuming the default
                        response to all queries during install; default
                        is to not prompt during install or update in
                        npm versions 7 and above as it's not supported

--username=<string>     username for account on

--password=<string>     password for account on

--analytics[=<boolean>] install the optional Analytics module

--rtm[=<boolean>]       install the optional RealtimeMessaging module

After installation, command-line configuration is persisted, so command-line arguments only need to be supplied when updating if the desired configuration has changed. If a username and password aren't supplied via the above options, you will be prompted to enter them by the update script. A password typed in response to the script won't be persisted to your configuration, so you may choose to always enter it interactively for security.

Note that since 'npm update' no longer runs a module's update script if the version hasn't changed, you must use the command above, run from the module directory, to update the runtime(s) if the module has already been installed. (The smartclient-power module is versioned separately from nightly SDK builds.)

Command-line Examples

New install, selecting a specific branch and date:

npm install smartclient-power --branch=11.1 --date=2018-12-30

Update to latest nighlty build (run from module directory):

npm run reconfig --date=latest

Update to SmartClient 13.0 branch, installing all skins:

npm run reconfig --branch=13.0 --skins=all

npm v7

The install script for a module is no longer allowed to write output in npm v7, which means that we can no longer interactively query for decisions or show zip download progress. So, to still have a complete install process, the module now proceeds automatically, without waiting, wherever a default response is available for what was formerly an interactive query. Please be patient as the zip download and installation of framework, skins, and other assets may take more than a minute, during which no additional output indicating progress will be printed.

If you want to avoid unexpected hidden downloads or existing directories getting replaced, you can explicitly specify "--prompt", and in npm v7+, though it cannot actually prompt you, that will cause the minimal impact response to be assumed, rather than an automatic answer of "yes" to every question. So, for example, downloads will be skipped as well as removing files. You can then change to the module directory and do an "npm run reconfig ..." for full interaction.

Note that since there are no default responses for the "username" and "password" flags, if they are required, installation of assets will be skipped, unless you provide bindings on the command line initially for "npm install ...".

"Uninstall" is no longer a lifecycle event in npm v7, so a module's uninstall script declared in package.json no longer gets called during uninstallation. The recommended workaround is to run "npm run uninstall" from the module directory (in node_modules) before uninstalling.


If you are building a new Angular, React or similar application, and plan to use SmartClient pervasively throughout, you can just add an import declaration to your main.ts or App.tsx to make the framework available. However, if you are adding SmartClient to an existing application, and you only plan to use SmartClient for specific components like grids, or for Reify screens, consider using background download instead of importing SmartClient directly (importing causes SmartClient to load immediately on all pages).

To directly import the release or debug framework, respectively, in your application, you can write:

import 'smartclient-power/release';


import 'smartclient-power/debug';

To import a skin as well, such as "Tahoe", you can add:

import 'smartclient-power/skins/Tahoe';

To import one of the optional modules, you can write something like:

import 'smartclient-power/debug/rtm';


import 'smartclient-power/release/analytics';

to import the debug version of RealtimeMessaging or the release version of the Analytics module. (Note that you can't mix debug and release imports.)

If you want to refer to SmartClient APIs through your own constant, you can always insert a declaration such as:

const ISC: typeof isc = window['isc'];

after importing the framework.

Importing skins in Angular

In Angular, if you directly import the skin, you may need to also manually add the path to the skin_styles.css file for your skin to the src/styles.css file (or equivalent) for your app, in addition to importing the skin as described above.

For example, if you've installed the SmartClient runtime in the default location, and are importing Tahoe, you'd add the following to src/style.css in your app:

@import '../isomorphic/skins/Tahoe/skin_styles.css';

Note that if you are using the FileLoader to load a skin, it must be installed under src/assets (for example copied from isomorphic/skins) to work properly.


To provide typescript support, the installation process should automatically augment your tsconfig.json file to include SmartClient's typescript file.

Alternatively, you can copy the typescript declaration file, smartclient.d.ts, from the installed resources under the isomorphic directory to your app's source directory, and then import it from your app like:

import 'smartclient.d.ts';

Note that SmartClient's TypeScript support is intended for IDE auto-completion and inline documentation, not for transpilation. So, if you run into compile errors, you can always remove any reference to our TypeScript file from your own TS file and application, remove smartclient.d.ts from under src/assets (if present), and instead make TypeScript active for your IDE only. For further details, see the TypeScript support documentation for our framework or your IDE.



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