Powerful while effortless Markup-driven and Extendable forms.
SmarkForm is a powerful library for creating markup-driven and extendable forms in web applications.
SmarkForm empowers designers to enhance their form templates with advanced capabilities, such as dynamic list manipulation and context-based interactions, with no need to deal with complex JavaScript code.

- Easy to use Markup-driven and Intuitive API.
- Responsive and accessible UX across devices.
- Imports/Exports JSON supporting nested subforms (objects) and variable-length lists (arrays).
- Configurable context-driven keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys).
- No reliance on a specific HTML structure: Designers have complete freedom.
- No manual wiring between controls and fields.
- Lightweight (Only ~35KB minified), flexible and extendable.
- More...
As NPM package:
npm install smarkform
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Alternatively you can get SmarkForm through several other resources such as CDN and more...
For detailed usage instructions and API reference check out 📔 SmarkForm Reference Manual.
See our Live Examples.
- You can download each one and modify as you like.
See also interactive code snippets across the Reference Manual.
- They show relevant HTML, JS (and sometimes CSS).
- Try them out in the Preview tab.
- Don't miss the Notes tabs for relevant insights.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Before contributing, make sure to read our contribution guidelines.
You can find official SmarkForm documentation at:
👉 https://smarkform.bitifet.net
Documentation source can be found in /docs directory of this repository.
It uses Jekyll and just-the-docs Jekyll layout and it is automatically deployed by GitHub infrastructure anytime new revision is pushed..
To build SmarkForm documentation localloy you first need to install follow this instructions:
gem install jekyll bundler
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npm run doc
Then you will be able to see the documentation at http://localhost:4000
We would like to express our gratitude to the open source community for their valuable contributions and feedback.