The `SlotReel` class is a feature-rich, customizable, and extensible implementation of a 3D slot machine using Three.js. This library allows developers to integrate interactive slot machine experiences into web applications with ease.
➤ Install
yarn add slot-reel
➤ Import
import SlotReel from 'slot-reel';
➤ Usage
const slotReel = new SlotReel({
containerElSelector: '#slot-container',
spinButtonSelector: '#spin-button',
textureUrls: ['path/to/texture1.png', 'path/to/texture2.png', 'path/to/texture3.png'],
cylindersCount: 3,
geometryDimensions: [0.75, 0.75, 1],
radialSegments: 64,
symbolsPerReel: 5,
initialSegments: [1, 3, 5],
stopAtSegments: [2, 4, 5],
queuedSpinStates: [
{ stopAtSegments: [3, 1, 4], callback: () => console.log('First spin done!') },
{ stopAtSegments: [5, 4, 3], callback: () => console.log('Second spin done!') }
onAllSpinsComplete: () => console.log('All spins are complete!')
➤ Options
Option | Type | Default | Description |
containerElSelector |
string |
'' |
CSS selector for the container element. |
spinButtonSelector |
string |
'' |
CSS selector for the spin button. |
cameraDistance |
number |
10 |
Distance of the camera from the scene. |
textureUrls |
(string | URL)[] |
[] |
Array of texture image URLs for the cylinders. |
geometryDimensions |
[number, number, number] |
[1, 1, 1] |
Dimensions of the cylinder geometry (radius, height, depth). |
radialSegments |
number |
16 |
Number of radial segments on the cylinders. |
symbolsPerReel |
number |
5 |
The number of symbols evenly distributed across the surface of each reel. |
cylinderSpacingRatio |
number |
0 |
Ratio for spacing between cylinders. |
baseSpinSpeed |
number |
1 |
Base speed for spinning cylinders. |
spinAccelFactor |
number |
30 |
Acceleration multiplier for spinning speed. |
initialSegments |
number[] |
[] |
Initial segment indices for each cylinder. |
stopAtSegments |
number[] |
[] |
Array defining the segments where cylinders should stop. |
queuedSpinStates |
SpinState[] |
[] |
Queue of spin states, including stopping segments and callbacks. |
onAllSpinsComplete |
() => void |
undefined |
Callback triggered when all spins in the queue are completed. |
cylindersCount |
number |
3 |
Number of cylinders in the slot machine. |
decelerationEase |
number |
1.5 |
Factor controlling deceleration smoothness. |
cylinderStopDelayMs |
number |
250 |
Delay (ms) between stopping successive cylinders. |
➤ Methods
Method | Description |
init() |
Initializes the slot reel, setting up the scene, cylinders, and event listeners. |
➤ License
SlotReel is released under the MIT license.